2008-10-21 18:59:00
by E. T. Tennyson
a "Harvest Publication"
circa 1956
Since certain oxygenated foods are available to some that may not always be available to others, and since some foods are obtainable only in season, we cannot here specify certain foods to be followed in the Diet of Oxygen, but we can categorically list foods that experience shows to be the most ideal balanced diet for reducing fat and waste matter in the system. We know now which foods are oxygenated, and we know that only those that are still ALIVE with at least a trace of green chlorophyll could cleanse our system of its poisonous filth, and with this knowledge we will have no difficulty choosing a reducing diet. The only problem, then, is to properly balance these foods so that they reduce the fat and poisonous filth in the body, but so that they do it gradually, and not too violently.
For while fresh fruit produces the greatest amount of endurance and vitality, and while it makes the most ideal diet for man, don't ever try an all fresh fruit diet until your system has been conditioned for it; for just one meal of all fresh fruit might almost smother you with gas -- if you have several pounds of overweight fat or poisonous acid in your body! For the oxygen in fresh fruit so re-vitalizes the body that it starts such a violent process of body-cleaning that the blood stream may be filled with poisonous filth squeezed from the tissues. You can understand then how vitally important it is to include green "herbs" or vegetables in the reducing diet, so that the purifying chlorophyll can dissolve the filth, and so that the roughage of the vegetables can assist in carrying off the dissolved fat and waste matter.
The reducing diet then becomes a matter of simple arithmetic -- one small meal of fresh fruits to re-vitalize the system with oxygen and start the violent process of body-cleaning, followed by a small meal of mostly green vegetables to dissolve the waste-matter fat with chlorophyll and to carry it off with the roughage. If one will keep this simple truth in mind -- that the oxygen in fresh FRUIT causes the system to squeeze out waste-matter fat from the tissues, and that green vegetables dissolve the waste-matter fat and carry it off -- he will have no difficulty with the reducing Diet of Oxygen.
You can see then that unless each individual chooses his own diet and intelligently controls the radical process of body-cleaning, the reducing Diet of Oxygen could be quite violent and could lead to unnecessary discomforts. After the system is cleansed of the pounds of waste-matter fat, one will crave fruit, and can eat many meals in succession of even raw, fresh fruit. And rather than any discomforts from it, he will experience the greatest endurance and vitality of his entire lifetime; for he will actually feel the oxygen in fresh fruits revitalizing his whole system, and his muscles will literally tingle with the thrilling sensation of renewed vitality! But until his system is cleansed of the great quantities of watery fats, starches and acids, he must temper his diet of fruits with green, chlorophyll-impregnated herbs or vegetables to dissolve and carry off the filth.
This explains why strict fruit diets have never been successful, and why fresh fruit does not "agree" with some. If your system is filled with acids and waste-matter fats, and you experiment with fruit diets, you will lose faith at once. For the renewed vitality of oxygen in the fruit diet starts your system to removing the waste matter, and when this poison is thrown into the circulation you will think you are seriously ill, and of course you blame the diet of fruit. But as soon as this poisonous waste-matter is removed from your system, you can live a healthy life on fruit alone, and perhaps a healthier life than you ever dreamed of! In fact, when your system is cleansed of the waste-matter fat you will find that all foods that did not "agree" with you have lost their disagreeing effect.
We can see then that it is of utmost importance that every meal should be eliminated from the body just as soon as possible during the reducing diet. For the great quantity of waste matter fat squeezed from the tissues is thrown into the circulation, and thence to the kidneys and the bowels, and it must be carried off. While the Diet of Oxygen will eventually completely eliminate constipation, the sticky waste-matter may be very constipating during the first few weeks of the reducing diet. If a regular bowel movement is not experienced each day, then nature should be helped with an enema or a laxative or both, as tremendous quantities of sticky waste-matter will be thrown into the bowels and kidneys, and it is of utmost importance that it be eliminated daily. A mild laxative is best for this purpose, preferable a good herbal laxative.
We are now ready to suggest a Reducing Diet, and the first step should be to make a record of your weight, as both the speed of elimination and loss of weight can be carefully controlled and regulated by the diet. We have seen that it is wiser and safer to lose weight gradually, as the discomforts of the diet will be far less if you do not lose weight too rapidly. While some prefer to start the process of body-cleaning by fasting the first day or two, perhaps for all concerned it is just as well to start the reducing diet with the following "Two Meals A Day Plan":
Only your regular drink of coffee or tea, unsweetened and uncreamed.
By eliminating all solid food at breakfast and all lunching between meals, your system has about 18 hours of steady body-cleaning -- from the evening dinner the day before to the noon lunch -- and this alone can do wonders for your health. The whole purpose of the diet is to give your system time for body-cleaning, and remember that even a small amount of food at breakfast or between meals interrupts the important process of body-cleaning which is constantly taking place between every meal and during the night! For when even a small amount of food is taken, the blood rushes to the stomach to take care of the food eaten, and body-cleaning immediately stops. Chewing gum can help you over this period, you can drink all the water you want, and it is even better to drink black coffee or tea during the day than to take even a small amount of food at breakfast or between meals.
The noon lunch should be your principal meal for the day, at least until your weight is normal, and the main course should be the combination salad of green, LIVING vegetables. If this meal is taken at a restaurant or public eating place, a "chef's salad bowel" is ideal, as it supplies both the green vegetables, the meat dish, and the crackers or toast, and the "root" vegetable can be had as a side order. And no drink of any kind should be taken with food, as it dilutes the digestive juices and retards proper digestion. Wait ten or fifteen minutes after the meal before drinking, as this gives the system time enough for at least the first process of digestion.
