First Key Of Knowledge -- Part 9

2008-11-6 01:21:00

Post Number Twenty-Eight

Welcome to the Forum.

Many who has escaped from the grip of conservative religions cringe at the idea of any one teaching them -- yet such a person will often immerse himself in books without thinking of the correspondence. Books are written by people and if we allow ourselves to be taught through books then those authors are our teachers.

There are teachers who seek authority and dominion over you -- then there are others that only seek to elevate you.

There are hierarchies that crush and destroy; there are others (few at present) that elevate and give life.

To say all teachers and hierarchies are bad or useless is like saying all Chinese are bad because I had a bad experience with one.

One must keep open to the possibility that perhaps there are beneficial Hierarchies and Teachers.

I'm not sure how many of my postings you have read. They started in the "Immortals" section. Then I started the "Keys" folder. I would suggest that you read all my postings and then ask yourself "Who and/or What Am I?"

I hope you do not get offended by the bantering I have had with several individuals. It must be "a guy thing" because they are all males. The females have been quite considerate.

I think the Beatitudes are some of the most beautiful words ever uttered and some of the keys may have a relation to them in some degree, but they did not come from them. They may have been inspired by the Christ, but that is for you to find out.


Post Number Twenty-Nine

You use good logic in trying to counter my thoughts, but if you could understand my words you would agree with me.

Words in the physical realm are not the highest form of expression as you assumed that I meant. Nevertheless, I stand by my conclusion that anything that can be understood in the physical body can be expressed in words. That doesn't mean that everyone will understand the words perfectly. It's obvious that you do not understand all of mine, neither do I understand all of yours. Nevertheless, through the process of correction we can all come to understanding.

As an example you point out a person who knows how to make something, but cannot describe the process in words.

The fact that you know how to make something does not indicate an understanding. My body synthesizes Vitamin B12, but my thinking self residing in my body knows nothing about it. I don't even know when it is happening, therefore, I cannot put it in words. I cannot do so because there is no conscious understanding.

What you overlooked in my explanation is that I was referring to conscious understanding, and understanding is only conscious.

A computer program works, but there is no understanding in the computer.

The man that can tie a knot or make something, but not explain it step by step, is a person responding to training or programming, but does not have conscious understanding. If he did understand, then he could put it in words.

All the lives that make up our bodies have a great amount of knowledge, but it is "below the threshold of consciousness."

Your example of Tae Kwon Do illustrates my point of the oneness of the path. You mention that in the higher degrees there are few differences. To get to that point where the differences merge they had to learn the same principles. These same principles are the one path I talk about.

Your answer:  "We are how we interact with others" is correct as far as the personality is concerned, but let us describe the attributes of that essence beyond the three worlds of personality (body-emotion-mind).


Post Number Thirty

If you truly reverence the Lord as you say then you should have the beginning of wisdom and "knowledge of the Holy One."

Do you even know the name of the Father as is revealed to true disciples? (John 17:26)

Tell me what knowledge you have or are you just blowing smoke?


Post Number Thirty-One

Thank you for your well thought out letter. No it did not occur to me that you were seeking a verbal battle. I detect a strong note of sincerity in your language. I also know myself well enough to know that I also have that quality.

Two sincere communicators rarely battle and if they do it is quickly resolved.

I can understand your reluctance to join in the hint, or revelatory, method of teaching. It is a little frustrating at first, but after around three or four principles the wisdom of it is seen.

One reason for it is that if I were to put all the principles in writing the following would happen:

  1. One group of seekers would read it and say, "this is just the same old stuff" and completely miss out on the realization.
  2. A second group would read it and say that it is good and believe they understand it, but would understand only a small percentage of the teachings.
  3. A third group would have a fair amount of understanding of the early principles, but would be unprepared to venture to the last twelve which can only be taught by this method. This method of teaching the first twenty-four prepares the student for the final twelve which cannot be put in writing in a way that can be understood -- but with the guidance of a teacher can be fully realized.

Overall, the hint principle will bring categories (2) and (3) to a much greater level of understanding than they would achieve without it.

I can only handle so many people in on-line teaching. I will need others to help me as we go. Perhaps you could be one of those.

If you do not want to participate in this teaching method, I respect your decision, but I feel you have great promise and your benefit from it will be a pleasant surprise.


Post Number Thirty-Two

I am encouraged by your statement: "I think of myself as a teacher and a student." That is one of the most enlightening statements made yet and it is even a hint to one of the keys. I also consider myself a teacher and student contrary to the belief of numerous contrarians in the forum.

I am happy to learn and happy to teach. I am only unhappy doing nothing, but I'm never doing absolutely nothing.

Your learning attitude is impressive. You seem open to knowledge and realizations you have not known. This is actually rare.

I'll have to check Ken Cary's writings. I have not read them.

You're right. Books and all other teachings must be verified by the soul. But some discriminate too much in their teachers. Some are willing to learn from a dead teacher, but not a living one. Some are willing to listen to a channeled message, but not one from a teacher in a physical body. Others are willing to learn from an authority and will reject one without credentials. Then the reverse of these is true. The only safe route is to achieve soul contact. Then you will not miss wisdom as it is presented to you upon the path.

Some have a little reluctance to join in the hint, or revelatory, method of teaching. It is a little frustrating at first, but after around three or four principles the wisdom of it is seen.

Are you ready to answer "Who and/or What Am I?" Don't worry about being correct. Just read the hints and describe the highest part of yourself you and think of it in your own language.

"For now, we have a new president-elect. In the spirit of reaching across the aisle, we owe it to the Democrats to show their president the exact same kind of respect and loyalty that they have shown our recent Republican president."
  -- Ann Coulter