2008-10-26 16:11:00
Before I taught on the Keys I had a brief stint teaching on America Online [AOL]. I've decided to preserve the best of these for The Archives.
Here is the first installment:
Those who have overcome death we call the "Masters." They don't teach in the same manner as we are used to being taught. They just do not pour information into you because it is understood that even if they were to put the mysteries of the universe in plain book form that very few if any would understand them.
The teaching method for aspiring disciples is a concept called "The Hint Principle." The way this works is that the teacher gives you some data around the principle that he wants you to know, but not the principle itself. You must take the hints and figure out the principle by contemplating the "seed thoughts" in the light of your soul using your intuition.
The time between major hints should be 3-7 days with a week being the optimum. In the beginning many will be frustrated that the knowledge is not just given to them and others will want more hints in a shorter period of time, but after a period of time when enlightenment is felt the wisdom of this teaching method will be seen. It is comparable to the person who has earned a fortune starting with nothing to one who has inherited one. The first is much wiser in the use of money and if the world takes it away from him he can earn it all over again.
If you should die before you learn all the principles you will take the knowledge with you and be all the more prepared in the next incarnation. If knowledge is just given you, you may lose it at death.
The First Principle of Knowledge: "Who and/or What Am I?"
Hint: To say God, the Soul, the Higher Self is not enough. To understand what you are you must also understand what you are not.
For instance, a person may buy an expensive car and like it so much that he begins to identify with it to the extent that if the car is damaged he or she feels pain. We understand, however, that we are not our cars, but a car is a vehicle that we use to explore the physical world.
There is the real YOU that uses vehicles to explore the worlds of form. What are the vehicles that most people identify with and think that is their "Selves," but in reality is not their Selves at all?
We will cover several rounds in these forums but I cannot explain or confirm these principles for general distribution. We will go as far as we can with this first principle for the aid of general understanding.
It may take you from a week to several lifetimes to master each of the 36 principles. You are advised to only continue if you feel that the teachings to be presented strike a chord of truth within your soul. If for some reason they feel wrong for you then it may very well be correct that you discontinue.
If you wish to participate in this learning process then contemplate this first principle and post your thoughts. I will give you feedback until you come to your highest realization.
It is important that you not seek for authority behind my words but examine the words themselves. If the authority is an illusion then the person goes into greater illusion if he allows it to carry greater weight than communications from his Soul.
Dear Friend:
If you wish to participate in this new (to us) learning principle then contemplate the first principle and write your thoughts on it. Go ahead and post them in the forum for now. Then I will comment on them and guide you to the fullest realization possible.
Some of the principles are hinted at in various metaphysical books and some are not, but the books do not give the understanding necessary. Only interplay with a living teacher can do that.
If you stay with me you will find that you are entering new vistas of understanding that you never experienced before.
Again I remind you of the first piece of information around the First Principle:
The First Principle of Knowledge -- "Who and/or What Am I?"
Hint: To say God, the Soul, the Higher Self is not enough. To understand what you are you must also understand what you are not.
Judgment before testing is one of the things that causes the mind to slay the real.
You seem to be making the judgment that I am on some ego trip. Now if you had tested the formulas that I am to give out and found them empty, then you may have some credibility. But you have not tested me at all. Therefore, you do not know if I have anything or not, or if I am in the ego or not.
In your relationship with me or anyone else you are either a teacher, student or in a state of limbo. If you do not wish to learn anything from me then perhaps you would like to teach me something. Do you have a principle I do not know? I am not interested in mere facts.
I am not playing a game and am not stalling as you insinuate. I have given definite first steps for you to test me and you have not so why do you complain?
You tell me to "impress" you. People are impressed by different things. There are many shallow teachings out there with no real knowledge behind them yet seekers are impressed by them because of the fancy vocabulary and/or the claim that it came from a Master. Others can read the teachings of the highest order and cast them aside as nothing and complain they are either too complex or too simple.
