2008-12-22 00:49:00
Quoting JJ Dewey from Message Number 38851, Larry K. wrote the following in Message Number 38857:
"'Then you should be able to see that Molecular Politics can work. What principle are you using to conclude otherwise?'
Larry K. then continued with:
"So what has happened? Have you developed amnesia and forgotten all of the objections already raised? Apparently so.
"As been pointed out to you ad nauseum, you have to have a sufficient number of people willing to practice MP [Molecular Politics] before politicians are going to pay much attention to it. To do that you have to convince a lot of people to believe that MP is more important than their favorite causes. You have to convince them that it is better sometimes to let their pet causes lose and stick to MP anyway.
"I personally don't see you having sufficient success with that. You have not demonstrated in principle how you can get from point A to point B. Nor have you demonstrated how one overcomes the problems of democracy in a society that thinks that government is the solution to all problems."
To the above, JJ responded with:
You circumvented my question. But I ask again. What principle are you using to which I am blinded?
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