2008-12-1 01:37:00
I appreciate Kristin and Gudmundur for referring us to two interesting sites. I am always interested in checking out new philosophies, claims and supposed messiahs and prophets.
I am also glad to see JohnC post again and appreciate the reference he gave us.
Both the sites look interesting, but I spent the most time at the "askrealjesus" website since it had the most articles and made the greatest claim of authority.
The main guy is named Kim Michaels who claims to be channeling Jesus and sometimes another master or two. Some of the teachings are pretty interesting and sound like something Jesus might really say.
Michaels was originally a member of Summit Lighthouse, or Church Universal and Triumphant. This was started by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet. Mark died (or ascended as they say there) some time ago and his wife took over and ran the church for many years claiming to receive direct voice channeling from almost every master on the books including DK [Djwhal Khul].
I have read a number of her various channelings and noticed that every master Elizabeth Prophet channeled sounded like the same person with wisdom not exceeding her own intelligence. DK channeled by her certainly did not sound like DK, and I could find no new principles revealed through her.
Eventually, she received a grand revelation about a coming Armageddon and moved the group from California to Montana to prepare for the end. There they gathered food and ammunition, built bomb shelters and prepared for the worst.
The prophesied time came and went and there was no end of civilization, but they did manage anger some local residents that caused them some grief. Some time after this she became ill and released control of the church and thereafter died. After this the church fell into limbo as they had no messenger with contact with the Masters. Later the church broke apart and several factions that claimed to channel masters sought to gather them. Kim Michaels is one of these.
Kim's Jesus accepts Elizabeth and Mark Prophet as true messengers of the Masters but his Jesus doesn't like or approve of any other splinter group from the original group. He also doesn't explain the debacle in Montana except to say it was a learning experience necessary to higher consciousness. He says the group can abandon the bomb shelter program they had there. I find this ironical for the danger of a nuclear war has increased with other players coming into the picture.
That said, Michaels is a more impressive writer than was Elizabeth Prophet, but she had something going for her that Michaels does not. In her early years she was a beautiful lady and had a tremendous personal magnetism. Members just liked to be in her presence. She was kind of the Barack Obama of the New Age world.
Michaels writings are good enough that I do think he is tuning into something. I believe that he has created a thoughtform of Jesus and this thoughtform is like a receiving station that picks up various thoughts floating around in the ethers. These thoughts could be from various thinkers of the past and could even include some from the historical Jesus.
Therefore, his writings need to be read in the light of the soul for some are true and some are not.
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