2008-12-4 14:51:00
Sharon noted that numerous good teachers who come up with true and inspiring material arrive at such different opinions, especially in the political arena. Then she asks:
"What I don't understand, and causes me to question, is that we are all looking at the same facts. The same spiritual information is available to all via the Oneness Principle. Knowing that, shouldn't one plus one always be two? How can so many spiritual people interpret the information and facts before us in such a despairingly different way? I do see great challenges and great opportunities ahead of us for both individuals and nations. I also see enormous problems that must be addressed which have major ramifications. Why don't we all see similarly since we are starting with similar information that then gets interpreted via our souls?"
There are three reasons for this problem.
First, few people in the public arena have passed the third initiation where illusion is dispelled. All who have not achieved this will still cling to their foundation beliefs which have illusion or untruth within them. Such people are unwilling to let them go unless the truth hits them over the head with great force and it is undeniable.
Therefore, you can have two advanced people teach inspiring material yet in certain core areas the following can happen:
They cannot both be right and disagree.
Secondly, two people of equal advancement can be polarized in the right or left brain, or the emotions or mind. Those who are polarized in the emotions see solutions that feel right as being right. Those polarized in the mind see solutions that make sense as being right, even if they may not feel right.
The Republicans are basically left-brained and the Democrats right-brained.
These two individuals will fiercely disagree and argue, even if their spiritual evolution is similar.
The true disciple who has transcended illusion will balance the two energies and weight the tug from both feelings and mind. Then he will use the Second Key of Judgement.
Both of the above two individuals will argue with him from time to time and see him as in error.
A major problem the Brotherhood of Light is working on at present is moving the polarization of the world from the emotional base of the Piscean Age to the mental perspective of the Aquarian Age.
A third cause of the problem is focus. Many teachers are narrowly focused on areas of importance to them and they are not rounded off with information about opposing belief systems and thus do not know their reasons for belief and action. These will often criticize that which is not deserving of criticism setting off a no win disagreement.
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