2008-11-16 06:42:00
These are the last communications I had from Schyler. This was in 1994. He left with mysterious abruptness. and I never heard from him again. Google searches turn up nothing on him. Encountering him was a little like the John Titor mystery.
First, let me say that your questions are good ones, for the most part. They stimulate some thinking. I'm sure they will get better, and maybe then I will have time to ask some of you.
All effort is to keep the most enlightened in leadership areas, not only on the Council, but other important leadership areas. Unfortunately, as today, humans still err.
Most live beneath the "atmosphere" of Earth's seas, for one simple reason: The planets above sea atmosphere is still polluted and hard to deal with. Sorry about that. But you should have seen and experienced what the above sea atmosphere, even at ground level, in 2300. Efforts are continuing to restore the "surface" areas, but most humans and other fortunate life forms prefer undersea and other beneath water areas, with some strong exceptions: adventurers and all.
Yes to your last question. And we have many friends from outer space. More later. I see "instant messages coming in."
Best to you and your inquisitive spirit.
Hey, I was expecting that you would drop in about now. I really have faith since it is 1:50 or so your time, but only 11:50 here. Or. . . You are the only one who asks intelligent questions of someone like me. Amazing. Yes, we have much technology in our time beneath the sea. Why shouldn't we? What do you take us for? A school of unlettered and stupid fish? It works very well. The sea is only a thicker atmosphere than what you know, and much more pure.
The Supreme Council scares me, as does your government now. But we live with our "Great Masters" trained in the art and/or craft of government. No some things will never change. Just think how the average Roman felt about government in 200 AD, etc.
It has checks and balances. Each member is responsible to the Law. Each member must each cycle render a complete accounting which can be thoroughly checked against what has happened. It is a little neat thing that keeps even a potentially corrupt person from doing something less than serving the whole. It is sort of like being monitored on a continuing basis. Remind you of the IRS [Internal Revenue Service], with good intentions?
You have only my word and what it is worth. I offer no proofs. No way of confirmation now. It hasn't happened yet.
It is possible for the human race to achieve peace and stability in ten years, or less, but it won't. And when the natural course of things cut in, it will be less possible. No, sorry, we must have the times of darkness. I think so, if only that out of that time came my time (Tellus' time).
Okay, dear Joseph. I'd love to know more about the "certain knowledge," which I suspected you had all along. I've answered your questions. Did I pass your preliminary test? If so, tell me what you know. I see your direction, but need a destination. That is my question. What is your next port of call?
Yes, and thank you for your dialog. Glad to be in touch, dear kindred soul.
Thank you for a most fascinating message. Your answers are as good as your questions. I'm in the middle of grading papers and preparing for class tomorrow. I want to read your letter carefully, and then answer when I have more time. But I appreciate your communication. I acknowledge that you may have received knowledge "that will prepare man to step from the human kingdom to the God kingdom." I think my own near death experience gave me an insight, and I definitely saw the light then. The great difficulty, dear brother, is convincing those around us without having them crush us with a label of crazy, or worse. I try to be careful. The more one knows, the more one is likely to be hurt or killed. I will read your postings in the Keys of Knowledge and study what you've written here and also there.
In respect and sincere wish to know. Goodbye for now.
Thank you for being patient with me and offering most excellent intellectual and spiritual challenges. By the way, I am writing that book you suggested. It might, however, or I should say, will shake up readers, especially New Age types. Not orthodox. Not what most want to hear. Definitely not comforting to those who think we can save the planet and this current civilization. You are correct in one way, dear Joseph, we can modify the future. At least you can. No, you won't change my future, nor the one you would have if you never had been influenced. Explain someday.
Best to you on the path. . . with Love, Schyler.
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