2008-11-17 03:39:00
[Compiler's Note: To learn more about "Schyler" and to read the answers to the questions that JJ is asking of him in this post, and why; please read the series of articles entitled: "Messages From The Future?"]
Dear Schyler:
"Yeti" was the future self of one of my students that came to give me advice. It was very interesting. He also told me that I was from the future. I get many futuristic ideas, but do not have a conscious memory of a future life.
I find your thoughts interesting and plausible. I'm not surprised that I am the first to question you. There are very few that will seek truth in all avenues. I always give a person the benefit of the doubt until I discover evidence as to whether he is right or wrong.
Am I the first to ask you period or just the first on-line?
Meanwhile I would like to pick your brain a bit if you don't mind.
How clear is your memory of the future and how aware of you are history between now and 2500 AD?
Many people are expecting an Avatar of some sort around the year 2000 or shortly thereafter. Does your future self remember anything of that sort happening?
Has earth made contact with people from other planets?
Have we explored under the earth?
What is the average life span?
What is the most prominent religion?
Has the computer evolved into a life form?
When does the next major war or crisis take place and how are the sides divided?
Was Nostradamus right about a third Antichrist? What nation does he come from?
Does man have to live under domes on other planets or does he alter the atmospheres?
Hope I am not giving you too much here?
Thank you for your reply. I feel a greater sense of sincerity in your last communication. That does not mean you were not sincere before, it's just that I feel it registering now.
I also find little in what you say to disagree with. I agree that the pain of others affects the whole. My point was that normal consciousness does not register this.
It looks like we are reaching oneness on the "one path." There are a basic set of principles we all must eventually learn, but we all will have a different experience in reaching the end of the path. That different experience could be called a different path. My point was that technically we all wind up learning the same lessons just as you mentioned in the martial arts.
Doing things by the force of will does have its limitations. Let me explain. If you will for something to happen and it interferes with the will of two other people whose combination of two wills is stronger than your one, then the power of the two wills will overcome your one. This is the reason a successful politician must tune into the will of the masses. Even a Hitler must keep public opinion on his side.
In many cases it is impossible for two opposing wills to have their way. They will often diffuse each other.
The true path to power is to tune into the Power of Purpose the One Great Life has in store for this planet and then become an agent of His Power. In this case a person is not operating in the power of his "little will" but of a power that is a fiat accompli -- a will that must be fulfilled.
Compare your will to the Planetary Logos, for instance, with a germ in your body to your own. As long as that germ does not interfere with your larger will it is free to do as it pleases, but the moment one starts to put you at dis-ease you will then take strong medicine to stop it.
I'm glad you talked with JC. Do you agree with CJ that he was not really crucified but had a substitute? It sounds like he has been reading Seth or the Rosecrucians.
There were two entities involved in the crucifixion and resurrection, but I maintain it was quite a bit different than CJ relates. The truth about the two entities is the cause of the story of the escaped crucifixion. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
We are close enough on the "without words" thing. We may discuss it more later, but our time is better spent on other avenues at present.
From the view that you are looking at "We are how we interact with others was accurate." Much closer, however is your statement: "We are what we do with this bit of memory that is given us."
These are very good answers to the question: What are we Becoming? Keep in mind that I am asking "Who and/or What We Are?" The two questions demand different answers.
Purpose is the initiating energy and has no duality, but it's vibration creates the illusion of duality.
Purpose is the initiating energy and is eternal. It is different from intent or having an objective. That which you intend will have a beginning and an end as well as that which you will and the two energies are thus under the influence of vibration as well as time.
Purpose is not the same as objective. An objective has a beginning and an end but Purpose exists in timelessness. An objective which is in alignment with Purpose is part of an eternal chain of events.
Purpose begins in timelessness, passes through every atom in time and ends in timelessness again which is the same as saying it has no beginning or end.
First comes Purpose. It must exist before there can be Will or intent. Without Purpose there can be no will to do anything. Where ever there is a Will the question is -- what is the Life willing to do? The answer is to fulfill Purpose.
Aligned with Will and Purpose is Power. When the Life has Purpose and perceives Power to fulfill that Purpose then the energy of Will directs that Power and we have the creation of vibration.
Actually vibration exists between two eternities so it has no end but all the forms vibration takes has beginning and end.
When Will-Power-Purpose are realized to some degree then intention comes into existence. There has to be some sort of self-identity to have intention.
The aspects of Will-Power-Purpose have many correspondences. I have also called them Light-Love-Purpose.
Purpose has no vibration because it is the midway point between the points of the wavelength. Therefore, it cannot be two, but is only one. It is the point between "land and water that is neither wet nor dry." It is the place where "magic is wrought."
Life extension can come through intent, but immortality can only come through aligning with Purpose which links us up with lives much greater than ourselves who have "obtained the resurrection" and can channel the power of re-creation down to us.
Purpose takes one out of the influence of the "rolling force."
The word "faith" is not really a belief but it is a state of mind that is aligned with Purpose that can override all the influences on the physical world even to the production of great miracles including the overcoming of death.
A full explanation of Purpose has not been given to mankind, but can be sensed through contemplation.
Hope this is Food for Thought.
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