2008-12-4 04:00:00
You said many true things about the Middle Way. You mentioned "extraordinary flexibility, capacity to deal with any situation, balanced outlook, choosing to act as an conscious agent of the divine spirit," and others. These are indeed qualities of the entity on the Middle Way path.
But the key of knowledge lies in knowing how to find the point in the middle. This is the hint to contemplate to find the revelation in the middle. Where is the middle and how do we find it? There is a key word involved. What is it?
I enjoyed your post on hierarchies. I liked your statement on teachers:
"Even the illusory parts of a teaching significantly speed things up for us if we are dedicated to knowing Truth."
If we are dedicated to knowing the truth we will indeed eventually see through all illusion.
You see the point that hierarchies are necessary, but the problem we currently have is that a great improvement is needed over the Piscean age where in some cases even the freedom to think was taken away.
I will elaborate on one point you made. Let me quote:
"Two people can be completely in harmony with Divine Spirit (Holy Spirit, the essence of God) and still disagree. How is this possible? Spirit is not a directing force, It is a vitalizing, supporting force; It is not an equalizing force, It is an individualizing force. In other words, God did not create us as spiritual clones!"
Concerning man's descent into matter and form; this is a true statement. However, as we ascend back toward spirit we are guided toward union, harmony and oneness, yet maintain our individual identity. I know from personal experience that it is possible to reach agreement on any point of truth. The trick is that one of the parties in the disagreement must have a point of truth because the Spirit of Truth will only affirm truth. If two people capable of spiritual contact seek that contact together, then the point of truth will be revealed without fail and unity will result. I have never had a failure in this as long as the other person is willing to take the steps to make the spiritual contact. When a point of truth is revealed through your soul it is impossible to deny to yourself unless you risk taking the dark path.
I posted some more of my thoughts on hierarchies. Hope you find them interesting.
I also gave another hint about the middle way. I will quote it for you:
"But the key of knowledge lies in knowing how to find the point in the middle. This is the hint to contemplate to find the revelation in the middle. Where is the middle and how do we find it? There is a key word involved. What is it?"
It is not compromise or moderation. The reason is that the average person who is far from grasping the Middle Way Path is capable of compromise and moderation. On the other hand, compromise and moderation are stepping stones to the Middle Way.
Hint: Decision is one of three aspects we have apart from our vehicles. The key word for the middle way is a second aspect that we have independent from the world of form.
Concerning your comments on 'Without decision there is no life." You mention that a rock has life, but makes no decisions. The rock has life within it but is not a unit of life.
We can make another statement. "Without, motion there is no life." There is motion and life within the rock but the rock itself is not an entity. Every decision results in some motion and every motion is the result of some decision somewhere. The lower lives existence and motion are the result of some conscious decision made somewhere. This is one of the powers that propels us into the kingdom of God -- the power to make a self-aware decision having the power to know that we can make a decision.
The coming of Christ is in three stages.
The first stage is the permeation of the teaching of the Christ consciousness and the rising of the Christ consciousness in the hearts and minds of numerous individuals.
This first stage is nearly complete.
The second state is called the "Overshadowing." Preparations have been made, but this stage is not yet complete. In this stage the Master teacher who was Melchizedek and later as Christ in the body of Jesus of Nazareth will come in and share the body of a disciple. In this stage the actual presence of the Christ will be on the earth, yet unrecognized.
In the third stage the Christ, if he deems it necessary will materialize a body for his own use. When, how and if this third stage will happen is a secret kept within the mind of God.
Many believe that the coming of Christ is merely the raising of the Christ consciousness. This is part of the entire plan, but only the first part. Such people forget that there was and is an individual Master who is the Christ and that every individual entity reappears periodically on the earth. The Christ is not an exception. He will indeed come again.
Now we hear that one who is called John claims he is the Christ. Not even Jesus made that claim. His works and his teachings claimed it for him. Nevertheless, let us put John to the test and ask him a question.
Let "LightServe" ask him one question and post the answer back to us. Ask him to teach us just one principle or at least a piece of knowledge that is not found in a commonly published book. I would prefer a principle because principles bring forth a flashing forth of light from the soul. If this light is stimulated it is evidence that a true teacher has occurred.
In the words of John that you quoted very popular admonitions were cited. Tell him to teach us something.
I'm sure all the readers of this forum will be interested in a response for few of us can journey to Cambria, California.
It would help if you were to argue with what I do say and believe, rather than with what I do not say and believe. I never talked about a hierarchy with a single physical leader. However, it is true that the hierarchy of light does have a single leader. This is the Holy Spirit. The reason the hierarchy of light is one is because they all receive confirmation from this single source. Without this confirmation oneness is only achieved by force, fear or deception as with the dark hierarchy. Yes, I agree with you the darkness is a necessary part of the program.
There is no physical hierarchy on the earth today that achieves oneness through the Holy Spirit. The difficult thing, however, is that hierarchies are necessary to accomplish anything of note. It doesn't matter whether the dominate force is male or female. You never gave me an example of an accomplishment done with no hierarchies that benefited the world.
You mention the [American] Indians, but all Indian tribes had Hierarchies. You have heard of Chiefs and medicine men haven't you? You have thousands of books with proven historical events to examine and find me an example. I'm sure there will be none. The reason? Hierarchy is a prerequisite to order in our past and foreseeable future.
In the hierarchy of light one is not "better" than another. The leaders do not force. They are true servants. In the dark hierarchies the problem is that the leaders control the people. In the light hierarchies the problem is reversed. The leaders, not the people are the servants and the people try and control the leaders. The servants are always the ones who are in danger of too much control because those being served always want the service enhanced and continued.
You seem to have a strong resistance to the possibility that anyone can teach you or lead you. Is this correct? If it is why do you feel that way?
What makes you think there is not a dominate atom or molecule in the various atomic orders? You have no proof of that. On the other hand I do have proof based on the law of correspondences. As above so below, as below so above. This is a basic metaphysical principle, but you won't learn it in chemistry class. McDonalds will have a correspondence in the atomic world and the principles that govern will be similar, but not exactly the same. All things in macrocosm have a correspondence in the microcosm.
You accuse me of being very black and white yet you are the one who teaches the one way to salvation: "through the heart only." I'm the one that teaches that mind and heart are two parts of a greater whole and both have necessary doors to take us back home. Who is really black and white here?
Love is bigger than the heart only. Love permeates mind, heart, solar plexus and even the body. You are limiting the power of love to a small part of ourselves. Love embraces the whole person, even the mind if we allow it. The whispers of Love can come through both the heart and mind and the intuition is only correctly perceived when heart and mind have been balanced. Without balance great deception will be present.
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