2008-11-16 05:47:00
The demolition explosive theory of 911 has been brought up again. Here are some comments from my upcoming book on the subject.
Controlled demolition?
The conspiracy people believe that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were brought down by a controlled demolition by the use of planted explosives. Even though the largest demolition by explosives has been just over 20 stories the conspirators decided to go for the Guinness Book of World Records. They increased that record not twice, or four times, but over five times and did it simultaneously with not one building but two along with a smaller recording-breaking building on the side.
They didn't care that the technology for such an unknown feat had not been perfected or tested. Instead they recklessly went ahead blowing up the buildings just hoping everything would work as planned. Maybe this was the dumb, but it turned out that Bush was extremely lucky things worked out.
Planting the explosives was the difficult part and really illustrates the hidden genius of Bush to have pulled this off.
Hundreds of workers with blow torches and construction tools would have had to enter the buildings and without being seen tear out the walls in thousands of locations in each of the Twin Towers. Then they would have had to pull out blow torches and cut out V's in the thousands of steel beams that supported the towers.
Next they would have to wire one explosive charge to another in thousands of locations destroying and disrupting offices as they moved along. After this they would have to repair their destructive work before each worker enters his office again. The repair has to be so seamless that none of the thousands of people in the Twin Towers would notice that any changes have been made.
Even more amazing is that none of the hundreds, or perhaps even thousands, of demolition workers have spilled their guts. Not one of them have went to the press to become the hero of the ages. Maybe the conspirators had the military kill them all.
Again the question arises. When the military lined up and gunned down all the demolition workers was there not one of the assassins that had a prick in his conscience and was willing to tell his story?
I guess not.
It must have been the genius of Bush that pulled this all off so seamlessly.
If you believe this is the way 911 really happened then I have a bridge to sell you, cheap.
Osama bin Laden apparently wouldn't buy the bridge for he thinks he masterminded 911.
In a tape recording, Mr. bin Laden spoke more directly about the Sept. 11 attacks than he has in previous messages, saying that he had told Mohamed Atta, the plot's ringleader, that the attacks should be carried out "within 20 minutes before Bush and his administration noticed." Mr. bin Laden said the idea of attacking buildings in United States occurred to him when he said he watched Israeli aircraft bombing tower blocks in Lebanon in 1982.
"'As I watched the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me to punish the unjust the same way -- to destroy towers in America so that it can taste some of what we are tasting and to stop killing our children and women.' He claimed direct responsibility for the Sept. 11 attacks.
"'We decided to destroy towers in America,' he said, apparently referring to the World Trade Center. 'God knows that it had not occurred to our mind to attack the towers, but after our patience ran out and we saw the injustice and the inflexibility of the American-Israeli alliance toward our people in Palestine and Lebanon, this came to my mind,' Mr. bin Laden said."
(New York Times, Oct 30, 2004)
In this same tape Osama bin Laden mentions the 19 hijackers that are not supposed to exist according to conspiracy theory:
"'If Bush says we hate freedom, let him tell us why we didn't attack Sweden, for example. It is known that those who hate freedom do not have dignified souls, like those of the 19 blessed ones,' he said, referring to the 19 hijackers."
Finally conspiracy theorists claim that Bush participated in this for political gain.
In the end that's certainly not what happened. His ratings have sometimes been in the twenties, some of the lowest in history. When considering the overall financial effect as being a loss of what some believe to be over a trillion dollars then a lot of big money people associated with many conspiracies also suffered.
Outside of the Islamic extremists who actually perpetrated the deed not much of the rest of the world had any benefit from the tragedy or had a motive to create it.
When the whole picture of the conspiracy is presented here it is like Hercules rising the hydra into the light of the sun. The truth becomes obvious. The conspiracy theory as presented could not be the true reality. It is about as probable as the moon being made out of green cheese.
For a good logical overview of the 911 conspiracy I would recommend the book by Popular Mechanics called "Debunking 9/11 Myths." The History Channel also presented an excellent special called "9/11 Conspiracies, Fact or Fiction."
Speaking of conspiracies this story exposes a possible conspiracy to disseminate propaganda about global warming:
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