2008-12-22 00:27:00
In response to comments made by JJ Dewey in Message Number 38848, dated 2008-12-22; Larry K. (LWK) posted Message Number 38854, dated 2008-12-22, in which he began by quoting JJ:
"There was more democracy in our original republic than in various communist schemes as I said."
LWK then continued with the following:
"However, [in Message Number 38833] you also said:
"'There was much more democracy in our original Republic which allowed for majority will elections on several levels.'
"It appears that you are saying that there was more democracy in the original United States than today.
"You also wrote [in Message Number 38848]:
"'I knew you were going to bring up the Senate and that is why I wrote on several levels in hope of avoiding this objection.'
"Which seems to shore up the idea that you were thinking that the United States once had more democracy than it does now. Personally I think you need to stop worrying about how many levels you are talking on and be more clear what you mean.
"If you indeed believe that there was more democracy originally in the United States than today then you are obviously wrong. If you were just comparing the oringal United States to 'communist schemes' then that is true, but that is certainly no great intellectual feat to see that and whatever you were talking about it had little to do with what I was talking about.
Here is the exact context of what I said [in Message Number 38833]:
"There was a little democracy even in Communist Russia, but did it kill the empire or even hurt it in any way?
"There was much more democracy in our original Republic which allowed for majority will elections on several levels."
I was saying there was "much more democracy" in our original Republic than in communist Russia. I was not comparing early America with modern America.
If I were going to compare early and modern government I would have gone into additional factors which are at play.
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