2008-11-20 06:12:00
Attention is an attribute that belongs to the real you. Attention uses your vehicles and is not created by them. Attention is enhanced by the vehicles, however.
Attention is an eternal attribute that you have, but it is not the keyword I am looking which word will unlock doors for you.
You use the word "humble." That is a word very few use in the New Age community yet it is an attribute one must have to unlock the doors of greater knowledge.
Many who believe themselves to be great and wise are stopped in their tracks when they lose humility. This is what is meant by "the first shall be last and the last first."
Those who are the most intelligent are "the first." But then when they believe no one can teach them they stop learning and after a period of time sink to great ignorance and become "the last." Many who are the least in intelligence seek in humility to learn wherever there is knowledge and advance from "the last" to "the first."
Then there is the rare person in the third category. He or she stays humble in the midst of glory and ends the cycle of first and last and finds the way home.
I'm glad you are in this for the long haul. I wonder if you realize how long that can be.
How many New Agers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Answer: Four.
One to screw it in and three to experience it.
Now I have your attention I will make my comments for the day. I feel inclined to change the subject somewhat from my recent conversations. I have made more elaborations about our beginnings in the "Keys of Knowledge" folder. My most recent posting is called "Music of the Spheres." Any comment on that would be of interest to me.
I know within myself that I do not teach for the ego's sake, as some accuse.
The problem here is that one who teaches through the reasoning of the mind is often perceived as an illusionary threat by one who has his decisions based in the emotions only. The mind will often destroy emotional conclusions and such a thought form created by the emotions will fight to maintain its life. When the thought form approaches the light that will destroy it, it either seeks to destroy the light or it flees from it.
On the other hand, the mind is also unnerved when confronted with Spirit. Mind is not the ultimate source of truth and eventually must reach numerous dead ends that can only be crossed by revelation from Spirit or the Higher Self. These revelations will make sense to mind and feel right to emotion, but mind would not have concluded them by itself and emotion would not have felt it. Mind will also fight the higher light until it is forced by circumstances to confront it. At that time many illusionary thought forms are painfully shattered.
In various New Age forums I have noticed this attitude: "Nobody better try and influence me to change so you had better change and conform so I do not feel this influence from you."
Isn't it obvious that this attitude is a reflection of an inner flaw?
It may be true that the Piscean Age religions did put unjust influences on people to conform and there seems to be some left over fears from this. But consider this. We now live in an age and area of the planet where no one has unjust power over our thoughts and beliefs. No one has power to take our lives if we do not cry "Caesar!" or "Holy Mary!" Any fear or even irritation we have of any one trying to change us is not based on reality but is usually based on an inner insecurity with our own beliefs and foundations.
There should be complete tolerance especially in an unthreatening environment such as these on line services. We are completely free to ignore any statement that we disagree with or even dislike.
Even so I am completely supportive for expressing whatever feelings we have no mater how negative. The only way to deal with them at times is to get them out on the table. But when they are on the table one must not run but face up to whatever results they lead towards.
I've had a number of people indicate to me that truth is relative and quote "A Course in Miracles" (ACIM) to substantiate that. In my view this shows a great misunderstanding of the Course. I know that the relative truth thing is a standard buzz word for New Age thought, but ACIM just doesn't seem to support this idea.
Even in the introduction on the very first page we read:
"This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary."
It is not a relative thing that we take the course. It is required.
Why is it required?
The answer is that it contains several absolute truths that we must learn before we can obtain liberation.
ACIM states point blank several Chaotic laws that create chaos, illusion and separation. The first is:
"The truth is different for everyone." (ACIM Textbook, Pg. 455)
It amazes me that many people who claim to believe ACIM also believe in relative truth. The whole purpose of the Course is to lead us to several important absolute truths.
The second law of chaos is that "Each one must sin and therefore deserves attack and death. This principle is closely related to the first," (the truth is different).
The Course also states that:
"The truth is true and nothing else is true."
Those who want to continue in the illusion have great resistance to this core teaching, but eventually illusion must give way to reality and all souls will be one in the truth.
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved