2008-11-10 02:20:00
Andy writes:
"Lately, I have read mails on this list that have expressed opinions about the outcome of the recent election in the US. From some of the mails, it appears there are some who hold the view that Barack Obama is in league with the dark brotherhood. I will like everyone to please add a dose of caution to their statements and beliefs. While many on this list seem to view his upcoming presidency in a negative light, it should be recognized that there are other esoteric groups who view his election as a triumph of the brotherhood of light."
Good to hear from you again Andy. Say "hi" to your lovely wife.
Yes, I agree we need to be cautious about making judgements, especially if those judgements are not backed up by good evidence.
I have made no judgment about Obama being in league with darkness. Until I learn otherwise I will assume that he is a person of good intent who wants to create a better world. My differences with him are based on disagreements with what he (or his website) has actually stated he plans to do as well as past statements and voting record.
I also strongly disagree with Nancy Pelosi but do not think she is the antichrist.
Because of his immense popularity, not only in the United States, but the world, he has the capacity to be a major agent of change.
So far that change desired appears to be bigger government, higher taxes, more rules and regulations, more socialism, less personal responsibility for our own financial destiny, weaker military for defense, more domestic police force, forced community service to name a few.
Now its possible he may mellow out and govern from the center, but it is also possible that power will go to his head to the extent that even present devotees will be alarmed. We'll have to wait and see to know for sure. Every president we elect is a gamble to some degree.
You make this interesting statement:
"There are other esoteric groups who view his election as a triumph of the brotherhood of light."
This does not surprise me in the least. Without even checking them I would be willing to guess that most of them think this. Most of them follow the line of least resistance and go along with what the world (or a discarnate spirit) proclaims as good and evil without using judgement on their part. A lot of them are expecting flying saucers to appear at any moment to take them to the fifteenth dimension.
I would guess that we stand pretty much alone as a metaphysical group that disagrees with him significantly.
Most new age groups and even those who follow DK [Djwhal Khul] gravitate toward enforced socialism and want to dismantle the military of the United States, which is the only major force available to keep tyrants in check.
Esoteric groups made the same mistake before World War Two. All except Alice A. Bailey's group sought to appease Hitler and dismantle the military of free nations. This gave Hitler the opportunity to take advantage of such weakness.
I have a project for the group. Search through the Internet and see if you can find even one metaphysical and/or new age group that has a majority of members that disagree with Obama. See if you can find one that even is skeptical of Obama.
Just as Alice A. Bailey's group pretty much stood alone (before WWII) in warning of appeasement and the danger to come, even so, we may stand alone in not following the crowd toward the line of least resistance.
Some in the group may have already concluded that Obama is the antichrist; others may think he is almost a messiah. Both may be wrong, but at least both sides are being presented which is rare when discussing Obama in metaphysical circles.
Of course, I recommend the group exercise good judgement and stick to issues and facts rather than making wild accusations -- not all follow my advice, however.
Those who disagree with Obama should not treat him with the same disrespect that many Obama supporters gave to George W. Bush.
Will Obama keep us safe from a terrorist or foreign attack for the next seven years as Bush has done for the last seven? I wouldn't bet my grocery money on it.
"Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year."
http://change.gov/americaserves/ (Obama's current official site)
Note: After creating some alarm this statement was revised.
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