The first week is the most critical period of the diet, and unless caution is exercised the process of body-cleaning could be too violent. Dried fruit only should be used for the main course of the evening meal during the first week, as dried fruit does not set up such a violent process of body-cleaning as fresh fruit. Moreover, dried fruit is a natural laxative, and will help eliminate the terrible quantities of waste matter that will be squeezed out of the tissues during the first weeks of the diet. And if a regular bowel movement is not experienced each day, it is of utmost importance the first week or so to help nature eliminate the poison with daily enemas or laxatives. For you will start losing weight the very first week, as the heavy, tallowy fat is squeezed out, and this should be carefully controlled simply by the AMOUNT of food taken, No two persons are alike, and it will be necessary to control the process of body-cleaning and the loss of weight by the QUANTITY of food eaten.
AND DO NOT EAT ONE BITE OF FOOD BETWEEN MEALS! This is vitally important, as this alone is the reason for the failure of most diets. You can chew gum, drink water, coffee or tea, but do not take even one bite of food and stop body-cleaning between meals. This will perhaps be easier if you will always remember this fact: That the "gnawing" and dead feeling in your stomach -- the terrible craving you feel -- is NOT hunger at all, but is the REVERSE process of body-cleaning -- the price we must all pay for breaking nature's laws of eating throughout our lifetime - and we might as well make up our mind at the start that we MUST put up with this miserable, hungry feeling. For if some have gone forty days or more without food, we know that merely reducing our diet does not leave us hungry or in need of food. Actually this is merely your system squeezing out of your tissues the fatty, tallowy, partly-decomposed substance of food that was eaten months ago, perhaps years ago, and throwing it back into the blood stream for elimination, thus creating the false appetite and the miserable, unnatural gnawing and dead feeling in the stomach.
Only your regular drink of unsweetened and uncreamed coffee or tea.
Only your regular drink of unsweetened and uncreamed coffee or tea.
During the first two or three weeks of the diet the heavy, tallowy fat is squeezed out from the cavity of the stomach and lungs, and you will be pleasantly surprised to find that you can breathe deeply again, perhaps the first time since childhood. This will be a little difficult at, first, as you are pulling life-giving oxygen into the lower parts of your lungs that have been so crowded by the tallowy fat that perhaps they have never felt the life-touch of oxygen. But with a little practice in the fresh air at every opportunity, this will become easier, and you will soon find yourself automatically practicing deep-breathing throughout the day.
Sleep with your window raised, if possible, and take twenty or more deep breaths through the nose each night and morning. Exhale through the mouth slowly, and completely empty the lungs at each exhale of breath to remove all of the stale air deep down in the lower section of the lungs, and hold each deep breath a second or two so that all of the oxygen can be absorbed by the lungs. You will actually feel the oxygen re-vitalize the stomach muscles which have probably laid dormant since youth, and you will find this the very best laxative you can take. For you will actually feel and hear the rolling and growling of the stomach muscles as they are re-activated by the additional and much-needed oxygen of life!
Walking and bending exercises should be practiced during the diet, preferably upon arising in the morning, to strengthen the muscles of the body. For keep in mind that the muscles of the body -- re-vitalized by the oxygen in the diet -- are actually reacting to squeeze out the terrible quantities of poisonous waste matter stored in the tissues since youth, almost as you would squeeze out dirty water from a sponge. Daily massaging or firmly rubbing the entire body with the hands will assist nature in this "wringing out process," and when the tallowy fat in the tissues starts to disappear, your muscles will limber up, bending exercises will be easy, you can again walk and run, and you may actually feel younger than you have for years! But don't be surprised if you cough up and blow from the nose great quantities of sticky phlegm as it is squeezed out of the tissues, and don't be alarmed at the terrible amount of this pure filth as it comes through the kidneys; for such a tremendous quantity of amber, cloudy, almost thick, smelly poison will continue to pass off in the urine that you will actually wonder how you ever lived with such filth stored in your body! And it will keep coming; but by the end of the third week your system should be ready for a menu of almost all oxygenated, LIVING foods.
At the end of the third week your weight may or may not be down to normal, depending upon your condition at the start, but the idea has been to work gradually toward the FRESH FRUIT and the GREEN VEGETABLES, and you will note in the latter menus that all fresh fruit is suggested, the cottage cheese and bread have been dropped, and the meat can be replaced with a "root" vegetable, if one chooses to do so. This is the systematic way of leading up to the Diet of Oxygen without throwing your system into such a violent process of body-cleaning, and you will find that when the stimulates of meat products, milk products, egg products, starch products and sugar products are gradually eliminated, and they no longer circulate in the blood stream, that the craving for them stops, and it is quite easy to discard them from the diet and replace them with the LIVING-oxygenated foods which we call The Diet Of Oxygen. For with this new knowledge you will soon learn that the secret of diet is OXYGEN versus FERMENTATION, and that it is OXYGEN in the living fruits and vegetables that gives you real vitality, and that it is the filth of FERMENTATION in the dead foods that fills your system with dead waste-matter. And in the next chapter we will see the merit of OXYGEN in the living foods in contradistinction to FERMENTATION in the dead foods, and we will list the ten most important rules in following The Diet Of Oxygen.
-- End Of Chapter Nine --
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved