2009-1-1 02:04:00
Ruth writes:
"If a lesser Avatar appears to the Jews in a physical body and takes over where Jesus left off, does this lesser Avatar have to go through the same type of initiation as Jesus had, or will he have a different sacrifice to make rather than dying on a cross?"
If he is born as a mortal he will have to repeat the initiations. Of course they are a different experience each time they are approached. Few are physically crucified for the fourth, for example. When repeating the initiations the difficulty is not as great as when approaching a new one to be mastered.
"What if the Jews do not recognize him (Jesus), or listen, because he is a different lesser Avatar?"
They probably will not. He could be someone like Benjamin Netanyahu that no one would associate with Jesus.
"If Jesus reappears as the Christ entity this time, or in the Christ Office, what initiation will he have to do and take?"
The Christ is working on his seventh. If he is reborn he will start at his first and work to finishing the seventh. If he just appears in a body or works by overshadowing he will work directly on the seventh.
In this time Jesus and the Christ will work on separate missions. Christ will not go to Sirius for over 1000 years from now.
It is an interesting thought you expressed that Paris Hilton could be Marilyn Monroe. I looked at both handwritings and there is a similarity in intelligence so this is a possibility. Good thinking.
Happy New Year!
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