2008-12-8 02:37:00
Larry Woods writes of a problem with an innovative political candidate getting elected:
"So if a candidate 'takes a stand' on any issue he will probably alienate say 25% of voters. If he and/or she takes a stand on four issues then he and/or she has virtually no voters left."
You are right Larry. The candidate who gives the least details about what he will actually do usually gets elected. Obama said almost nothing about what he would do except give us change and hope. This left the interpretation up to the public as to what change and hope would materialize.
The political candidates we will eventually endorse will only have one message and that is they will be committed to following the will of the people as I described in my treatise "Molecular Politics."
He will not just sit back and wait for the people to give their voice, but the politician of the future will be a teacher who will educate their constituents on the wisest policy. Molecular Politics operates on the assumption that when the people are accurately informed that the majority will choose wisely.
When people see that there are candidates who will follow the will of the people then many will be eager to vote for such a person and eventually the majority who get elected will be the molecular ones.
Molecular politics will be one very powerful agent of positive change. I will present another later in my next book, "Fixing America," when I can take the appropriate time to present it.
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved