First Key Of Knowledge -- Part 8

2008-11-5 03:28:00

Post Number Twenty-Four

Your E-Message on the 5th was the best I've read yet. If these "Keys" do nothing else they will get you to think more deeply about things... I hope so anyway.

Don't be discouraged about the Bible. It contains many mysteries that the religions of the world have glossed over and would prefer you did not know about. Some important principles came to me while I was reading it.

However, to get the full meaning out of it you have to empty yourself of all religious teaching you have ever received and "become as a little child." In this state you can truly understand the Bible and other inspired writings.

You ask what the following means:

"The heart is desperately wicked, who can know it?"

Answer: The writer here was not referring to the heart here as a source of spiritual love, but to the solar plexus, the seat of desire. When desire (of the heart or lower self) runs unchecked by the spiritual self then the person does become "desperately wicked," like a Hitler or Charles Manson.

"All of your righteousness is filthy rags."

Answer: The lower self without the guidance of the higher self is incapable of doing anything that is truly "good." Compared to one who has soul contact his righteousness has little or no effect and is an illusion. "Filthy rags" is strong language, but it puts the point across.

Read my recent posting called "Keys" and "WHO/WHAT AM I?" and try and go even deeper in your answer, but not too deep. The answer is simple once you understand.


Post Number Twenty-Five

I don't think I answered your letter from May 3. Sorry I took so long. You found the correct two words I suggested you look for. They are "Observer" and "Watcher." They are characteristics of our spiritual self apart from its three vehicles. There is another very important key word I am looking for. I give more hints in my latest posting called: "Keys and WHO/WHAT AM I?"

Finally I am not rebutting anyone in this article -- just presenting positive information.

Your words reveal a clear thinking mind capable of seeing both sides of an issue. There is a calm in you that I am sure others sense.

You ask if we are separate from the One? The answer is yes and no. Your mouth, for instance, has an identity apart from you, yet it often says "I Am Carole." It doesn't say "I am the mouth," but because it is a part of you, instead it says "I Am Carole."

Your higher self is one, but many; just as your body is. There is an individual part and a group part. A part of the power of the higher self shares your consciousness and participates with you to make you what you are.

Let me know your additional thoughts on the characteristics of the highest part of yourself.


Post Number Twenty-Six

I agree with you that we separate ourselves from Deity.

If I were to pinch you it may hurt me (in an emotional sense) as much as it hurts you, but if you were to pinch yourself and not tell me about it I would not register the pain in the slightest. For instance, I just pinched myself and it caused a twinge if pain. Did you feel it? I think not. I certainly hope that you do not feel all the pain on the planet.

That is one reason God is divided -- so the pain can be shared and endured.

I have never claimed that "the Path" was "my path" as you say. I have always called it "the Path," because it belongs to us all. You seem to believe that we all have different "homes" to go to and thus different paths. In the end there is only One Life to merge with and thus in the perspective I am using there is only one home and one path.

If you see this another way then further dialog may be a waste of time. It may be necessary that we both see things the way we see them at this present time. I can easily see that given a different perspective from mine one would see many paths.

I believe that Christ was the greatest teacher because his words have a greater impact on me than any other teacher with published words.

Even the Bible does not say he was perfect. The word "perfect" in the Greek in reference to Christ merely means that Christ did the job he came to do. The word "perfect" as we think of it (without flaw) was applied to the thinking of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

You say you walk the old paths. What are they?

You say:

"You are missing the mark by not listening to the others who are dropping their comments here. You must look at their comments, look at your beliefs and see if what they say 'strikes a chord of truth' within you. You must grow and advance with us, letting us help you as you help us."

I believe I have been listening here very intently. If I do not agree I will not change my mind unless higher understanding is presented. You are the same way though. You don't change your mind just because I disagree with you do you? So why do you expect me to?

I intently believe in us helping each other. We cannot go home alone and he who is my teacher will not lift me higher unless I lift others higher.

Your description of "Who You Are" is interesting and praiseworthy. It is not in the direction that I am trying to direct your thought. You may want to read today's entry on "Who and/or What Am I?" and that should clarify things. Keep in mind that just because your answer was not in the direction of my hints does not detract from their beauty.


Post Number Twenty-Seven

I have read Paul Twitchell's book "Key to Secret Words" shortly after it was published. In fact about half way through your epistle I guessed that you were a follower.

The first thing that concerned me about Paul is that he presented many flowery pieces of data, but he did not teach me one new principle. I do not consider anyone's teachings inspired unless they can teach more than purported facts.

He teaches a shortcut to the highest heaven similar to the born again Christians. They say to just believe in Jesus and you will go to heaven. Eckankar says: believe in the Eck Master and go to the highest heaven. What is the difference? None.

The living Eck Master is looked upon in a similar vein as the way the Mormons look upon the prophet, the Catholics look upon the Pope, and the Moonies look upon Reverend Moon. Those followers also see their master in their dreams at times. You will deny this correspondence, of course, but so do the other religions.

When I have attended Eckankar I have found them to be engrained in their way of thought as much as the Jehovah Witnesses when I have attended their meetings. When I have asked questions I get stares and cold silence just as when I ask questions in a Mormon church. They remind me of a Mormon Church with a fancy vocabulary.

I find the current living Eck Master to be a very mediocre man. On TV I saw a minister out reason him. How humiliating for the most intelligent man on earth!

I found that no one I met in Eckankar really knew anything about soul travel or could do it, but were deluded into thinking they could.

If you could do what Paul suggests and skip over the lower world's and return straight home skipping over many lifetimes, then the protective matter between you and your soul would be ripped apart and you as you know yourself to be would be imploded and would no longer exist. What would be the advantage to being home and not even knowing it?

Paul Twitchell obviously is not advanced enough to have freedom in even the lower three worlds. He has died and his body is no more. He has no power to manifest another physical body at will and appear among us. Therefore, he has no freedom in the physical world, unless he wants to be reborn like the rest of us.

I hope you can "become as a little child" and discard everything you have learned and start over looking with a new perspective, but seek for principles, not a flowery vocabulary. This course I am giving would be good for you, but the choice is yours.