2008-10-31 01:13:00
All life forms including masters can have negative feelings. They just know how to work through them so the end is positive.
We have descended into this world as part of a great experiment and experience. In the end all things will work together for our good as long as we do not cut ourselves completely off from our souls.
It sounds like the teachings you have read about the perfection of man that indicate we are already perfect, and that we just need to realize it -- have left you wanting. This is because the teachings of the Masters swing like a pendulum, pulling man the opposite direction from where he is wrongfully headed. This has the effect of helping many, but confusing some, but as Spock says: "The good of the many outweighs the needs of the few."
The churches are a part of the Beast (666) that enslaves man.
I'm glad that you are intelligent enough to be impressed by the statement "the Word is God..." There is a great revelation to be had there, but other steps must come first.
Think about "Who and/or What Are You?" What makes you different from the lesser lives. You are not your body. Most New Agers know that.
But you are also not your emotions and feelings. You are also not your mind. Detach yourself from your body, emotions, and mind; and answer: "Who and/or What Are You?"
The answer is not consciousness, even though you are consciousness. What kind of consciousness? Look within and see. The answer is a key to power.
Your writings are plain and very true. There are hints of greater realization in them -- this encourages me.
Still however, we must progress toward our goal -- that of understanding "Who and/or What We Are." The revelation when properly understood leads to greater freedom and power.
I believe you are familiar with the Course in Miracles. This speaks of the Ego. If the Ego disappears -- what is left?
Is it consciousness?
A Son of God?
These answers are true but incomplete.
The Course in Miracles tells us that it is madness that took us here to align with the ego. That was written for an effect on the masses to get them to think. From a higher point of view it was not madness. In reality you were driven here by a principle which is behind human consciousness. Without this principle you do not exist. Without a knowledge of it spiritual progression is difficult. With a knowledge of who you are you can take the necessary steps to freedom in the three worlds of form.
Guess if you have to. The answer is something you know, but haven't realized.
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." You have probably heard this before. It is an ancient statement.
What you are ready for is what you draw to you.
EKANKAR is a corrupt method of teaching the way home. The shortcut they talk about would be a disaster for the soul.
The Plain Truth Magazine is a kindergarten teacher for the general religious seekers. They are very wrong on the idea that we sleep in unconsciousness when we die.
Let me assure you that you are on the right track. I sense a feeling of yearning for something higher in your writings. All must pass through this yearning, followed by a feeling of isolation and loneliness -- also perhaps helplessness.
Do not be discouraged. This is a necessary journey.
Your next step is to look within for your strength and sense not only your soul or higher self, but tune into the group energy with which your soul is connected. When you do this you will sense the presence of many loving entities surrounding you, possibly myself included. When you feel this presence the feeling of restlessness will disappear.
All your problems will not be solved, but a major one will be.
Sensing the presence is the most important thing right now, but if you have any thoughts on "Who and/or What Are You?" share them with me when you are ready.
You are only ready for true progression when you make up your mind to do whatever is necessary and it will often involve some strenuous effort. Never fear the great effort that awaits you.
I think your description of who you are in the physical body was colorful, interesting, and well written. But this is only the first of three bodies that we are not.
Have you thought about who you are if your feelings and your mind were to disappear? What is the principle left that makes you different from everyone else?
Your writings are well thought out and very mental. I agree with you that there is an end to most things. But not all things.
The principle that creates time is form created from wavelengths. Without form there is no time. Therefore a life that has no form, but only uses form is without beginning and end. Such a life creates time, space, and form.
There is a part of you that is endless. We must find that part to know "Who and/or What We Are."
What do you think of the chastisement I have been getting in the forum? If I have followed the voices that have tried to stop me throughout my life I would have never sought higher knowledge and would not be teaching it.
"Who do you think you are?" is one of the most powerful mantras of the Dark Brotherhood.
There are some appropriate uses of this phrase, but it's usually used against the Columbuses of the world.
You wanted me to comment on V'ger from Star Trek [the movie]. It is true he became a threat to his creator. But think about the reason. It was because he developed mental facilities when he was out of touch with his creator and he was separated from his true hierarchy. When this happens to humans we too have uneven and perhaps dangerous development.
First we must develop the physical and the instincts, and then the emotional -- after this the mental, and finally the spiritual. The lower arenas must be developed before the higher can be safely pursued.
The "Son of Sam" is a good example. He thought he heard the voice of God (misguided spiritual sense 1) before he was close to being emotionally mature.
Your thoughts are good and searching and do not give off a superior attitude that some do; but you are describing your personality when answering "Who and/or What You Are." You must look beyond the personality.
Pat gives a great hint:
"I don't know who I am...a free will...I do think ALL life is sacred...there has been nothing in my life to let me know I am not this body...an impasse."
She doesn't say it exactly, but one thing she says comes close.
-- End Of Posts 11-16 --
Footnote: (1) Changed as per JJ Dewey.
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