I will explain this much: The principles in my teachings are revealed from One much higher than myself, and I have found them no where else on the earth. There are certain fairly elementary principles that I must make sure you understand before we can move to the complex, but even the first ("WHO AM I?") which seems simple is in reality understood by only a few. Do you understand it? I don't know unless you reveal it to me.
I could give you several books I have written and you may or may not be impressed, but what will impress you is when the Universal Spirit speaks through my soul to your soul and you receive a revelation on each of the 36 principles I mentioned earlier. A revelation of realization will indeed impress you my brother, perhaps more than you have ever been impressed.
True revelation of the mysteries is not just poured into one's brain, they are acquired with great effort. Those willing to make an effort will not be disappointed.
"Who and/or What Am I?" seems to be a very basic concept to a general seeker, but the full understanding is not known to any person living on the earth in a physical body. Nevertheless, a series of revelations are acquired by seekers as they tread the path home. The basic understanding of a seeker is that our true self is an immortal self with no beginning and no end -- that we are either God or a part of God and that we have no limitations. This is all well and good but it does us no more good than the phrase "three in one and one in three" espoused by the "born-again" religious person. There is a very deep truth that is to revealed there, but he has no idea what it is.
There is an ancient occult statement that says "words veil truth." The truth of who you are is veiled by the pet phrases everyone recites. When a disciple understands the truth behind the words and writes them down to the best of his ability he will know that, even though they seem to be plain, few will understand it. On the other hand when a second disciple who also sees the truth behind the words communes with the first disciple on the subject then there will be a soul-to-soul communication, and the first will know that the second understands. At this point the understanding of the student and teacher become one.
You indicate that you are already immortal. All living beings are immortal in the sense of the continuance of life, but few beings have overcome physical death. Those who have can allow their bodies to be destroyed and recreate them according to their desires -- just as the Christ restored his body after it was destroyed. Can you do that yet?
If this first principle is so simple why do you not attempt to answer it and get the ball rolling here? You said you've known it forever. Tell us something you know about it?
"...Who and/or What Are You?"
Your answer ("I Am that I Am") is short and sweet. It is actually one of the hints that directs your intelligence toward the full answer.
The phrase "I Am That I Am" originally comes from the Bible. After wandering in the desert herding sheep for forty years, Moses did a lot of contemplating about God, and what he would ask him if he should ever get a chance to talk to Him. When he finally got his big chance -- what did he ask?
He asked God for His name.
Because in those days the name revealed something about the destiny or the character of a man or woman. It still does today but on a more subconscious level.
To this great question that Moses spent decades contemplating, the answer was "I Am that I Am."
Or was it?
Think about it. This statement makes no sense at all, and all the scholars in the world have not shed any light on it. Neither has any channeling or New Age book even though many use the phrase on a regular basis.
The reason it does not make sense as quoted is because it was a mistranslation.
What God really said to Moses was:
"I AM BECOMING that which I wish TO BECOME. Go tell Israel that HE WHO IS BECOMING has sent you."
This is an additional hint as to "Who and/or What Am I?"
Note: The final answer to each of the principles will never be a popular quote, but will be a paragraph or more of explanation in your own words. Nevertheless, if a popular phrase or explanation comes to your mind and you feel impressed to use it -- Go ahead. Your short answer provided a hint that will take us toward the revelation.
You are correct. We are not our physical bodies, but there are three worlds of form that create for us vehicles that we use, but yet that we are not. The Physical body is one of our vehicles. What are the other two.
Concerning the Near Death Experience [NDE] you mentioned; keep this in mind: Deception does not end at death. There are those in the spiritual world that will deceive us either through ignorance or on purpose.
No matter where you are you must rely on the revelations from your True Self as your guide to truth.
We will be talking about reincarnation as we go along.
If you reach a point where you do not know how to take your next step. Ask for another hint. On the other hand make a guess if you have to.
"He who lives for humanity does even more than him who dies for it."
-- Helena P. Blavatsky (HPB)
Word of the Day
Spiritual Triad -- Literally the Atma-buddhi-manas, the expression of the Monad just as the personality is the expression of the ego. Its third or lowest aspect forms the egoic or causal body.
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved