2008-12-29 02:10:00
JJ being quoted from an earlier message:
"Sanat Kumara incarnated as the first man around 18 million years ago.
"I haven't any definite proof that Michael was either Melchizedek or Sanat Kumara. Most likely he is one of the Kumaras in Sanat's inner molecule."
"Quite often you quote Joseph Smith as having brought further light to man kind. It was Joseph who received the revelation that Michael was Adam.. No? It was D&C 27:11:
"'And also with Michael, or Adam, the father of all, the prince of all, the ancient of days;'
"Well looking at this now. It says Michael was the AOD [Ancient Of Days]? Or is this one of those scriptures that mixes two together? Or is this because the LDS [Mormons] don't know who the AOD is?"
As a point of interest that verse was not in the original revelation, but added later.
The LDS [Mormons] are only given a very small portion of truth as it relates to the history of the planet.
As an archangel, or Kumara, Michael would have come to the earth with Sanat Kumara 23 million years ago. The phrase "Ancient of Days" (AOD) [See Dan 7:13.] could indeed be applied to Sanat Kumara or any of his six associates.
A scripture key to understanding is given in Moses 1:34 which says:
"And the first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many."
There have been many Adams. I would assume that all four exoteric archangels have been Adams at one time or another in our long history. Each was the first of his kind, or race.
Consider this scripture:
"That you may come up unto the crown prepared for you, and be made rulers over many kingdoms, saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Zion, who hath established the foundations of Adam-ondi-Ahman; Who hath appointed Michael your prince, and established his feet,..." (D&C 78:15-16)
Daniel calls Michael "One of the chief princes." (Dan 10:13), but evidently one called "the Holy one of Zion" is higher than he. This would be Sanat Kumara who was the first Adam, the great Being in charge of the whole planet.
"I am of course making an assumption that Joseph did understand who AOD was, and that he was the first Adam; therefore the Adam/God doctrine. But then could have Michael been incarnated as the Adam of this last Adam?"
Hirum Smith, Joseph's brother, taught that there were prophets before Adam, and I am sure Joseph realized this and probably taught this to his brother. I do not think Joseph had many details about our history before the last Adam. The Jewish race was here before the last Adam and Michael seems to have a strong connection with them.
Michael comes from the Greek MICHAEL, which is derived from the Hebrew MIYKAEL, which, in turn, is derived from three words. First MIY, meaning "who" or "he." Secondly, KIY meaning "assuredly or surely," and finally EL which is translated as "God" or sometimes "mighty or strong."
The standard translation of Michael is "one who is like God," but if we translate without orthodox filters we can arrive at a more accurate meaning.
If we translate EL as God then it would most likely read "one who is assuredly God" or "he who is God." But if we translate EL as mighty and strong we get "he who is surely mighty and strong." This is particularly interesting when we consider that the identity of the mighty and strong one in Isaiah 28 has been a mystery to many students of scripture.
"I think the hardest thing for me right now is trying to figure out how each one of these entities plays in my communication with them. Of course being LDS it was understood that you speak with the Father by the way of the Son."
And that is not changed except one should understand that the doorway to higher communication is through the Christ principle, not an individual man who is busy with his own work. Just seek communion with God through the doorway of the inner Christ.
"Now is the Father the AOD? and the Son is The Christ? So Jesus himself without the The Christ is not the Son anymore? So I guess I have to look at the son as being Jesus Christ -- the two together?"
Seeking contact through the help of individuals is the same mistake that the Catholics make in using the saints as intermediaries to God. In reality there is just you, God and the inner Christ, the true mediator between the two.
Sometimes an individual entity will assist you, but even this contact is initiated from inner contact as a first step.
"I did not have this kind of dilemma when I converted from being a Catholic to LDS. LOL."
The computer is also very simple in principle, founded on a simple binary system. Yet this simple duality is expanded into extreme complexity. Even so, the foundation principles of godliness is simple, but in manifestation is complex to the extent that Joseph Smith was led to write: "For, behold, the mystery of godliness, how great is it!" (D&C 19:10)
The mysteries behind the works and life of God are great indeed, and even if one receives many revelations he will not comprehend them all.
Global Warming Enlightenment
2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved.
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