2008-10-18 04:50:00
by E. T. Tennyson
a "Harvest Publication"
circa 1956
The recent findings of biochemists -- that real vitality, energy and LIFE come mostly from LIVING foods -- are quite startling! For with our modern diet today of mostly non-oxygenated DEAD foods, we can understand why DEAD waste-matter in the human system is the real menace of our civilization. Nature has mercifully arranged that green, growing, LIVING foods remain ALIVE for quite some time after they are taken from mother earth before they spoil or DIE. As a matter of fact, some fruits like the apple, orange, grapefruit, etc., and some vegetables like the cabbage, remain ALIVE for weeks before they "die," and it is during this LIVING PERIOD that they must be eaten or processed to be LIVING, oxygenated foods.
This makes it quite easy to separate the LIVING, oxygenated foods from the non-oxygenated, DEAD foods. For those with no longer a trace of green, LIVING, oxygenated-chlorophyll would simply be DEAD foods, while those still growing and ALIVE, or that are cooked, canned, pickled or frozen WHILE STILL ALIVE, are LIVING, oxygenated foods, retaining their full chemical value of life-giving oxygen and cleansing chlorophyll. You will recognize them at a glance at your market, for they include the FRESH FRUITS, FRESH MELONS, and FRESH VEGETABLES on the refrigerator counter, as well as fruits and vegetables that are canned, frozen or pickled WHILE STILL FRESH OR ALIVE -- including of course the pickled cucumber, olive and cabbage (sauerkraut) that are pickled while still green, fresh or ALIVE!
Oxygenated Fruits: It is obvious that fruit should head the list of man's diet, as it was the original diet of man in the "fruit garden." While certain animals were created grass-eaters, others nut-eaters, and still others live on a diet of grain, the natural diet for man is fruit, as it contains everything necessary to sustain healthful life. Every form of edible fruit makes the ideal diet for man, fresh fruit, and that which is canned, cooked or frozen while fresh, and this includes the berry, the grape, the tomato, as well as the juice of all fruits. The fruit-part of The Diet Of Oxygen is easy to remember, as it includes all fresh fruits and fruits processed while fresh, for all fresh fruits are still ALIVE, fully oxygenated with vitamin OXYGEN, and the edible rind or peel should be included when possible, as it is impregnated with cleansing chlorophyll.
Oxygenated Vegetables: Every part of vegetables growing above the ground is fully oxygenated, and the edible vegetables make the next best diet for man. They supply the roughage needed, as well as life-giving oxygen, and the greener they are the better, for the green, leafy vegetables abound in purifying chlorophyll. Perhaps green, leafy lettuce comes first on the list, as it makes the base for green salads, although head lettuce is almost as good, and green peppers, green onions, green cucumbers and green celery are almost pure chlorophyll. In serving these always include the green leaves of celery, the green tops of onions, and the green rind of cucumbers. These are life-savers of chlorophyll, even though in the past many have thrown away these most important parts of vegetables. Of course green beans, green peas, cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, asparagus, fresh corn and all parts of greens are included. This group too is easy to remember, as it includes every fresh, LIVING vegetable growing above the ground, and every vegetable that is cooked, canned, pickled or frozen while still fresh or ALIVE.
Oxygenated Melons: All melons are fully oxygenated, and like fruit, melons have a much longer LIVING PERIOD than many vegetables, remaining ALIVE for many days after they are plucked from the vine. Throughout this living period they can be eaten or processed as LIVING and fully oxygenated foods.
Thus the list of oxygenated foods is easy to remember, as it includes every fresh, growing, LIVING food, and every food that can be cooked, canned, pickled or frozen while still fresh and ALIVE with oxygen and chlorophyll. Only these foods could have the natural and continuous circulation of oxygen that impregnates them with its chemical value and with cleansing chlorophyll, and nature herself proves to us that these are the real foods that give energy and life. For note that she plants the seed of life right in these foods that are ALIVE with oxygen! She plants the seed of the fruit right in the fruit, the seed of the vegetable right in the stalk of the vegetable, and the seed of the melon right in the melon! Why ? Because the seed is the very spark of new life, and since the fruits, the vegetables and the melons are the very foods of life, nature places the seed of new life right in these LIVING "nests" of life-giving oxygen and cleansing chlorophyll.
While our foods of today are divided into two general groups which we call OXYGENATED LIVING-FOODS and NON-OXYGENATED DEAD-FOODS, there are other border-line foods which we will call SEMI-OXYGENATED PARTLY-DEAD-FOODS because they are only partly alive. We have seen that the OXYGENATED LIVING-FOODS are only the growing, FRESH foods -- living foods that will spoil or die if they are not eaten or processed during their short LIVING PERIOD -- and we shall see later that the NON-OXYGENATED DEAD-FOODS are foods that can hardly spoil or die because they are already DEAD, and foods that are completely void of oxygen and green chlorophyll. The SEMI-OXYGENATED PARTLY-DEAD-FOODS then would be those that seldom spoil or die because they are already partly dead from drying or modern processing, or because they are only partly alive with oxygenated chlorophyll.
Semi-Oxygenated Dried Foods: All dried foods, like dried fruits, dried beans, dried peas, dried nuts, dried peanuts, etc., will keep without spoiling or "dying" almost indefinitely, simply because they are already partly dead from the drying process, and fermentation after their LIVING PERIOD has filled them with quite a lot of dead waste-matter. If fruits, beans and peas are cooked, canned or frozen while still fresh or ALIVE with green chlorophyll -- before the drying process of fermentation sets in - they are fully oxygenated and are LIVING foods. But all dried foods can be taken sparingly, as they are partly alive and easily digested, and peanut butter makes an ideal substitute for non-oxygenated milk-butter.
Semi-Oxygenated Roots: Root vegetables are never as good as the oxygenated green vegetables that grow above the ground, and they must be classified as semi-oxygenated simply because they do not get the sun's rays to make them "ALIVE" with the green, cleansing, oxygenated chlorophyll. As proof of this, cover any oxygenated, green plant so that it is hidden from the sun's rays, and in a few days it will turn pale and lose its green chlorophyll. This group includes the potato, sweet potato, horse radish, carrot, radish, celery root, beet, turnip, dried onion, etc. But all of these may be eaten sparingly, as they are semi-oxygenated, and they are easily digested and eliminated.
Semi-Oxygenated Sweets: The natural sweets, like honey, sorghum, maple sugar and unrefined brown sugar are semi-oxygenated from processing because they are no longer "ALIVE" with oxygenated chlorophyll, and they should be used sparingly, as we get an ample supply of sugar from the oxygenated fruits. But these are much better than "saccharin" for sweetening other foods, as saccharin is a coal-tar crystalline, and thus mineral and inorganic, and it cannot be assimilated by the body.
Semi-Oxygenated Drinks: While most diets prohibit the drinking of coffee and tea, we know now that all such diets are based on a wrong principle, and it is certain that the coffee bean and the green tea leaf are at least partly oxygenated. If taken unsweetened and uncreamed, both coffee and tea must be classified as semi-oxygenated drinks. In fact, tea made from the dried, green leaf, and unsweetened is, next to fruit juice, perhaps the most healthful drink. Both coffee and tea are valuable appetite-appeasers between meals during the reducing diet, but they should be taken without sugar or cream.
There are just five groups of foods that must be classified as strictly "DEAD" foods and thus non-oxygenated, and perhaps many will be shocked when we list these foods. For millions the world over look upon these foods as the very staff of life! We are not categorically condemning these foods, as the human body is so wonderfully made that the young and hearty can take many of them -- at least for a time -- and the healthy person can take them sparingly. But with this discovery of the cleansing effect of the natural circulation of oxygen through all life, and the killing effect of waste matter from "DEAD" foods on the human body, we are forced to list the following as non-oxygenated and DEAD foods: MEAT PRODUCTS, MILK PRODUCTS, EGG PRODUCTS, STARCH PRODUCTS and SUGAR PRODUCTS.
Non-Oxygenated Meat Products: Meatless diets are as old as the hills, and every generation has produced its fanatical vegetarians with all manner of fanatical reasons for refusing meat. But ours is an age of meat-eaters, when many live almost exclusively on meat, and it would be foolish indeed, and a mere waste of time, to even suggest a meatless diet today. So we are merely pointing out here that meat and meat products are non-oxygenated and DEAD foods, but we are not advocating strict vegetarianism. The healthy person can stand small amounts of lean meat, and there are many foods of our modern diet far more harmful than lean meat. But all fats should be avoided as much as possible, as it is now well known that the body does not assimilate the fats of meat, butter, cream, cheese or eggs. As a matter of fact, if these foods are not immediately eliminated they may either rot in the colon or be stored as tallowy fat in the tissues until the system can throw them off in body-cleaning.
The real danger of meat is that of any other stimulate -- forming a habit! For meat is a stimulant, and very habit-forming, exactly like alcohol and tobacco, and when enough is eaten that it circulates in the blood stream it becomes a habit, and nothing else will satisfy the craving for it. And when the habit is formed, the clean, oxygenated fruits and vegetables will no longer satisfy hunger. For all meat and meat products are non-oxygenated, as life-giving oxygen could not possibly penetrate the tough, leathery hide of the animal and circulate through the meat cut, and the rays of the sun could never reach it to impregnate it with green and cleansing chlorophyll. Compare, if you will, a "DEAD," soggy, bloody steak, or a fat, greasy pork chop, with a "LIVE," tree-ripened apple, or a clean, crisp stalk of celery, green with purifying chlorophyll, and you will understand what we mean.
Christian people sometimes point to the fact that the Creator did not deprive his people, Israel, of meat, and that early Christianity was not opposed to meat as a food. Of course this is true. There is nothing morally wrong in eating meat, and we are merely pointing out here that "DEAD" flesh is simply non-oxygenated. Meat was not even considered food until after the Flood of Noah's day, and during the whole 1,656 years prior to the Flood -- when man was so healthy his life span reached to almost a thousand years -- not one bite of it was eaten! When it was adopted as food after the Flood it was by sheer necessity, enforced "cannibalism" -- the man-animal eating the flesh of his fellow-animal from necessity - as the waters of the Flood left the earth so desolate and barren of food that it was evidently months, perhaps years, that only grass for animals grew upon the earth, and it was either eat the flesh of animals or die of starvation!
While we have acquired the "habit" of eating stimulating meat and have become accustomed to it, it is certain that men of Noah's day abhorred the very thought of eating animal flesh! Think of one animal eating the flesh of another -- cannibalism -- and perhaps they loathed it as men today would loathe human flesh. But they had no alternative! It was a question of survival -- the survival of the fittest -- and they were forced to swallow it even with the knowledge that it would cut their life span from almost a thousand years to less than one hundred and twenty years (Genesis 6:3).
And perhaps we should answer Christian people by pointing out that early Christianity was concerned primarily with establishing itself, not necessarily with the health problems of that day, even though one of its greatest supporters placed stimulating meat in the same category with intoxicating wine when he said: "It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine." (Romans 14:21) And perhaps we should point out the words of Moses that in the beginning the Creator permitted Israel to eat meat only after (quoting Moses) "the mixed multitude that was among them fell a lusting, and the children of Israel wept again and said, Who will give us flesh to eat? ... and the anger of the Lord was kindled greatly." (Numbers 11:4,10)
Meat is a DEAD food, stimulating and so habit-forming that nothing else will satisfy the craving for food after the habit is acquired. It is very slow to digest, and when eaten with other foods that digest more rapidly it may be carried into the colon half digested, and may lay there for months in a decomposed and worm-infested state. It is now certain that meat is the primary cause of bad breath and body odor. Archers who use the bow and arrow to hunt deer have learned that they must stop eating meat at least two weeks before the deer season opens, as it leaves such a stench in their body that the deer can smell them for miles. Many severe cases of bad breath and body odor have completely cleared up when meat was stricken from the diet. All forms of meat, lard and meat products must be greatly reduced in the beginners diet, and if it must be eaten afterward it should be accepted for what it is, a mere stimulate, and should be used only occasionally and in small amounts, exactly as a sensible person takes stimulating drinks. For meat is a stimulate, and a 15 or 20 ounce steak at one meal is worse than absurd!
Non-Oxygenated Milk Products: Oddly enough, perhaps this is the first diet that has ever placed milk and milk products on the prohibitive list! For milk has been looked upon by millions as the ideal diet, and almost every recipe of the modern housewife calls for milk or milk products. But milk is simply a DEAD food, and thus non-oxygenated and waste-forming, and all of its products are stimulating and habit-forming. Milk could never be classified as a LIVING food, as the rays of the sun could never penetrate the tough leather-skin of the cow and impregnate it with cleansing chlorophyll. All fat is pure filth to the human body, and just a glance at milk will convince anyone that so-called pure milk is pure fat, and thus pure filth to the human body.
While nature proves that milk, with its high calcium content, is the ideal developing diet before weaning, both milk and its products of butter, cream, cheese, etc., are destructive to the adult. For thousands die yearly from arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, and Medical Science has definitely proved that it is caused from deposits of CALCIUM and FATTY substances in the walls of the arteries -- the very substances found in milk and milk products -- which retard the natural flow of blood. And the sad part of it is that those who use milk and milk products excessively have no way of detecting this disease until it becomes serious. Says a noted Medical Doctor in an article of March 29th, 1955, on "Arteriosclerosis":
"Just what symptoms will be caused from arteriosclerosis depends on which arteries are affected, and to what degree the blood flow is lessened by the deposits of calcium or fatty substances in the walls of the arteries. The increased hardness of the arteries which lessens the flow of blood is likely to be so gradual that there is no way of detecting it until it has been developing a long time. Deposits of calcium in the walls of the blood vessels is the principal thing responsible for hardening of the arteries."
Milk and milk products then are non-oxygenated, as butter, cream and cheese contain fats and gluey substances that constipate the whole system with fats and sticky phlegm. All forms of milk and milk products, such as butter, whipped cream, cream, ice cream and cheese, with the possible exception of cottage cheese, should be stricken from the "reducing diet," and even afterward they should be avoided as much as possible, as they contain too much fat and calcium for adult food.
Non-Oxygenated Egg Products: Eggs too are DEAD foods, non-oxygenated, and contain too much calcium and glue for human food! Oxygen could not possibly penetrate the hard shell, and it is certain it could not circulate through the gluey inside lining of the shell. Eggs are stimulating, habit-forming, they give little vitality, and contain almost pure glue that constipates the body. They are perhaps even as harmful to the adult as milk; for science has found that eggs, like milk, contain "cholesterol" or fatty substances and calcium which cause hardening of the arteries, and they should be avoided as much as possible. A famous heart specialist has this to say about eggs and milk in our diet:
"The American diet is biologically abnormal. Every other animal except man is weaned in infancy, but we go on drinking milk or using it in foods all our lives. Very few animals eat eggs, and then only during the 3 or 4 week egg-laying season, but we make a point of eating them all year round, all our lives."
Non-Oxygenated Starch Products: This group includes all processed starch products, such as pies, cakes, cookies, puddings, doughnuts, noodles, spaghetti, macaroni, all prepared breakfast foods, refined rice, white bread, white flour, and everything that is made with white flour. White flour makes ideal paste, and all foods made with it constipate the whole system with gluey phlegm. Common sense teaches us that these are DEAD foods -- like white corpses -- with not one bit of life left in them! All of these foods are pure waste, stimulating only, as modern food processing destroys every trace of oxygenated life from them, and we will crave such starchy foods only as long as they circulate in the blood stream. Hence they are non-oxygenated and should be excluded from the "reducing diet," and should be gradually eliminated from our diet forever!
Non-Oxygenated Sugar Products: This group includes all candies, soda waters, colas, manufactured syrups, jellies, jams, preserves, white sugar and everything made with white sugar. These too are DEAD FOODS, and thus non-oxygenated, waste-forming, stimulating and very habit-forming, as they are products of refined white sugar, and white sugar is completely DEAD as a food -- just another white corpse! But since we have natural sweets in abundance (honey, brown sugar, maple sugar, sorghum, fruit juices), it is not difficult to eliminate these DEAD foods from our diet, and we will crave them only as long as they circulate in the blood stream.
Thus, these new findings of biochemists make our modern diet quite frightening, as it is evident that DEAD, waste-forming and non-oxygenated foods comprise the greater part of man's diet today, and we can now understand why man is the sickest animal upon this earth! For few animals would eat the things listed above in the five groups of DEAD, non-oxygenated foods! The animal is blessed with an instinct that leads him away from such a course of sure suicide, and other than the few that have become meat-eaters by necessity, most of the domesticated animals live on a diet of LIVING, oxygenated or semi-oxygenated foods, and the undomesticated animal lives almost exclusively on green, LIVING, oxygenated foods. He would probably starve before he would eat the DEAD, starchy pies, cakes, the gluey white bread, the stimulating sweets, and the DEAD, cooked flesh with which man stuffs his body daily! Man does not have this instinct, nor even good judgment in choosing his diet, and in the next chapter we shall see that it is for this reason that most of his remedies have failed!
-- End Of Chapter Six --
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