2008-10-23 01:37:00
My Friends,
A while back Larry made a post suggesting that William Ayers wrote one or more of Obama's books. I wish I had thought of it sooner, but I just had a brainstorm that could use this possibility to swing the election.
Here is a letter I wrote to key conservatives:
If it were revealed before the election that William Ayers was a ghost writer for one or more of Obama's books do you think that could cause a McCain victory?
I think it could. And what's more such a revelation is entirely possible. Stay with me; before this letter is finished I will explain why.
As you may know, Jack Cashill wrote an article presenting the theory that Ayers actually wrote Obama's Book, "Dreams From My Father." He noticed a similarity of writing style between "Dreams" and Ayer's book, "Fugitive Days." He gave one example of corresponding text from each book and a few thoughts about similarities.
If this theory is true and was proven then this would be devastating to Obama. The problem is that Cashill's evidence is mostly based on a hunch and feeling and not concrete enough for anyone mainstream to seriously promote.
There is a way to prove whether or not Ayers wrote Obama's book -- just as experts proved that James Madison wrote Federalist Papers that were under disputed authorship.
Each author has his own individual "wordprint" that can prove authorship just as fingerprints can identify an individual who touched an object.
Each author has certain writing patterns that repeat in a unique fashion peculiar to himself and no one else.
One of the easiest ways to identify a writer is to look for an unusual manner of phrasing words that will show up again and again.
Experts though will pick about twenty words and see how their repetition matches with the known and unknown author.
Nouns, verbs and adjectives are usually not used unless they are unusual ones that repeat regularly. Key words are taken from prepositions and adverbs.
I do not know if Bill Ayers wrote Obama's books but I certainly would like to find out. Millions of others would want to know also.
I'm sending this letter to you because I think that you may be intelligent and savvy enough to get the study done before the election. If powerful evidence is produced that Ayers assisted Obama and you expose it then it is entirely possible that you could be responsible for a heroic effort that could swing the election toward McCain/Palin.
Here's an article for you to read that explains the process of identifying an author through his writing style:
I am sending this letter to the following people in hope that it will reach several who will take this seriously:
Dick Morris Brent Bozell
Bill O'Reilly
Newt Gingrich
Dennis Miller
Glen Beck
Ben Stein
Bill Sammon
Ann Coulter
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Michael Reagan
Steve Forbes
Karl Rove
Britt Hume
Robert M. "Mike" Duncan
Michelle Malkin
John Stossel
David Limbaugh
Chuck Norris
Michael Reagan
Laura Ingrahm
Neil Cavuto
Jack Cashill
Matt Drudge
John Gibson
Mitt Romney
Mike Huckabee
Perhaps some of you can work together on this.
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved