Midway Point
2008-11-8 04:17:00
John C writes:
"There are some other obvious references in this song to recent
political events. Once again the Pendulum of public opinion swings
back toward the center point of truth. Will it overshoot the mark and
need to be corrected again, or will it begin to settle move over the
mid-point? I know I am not alone when I consider what has happened as
not a setback, but a great opportunity to move the Plan forward."
Well John, I don't mean to pick on you again as you often say some
very good things that are helpful to the group, but in this last post
you made a statement that deserves some comment. You said, "Once again
the pendulum of public opinion swings back toward the center point of
truth." I'd be curious to know what center points of
truth you
believe the pendulum has swung over.
Let's go back to Abraham Lincoln again. Most of us agree that he was
a great avatar, and moved the nation and world forward for the cause
of freedom. There were three things he did that demonstrated that he
sought a Middle Way:
- He saved the Union. In doing this is been criticized by some for
not honoring states rights and normally states rights should be
respected. But at that time the southern states were using the states
rights argument to enslave a whole race of people. And because of
this abuse of power Abraham Lincoln was correct stepping in and
overriding the idea of state's rights to save the Union. If it had
been reversed and the North had seceded from the Union to establish
freedom instead of slavery using the argument of states rights then
one would have been correct to support such a thing. But, as it was,
Lincoln used the second
key of judgment to save the Union on
correct principles.
- The second thing he did, which was correct, was to abolish
slavery. On hindsight we can now see slavery was
a definite evil that
needed to be eliminated. On this principle
of freedom Lincoln was definitely standing at the midway point of truth.
- The third thing Lincoln did was to promote the settlement of the
West, expansion of free enterprise and the expansion of ownership of
land. He laid groundwork for a great prosperity that was to come in
the United States that affects us to this day.
Now let us look at the issues of our day and pick where we think the
midway point of truth may lie and see if any of our politicians or
our president are taking us in the right direction:
- First let's look at our economy. The first and most important
aspect of any economic program is the budget. Spending must basically
equal the amount of money available. So the midway point of truth
that any politician should advance us toward is a balanced budget. Is
anyone doing that? No! Particularly not president elect Obama who
wants to increase social spending to the degree that deficit spending
will increase substantially. Any leader seeking the midway point of
truth, discovered through judgment, will lead us to control spending
and a balanced, or at least a responsible budget.
- Taxes. As a nation if we consider all of our taxes income tax
sales tax, real estate taxes, use taxes hidden taxes and so on we
spend over 50% of our income on taxes. The amount of money we spent
on taxes is 1000 miles away from The Middle Way. The Middle Way on taxes should
be somewhere between 10 to 25%. I'm not talking about
just income taxes but all taxes should not exceed this amount. Do you
see any politician leading us to the midway point on this? No, and
the last in line as far as leadership in this direction is Obama
himself. One of his first stated objectives is to let the Bush tax
cuts expire which will create another tax increase.
- Another hot button issue is abortion. Where would the midway point
on abortion be? Certainly not to use abortion as birth control and,
on the other hand, highly structured laws to abolish it do not work
either. One thing we all agree on is we want the number of abortions
to go down. To would follow the midway point one would listen to both
sides of this issue and encourage each a lively debate where both
sides are heard not only before the public but in the schools. Young
people need educated on both sides of this issue so they can make, in
connection with their parents, informed decisions about their
destiny. Few if any politicians are seeking this
Middle Way Path. In
particular, Obama is on the extreme on this issue and voted in favor
of every bill that has come before him to make abortions easier even
supporting partial birth abortions.
- Now let's look at the military. We still live in a dangerous
world. Yes, it would be nice if we could just sing "Kum Ba Ya" and have
another peace dividend like Clinton did. The trouble with the peace
dividend is that it was temporary and we had to take that peace
dividend and then spend it on rebuilding the military after the 911
disaster. Obama wants to reduce military spending which wouldn't be
so bad if he only wanted to reduce some pork. Instead he wants to do
things like use that money for social programs. Missile defense could
be the salvation of, not only our country, but the world. Without it
we are in danger of a nuclear holocaust. Reducing missile defense
spending definitely misses the middle way of truth. Until the world
is a safer place we have to have enough military strength to prevent
tyrants from taking over the world and reducing civilization to ashes.
- Freedom.
The tendency of this country and the free nations of the
world is to increase regulations, restrictions and forced social
programs. All of these things take away our freedoms. The midway
point, remember is not in the exact center between two extremes, but
the Middle Way is the point of truth between the two
extremes. So how
much freedom should we have? The amount of freedom we should have is
not in the exact middle between the freest societies of the world and
the most restrictive societies of the world. The midway point of
freedom is always the maximum amount of freedom that the
consciousness of the individual or society can use. Throughout the
history of the world individual freedom has always been restricted
more than it should have been. The one great surge forward in freedom
was the establishment of the Constitution of the United States and
the freedoms that were allowed its citizens thereafter. Since that
time almost every politician has sought to diminish freedom, feeling
that we are not responsible enough to use it. So they must tell us
how to use our freedoms. We are far from the midway point of freedom
and neither Obama nor Congress as a whole has a clue as to where this
midway point of freedom is. The people themselves are going to have
to lift their voice to make their desires known if things are going
to change. I believe the leadership to advance freedom will rise from
the midst of the people rather than from the midst of Congress or the
presidency for the next generation or two.
- Personal responsibility. It is the tendency of almost all leaders
Congress and presidents to relieve citizens of personal
responsibility and attempt to become our saviors and parents.
Creating a nation that is dependent upon its leaders and money taken
from the rich and giving to the poor is far removed from the midway
point of truth considering personal responsibility. If people are
taught to be responsible for themselves and their own destiny they
will rise up and do great things and be able to become servants for
the world and humanity itself. But if they're taught they must depend
upon government and its handouts personal responsibility will be
crippled and the nation will be brought to its knees. A true leader
seeking The Middle Way will set an example of personal responsibility
and inspire people to become successful through their own efforts.
When people expect to succeed through their own efforts the main
thing they want is for
organizations and government to stay out of their way and let them pass and
move onward toward success.
- Partisanship. A leader seeking The Middle Way will seek what is
good for this country before he will seek what's good for his party.
Lincoln in seeking the good of his country sought the best people to
assist his administration and for his cabinet. Instead of merely
seeking people who agreed with him he reached across the aisle and
chose a number of Democrats and opponents to serve with him. Some of
these people were strongly opposed to him when he ran for president
but Lincoln realized that some of his former enemies were very
intelligent and he needed them in perilous times.
Obama, on the other hand, does not have a record of reaching across
the aisle. All of his votes have been in lockstep with his party. It
would be a surprise if he followed the example of Lincoln and placed
any Republicans in his cabinet. Now in this day and age placing
someone from the other party in a prominent position is a rare thing
but unfortunately it's also rare to place anyone in a powerful
position that disagrees with the president. Bush did this in the
appointment of Colin Powell and Clinton used Dick Morris, but I would
be surprised if Obama appointed anyone to a position of power that
wasn't very supportive of his belief
So I don't see any evidence of catching the point of truth at the
present moment. I think the pendulum currently swings to the left all
over the world. This has the effect that anyone presenting something
fairly moderate, left brain or logical is in danger of being called a
right-wing extremist. It's interesting that Bush has often been
called a right-wing extremist when he is bent to the left on almost
every social issue from illegal
immigration to education to overspending. He followed a fairly conservative stand on defense and
tax cuts but on every other issue he has been quite far removed from
the right wing.
It's also interesting that McCain, who is more of a Democrat than
Hubert Humphrey was, has also been labeled a right-wing extremist by
many. This illustrates to us that swing of the pendulum is some
distance left of center. This causes any middle way truth to appear
to be right-wing at the current time.
As I said before the
cycles of the pendulum swinging are many. There
are yearly cycles, cycles
lasting several years and even thousands of
years. So at any point in history we have cycles
within cycles affecting us. This is why we see conservative domination in some
areas and liberal domination in other areas within the same time
From what I've seen and studied about Obama I see little evidence of
the Middle Way approach to anything. I would be happy to see a change
of direction on this, and delighted to see him do positive things to
take us toward greater freedom security and economic prosperity.
I wouldn't bet my mother's operation money on it though.
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved