2008-10-24 04:14:00
by E. T. Tennyson
a "Harvest Publication"
circa 1956
While the Reducing Diet will eventually remove the heavy, tallowy fat from the system and bring the weight down to normal, the diet must still be carefully followed as long as the body X-ray shows the filthy coat on the tongue. This will not clear up until the filth from the dead and fermented foods is dissolved by the chlorophyll and removed from the tissues and blood stream, and this may take months or even years. It will be necessary to control your weight simply by the quantity of food taken. Of course if the loss of weight is too great, simply add some semi-oxygenated foods like baked potatoes or sweet potatoes, whole wheat or pumpernickel bread, dried beans, turnips, carrots, or potato chips, but add these to the GREEN VEGETABLE meal always -- never to the FRESH FRUIT meal! This is important, for the all FRESH FRUIT meal is the real secret of success of the diet.
As a matter of fact, if you must have sandwiches, chocolates, puddings, candies, cakes, pies, ice creams, etc., take them with the GREEN VEGETABLE meal -- never with the FRESH FRUIT meal and never BETWEEN MEALS -- so that the chlorophyll in the green vegetables can dissolve some of the waste matter and carry it off before it is absorbed by the tissues. For whatever else you do, keep one daily meal exclusively FRESH FRUIT and the other one mostly GREEN VEGETABLES. If circumstances compel you to break this schedule and take the GREEN VEGETABLES at the evening meal, then make the noon lunch the next day the all FRESH FRUIT meal. In fact, after your weight is down to normal, it may be better to take the fresh fruit-plate at the noon meal, and the green vegetables at the evening meal. For of course this is only a general outline of diet, and you will work out your own menus as they fit your particular case. But never forget that you have learned this important schedule of eating -- one meal of all FRESH FRUIT to start the process of body-cleaning, followed by a meal of MOSTLY GREEN VEGETABLES to dissolve the waste matter from fermentation and carry it off! The whole purpose of the Reducing Diet has been to gradually condition your system so that you can take one meal of all FRESH FRUIT, followed by one of mostly GREEN VEGETABLES.
Most restaurants today serve a green combination salad with every meal, and many serve an all fresh fruit plate, and green vegetables and fresh fruits are readily obtainable at the markets the year around. You will soon form the habit of choosing the GREENEST stalk of celery, the GREENEST head of lettuce, the GREENEST peppers, the GREENEST cucumbers, and the GREENEST variety of all vegetables at your market! And while you have probably thrown away the GREEN leaves of celery, the GREEN rind of cucumbers, and many other GREEN parts of vegetables in the past, you will soon form the habit of saving every part of these GREEN vegetables and serving them; for they are almost pure chlorophyll, and are by far the most important part of the vegetable. And a few slices of bananas, apples, oranges or grapefruit, with a few grapes, preferably the GREEN variety, with perhaps a few figs or sliced pears or peaches, or a few berries, make a delightful fruit plate, and most of these are available at your markets the year around.
We are fortunate in having access to the living foods today, and we have seen the scientific reason for such a schedule; for after your system has had some 18 hours of steady body-cleaning -- with not one bite of food from the evening dinner to the noon lunch -- the chlorophyll in the GREEN VEGETABLES dissolves the waste matter and carries it off, and the cleansed system can absorb the all FRESH FRUIT of the next meal with very little waste matter. As the all FRESH FRUIT meal is absorbed by the cleansed blood and is carried throughout your system, you will actually feel a new charge of energy surge through every fiber of your body such as few of this civilization have experienced! This is LIVING, and if you will keep in mind the following "Ten Commandments" of the diet, you may actually enjoy health and vitality far above and beyond your fondest dreams:
Thus you have an outline of The Diet Of Oxygen, a balanced formula from which to work, and you can see that such a diet, if adopted generally, would almost entirely eliminate "kitchen drudgery." For any food that requires spices, sauces, rich seasoning, or great preparation by the chef -- before your stomach can stand it -- surely is not the best food for man. Fruits and most vegetables are palatable just as they come from mother earth, without cooking or preparation of any kind; but try meat or eggs without cooking or preparation of any kind! Try a dish of hog brains, if you please, or a plate of calf liver, without cooking or preparation of any kind! Of course the fruits and vegetables should be neatly arranged so that they are pleasing to the eye, and the whole atmosphere of the dining room should be one of cheerfulness and joy. For proper eating is a pleasure, and nothing is prettier or more palatable than a plate of sliced fruit, neatly arranged, or a plate of crisp salad, with the green, yellow and red colors of nature's vegetables blended in perfect harmony.
You can see then that in our unnatural environment of low atmospheric pressure on these mountain plateaus, the whole game of life is simply OXYGEN versus FERMENTATION! OXYGEN means LIFE, and FERMENTATION means DEATH! Everything that is OXYGENATED is ALIVE, and everything that is FERMENTING is DEAD, for FERMENTATION can not exist where there is a natural circulation of OXYGEN, and with an abundant supply of OXYGEN there could be no FERMENTATION! The fresh fruits and green vegetables give life and vitality simply because they are OXYGENATED -- alive with the natural circulation of OXYGEN -- and FERMENTATION has not set up to fill them with dead waste-matter! The five groups of dead foods fill your system with dead waste-matter simply because they are NONOXYGENATED -- they no longer have the natural circulation of OXYGEN -- and FERMENTATION has filled them with dead waste-matter!
The whole secret of eating then is to get enough OXYGEN from foods without "clogging" your system with too much waste-matter filth from FERMENTATION, and you can see that so-called nutritious foods, vitamins and food values have nothing to do with it! Your very survival - yea, in fact the very survival of all mankind -- depends upon our ability to separate the OXYGEN for chemical transformation to life and energy from the terrible quantity of waste-matter filth from FERMENTATION found in all foods today! You alone can control your own "balance"! After your system is cleansed, your weight is normal, and your body X-ray (coated tongue) clears, you can take breakfast again, also some semi-oxygenated foods, and even small amounts of certain non-oxygenated foods. But never depart from the schedule of one meal of mostly GREEN VEGETABLES, followed by the next of all FRESH FRUIT! For this is the only balanced diet today that can supply the greatest amount of vitality with the least amount of dead waste-matter.
You will marvel at the perfect control with the GREEN VEGETABLE PLATE and the FRESH FRUIT PLATE, and at the change that takes place in your body! Almost immediately you will enjoy better health and clearer thinking! As the poisonous fat disappears and you are able to breathe deeply again, blood pressure will drop to normal, and the old "pump" will no longer pound as it labours to force life-giving oxygen through a clogged and constipated system! You will feel alive again, and you will be so overjoyed with the diet that you will want to preach it from the housetops! Longstanding and stubborn cases of constipation will disappear, and your stools will be regular and more natural than they have been since childhood! Daily headaches from a gassed up and soured stomach will be a thing of the past, and no longer will you be afraid to face life! You will "sober up" -- look at life through clear eyes again -- as if unseen hands had lifted you out of some grasping mire!
As a matter of fact, the diet may do so much for you -- actually make such a new person of you -- that you may never again want to break away from the Diet of Oxygen even for a single moment! So, with our own experience, perhaps we should leave you with this bit of advice: While you now know the five groups of foods that are non-oxygenated -- meat products, milk products, egg products, starch products, sugar products -- and while you know these are DEAD foods that fill your system with DEAD waste-matter, you will find that due to circumstances it is next to impossible today to avoid eating some of these foods now and then. For as stated before, perhaps it is better to eat a meal of these DEAD and stimulating foods occasionally, if avoiding the meal is going to incur the hostility of your family and friends! While this means that it will take longer to cleanse your system, we should be careful to let others know that we are not fanatic about it; for we should emphasize the fact -- for the good of the diet -- that the Diet of Oxygen is a HEALTH DIET, not a vegetarian diet of religious fanatics!
And after your system is cleansed of its waste matter, an occasional meal of non-oxygenated foods could do no more harm than occasional drinks of alcoholic stimulates. The real danger lies in the fact that they ARE stimulates and HABIT-FORMING! One bite calls for another, and one meal calls for another, exactly like the stimulates of alcohol, and if you indulge in them too often you soon find that your craving for food cannot be satisfied without them. It is for this reason that you avoid the five groups of non-oxygenated foods as much as possible -- simply because they are stimulating and habit-forming -- not because you are fanatic on the subject! If circumstances make it necessary to eat non-oxygenated and stimulating foods; take them sparingly for what they are, as the sensible person takes stimulating drinks; for once they start circulating in the blood stream you will find yourself right back in the same old "habit"!
But you now have a knowledge of diet that very few upon this earth have today, and your understanding of the power of OXYGEN surpasses that of the very wisest of our civilization! You have learned that man's life span was almost a thousand years when he lived in the heavier atmospheric pressure of the deep valleys prior to the Flood, and that he had none of the ills we have today! And while this discovery is startling beyond words, and while it has unheard of possibilities, we have tried to refrain from making great claims for it, simply because the discovery is so new that we have had little opportunity to experiment with it. While some believe that it would take more than a generation of correct breathing and proper diet to show real, startling results from this discovery, we have hopes that this book will start the experimentations, and that thousands -- young and old, sick and well -- will try the Diet of Oxygen! And we have greater hopes that this book will open up the way for experiments with pressurized and oxygenized deep-breathing apparatuses, pressurized and oxygenized hospitals, and pressurized and oxygenized food-producing greenhouses!
At any rate, you hold in your hands a scientific diet that can rid your system of its poisonous filth! Do what you will about it, it is the only cleansing diet left upon this earth! But more important, you not only have this discovery of the ROAD to health, but, in fact, you have the discovery of the tremendous power of the magical gas called OXYGEN -- the very SPIRIT of the Creator, and the very source of life itself We have no idea today where this discovery will lead us, or to what heights it will yet lift mankind! It is only a start in the right direction, but with possibilities so tremendous that they are startling beyond human description! We know only a little today of the power of the Divine-like gas called OXYGEN, and when every ramification of this subject is explored it might well lead to perfect health; yea, in fact, to everlasting life right here upon this earth!
Only YOU can help us keep alive this subject, and help us carry it through to its logical end; for of all of the billions upon this earth, only you readers of this book know the secret of rust, rot, decay, fermentation, virus, disease, death, and even life itself! While millions are spent in search of wonder drugs and miracle cures, do you and I hold in our hands the very secret of perpetual youth, perfect health, and everlasting life upon this earth? This we have yet to learn through experimentation with magical OXYGEN, and you can help us by engaging the attention of others in this startling discovery! For while many have searched in vain for it, is it possible that at long last we actually stand at the very door of the elusive Fountain of Youth?
-- End Of Chapter 10 --
-- End Of Book --
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved