2008-10-17 04:43:00
by E. T. Tennyson
a "Harvest Publication"
circa 1956
If man lived to an age of almost a thousand years prior to the Flood on growing, LIVING, oxygenated foods, and his life span today has dropped to less than a hundred years on a diet of mostly non-oxygenated, waste-forming, DEAD foods, we can be certain that his difficulties are due largely to dead waste-matter in his system! But we must understand that this means much more than "bowel constipation." While the average person today does have bowel constipation, and he could have ten pounds or more of decaying feces in his colon and bowels continually, he may have an even greater amount of dead waste-matter fat or poisonous acid soaked up like paste throughout the tissues of his body. While every pound of over-weight fat is dead waste-matter in the body, the slender person who follows a diet of acid-forming foods may have his tissues just as soaked up with poisonous acids as the fat person with dead waste-matter.
The one remedy then would be the process of body-cleaning, even though very few of our Western civilization have ever even heard of such a thing. This would simply mean that we must first lose every pound of overweight fat, and eliminate from our system every trace of poisonous acids. The surest and safest way of body-cleaning today is to follow a smaller diet of mostly oxygenated and LIVING foods, and allow enough time between meals for the system to eliminate the dead waste-matter by the process of body-cleaning. As the rolls of fat from the stomach cavity gradually disappear, one is able to breathe deeply again -- perhaps the first time since childhood -- and when he is able to pull life-giving oxygen into the lower part of his lungs, bowel constipation will be a thing of the past! For the LIVING, oxygenated foods will positively cure the most stubborn cases of constipation known, and for this alone the Diet of Oxygen is worth its weight in gold!
While some dietitians advocate strict fasting to speed up body-cleaning, we believe that completely abstaining from food is too dangerous for the average person today. During a fast the whole system is geared to loosen and eliminate dead waste-matter, and the average person today has accumulated such terrible quantities of dead waste-matter throughout his lifetime that such rapid elimination could make him so sick that he could die in his own filth during a long fast. And long fasts are unnecessary today. With our modern markets and home freezers, most of us have access to oxygenated foods the year around. In the early centuries many oxygenated foods were available only in season, and man's diet for the rest of the year consisted largely of waste-forming foods. It was vitally essential then that long fasts be followed so that body-cleaning could remove from the system the terrible quantities of waste matter accumulated during the long winter months. The early Christians were evidently aware of this fact, for the record shows they fasted regularly, and sometimes as long as forty days at a time.
But conditions have changed today, and long fasts are unnecessary. Perhaps to be safe and sure the average person today should not completely abstain from food longer than one day at a time, or at the most two days at a time. By far the safest way is to reduce the amount of food taken, and eat only one or two small meals daily of principally oxygenated foods until all overweight disappears. By eliminating breakfast the system has about 18 hours of steady body-cleaning from the evening meal to noon the next day -- and not one bite of food should be taken between meals. The oxygenated diet starts the system on an immediate process of body-cleaning, and any longer fast might make the process too violent. The oxygen in the diet recharges and re-vitalizes the whole system, and the more poison waste-matter one has in his body the more nature reacts to eliminate it. Those who are carrying in their bodies great quantities of overweight-waste should be warned that body-cleaning throws the whole system into reverse, and the body can stand only so much of it. They should thoroughly understand the process of body-cleaning before starting on the Diet of Oxygen!
Many start on a diet in all good faith, but they have no conception whatever as to what takes place in their body, and at the first sign of weakness, hunger or ill feeling they give up in disgust. They believe the weak feeling is due to lack of food and they actually think they will starve to death; for as soon as they return to their regular diet they feel fine again. This weak feeling is not due to lack of food, however, for we have definite proof that one may go forty days or more without even a bite of food, and it is a definite fact that man could live a normal and healthy life on apples alone, grapes alone, or almost any other fruit. And this fact completely refutes the false theory that man must have a "balanced diet"; for the body is able to convert any fresh fruit into any substance it needs!
We must definitely understand that body-cleaning is UNNATURAL; for our body should never have become fat and constipated in the first place. If we have punished our body for a whole lifetime and filled it with poisonous waste-matter, we cannot expect to cleanse it in a few days, and we must expect many discomforts. We must compensate for the terrible wrong we have done our body during our whole life. For just as soon as the oxygen in this diet re-vitalizes our system it goes into complete reverse, and it uses every method at its command to loosen and throw off poisonous waste! Perhaps this is the first opportunity in its life it has had to throw off the terrible quantities of waste matter we have stored up for a lifetime. It is desperate, and it throws wide open every "sewer" in the body! Certainly this is a shock to the system, and we can understand why we may feel much worse at the beginning before we feel better. We may feel weak, dizzy, tired, hungry or nauseated, our skin may break out with rash or boils, we may perspire excessively, we may cough up phlegm or blow it from the nose, and we may fill up with gas.
But the real secret of the human body -- the great mystery that has never been understood -- is the DIFFERENCE between "bowel elimination" and "body-cleaning." Bowel elimination is the natural process in the stomach, intestines and colon of digesting food, feeding the fluid mass to the blood and carrying off the waste. This is a NATURAL function of the body, and during this process we feel good. This explains why we feel good after a big meal, and we might say bowel elimination (digestion) is the system going FORWARD! But body-cleaning is UNNATURAL, because it is the process of removing fat or waste matter STORED in the system that should never have been there in the first place. This is an UNNATURAL function of the body -- shocking the whole system and making us feel terrible -- and we might say this process is the system going in REVERSE!
If this simple truth was generally understood perhaps millions would turn from sheer gluttony to a sensible diet; for the minute we reduce our intake of food our system immediately goes into REVERSE to loosen and eliminate waste matter we have stored since youth, and we may become weak, dizzy, fill up with gas, break out with rash, and feel a terrible craving for food. The very first lesson the dieter must learn is that this weak feeling, this gnawing and dead feeling in the stomach, and the terrible craving he feels are NOT symptoms of hunger or need of food at all, but are signs that the REVERSE process of body-cleaning has started. And he must put up with these discomforts; for this is the only way nature can squeeze out the poisonous fat or tallow that should never have been allowed to accumulate in his system in the first place. For if he takes even a few bites of food between meals, this important, process of body-cleaning comes to a screeching halt so that bowel elimination or digestion can take care of the food eaten.
We can now see why a big breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast, butter, coffee and perhaps cereal makes us feel good! We have been taught that this is due to the "nourishment" we get out of such a square meal. But this is not the case at all, as energy and endurance increase with less food, especially less protein. In fact, once we get our body cleansed of its wastes we find that fruit -- the poorest food in protein -- develops the highest energy and endurance. The simple truth is that body-cleaning starts as soon as bowel elimination has digested our evening meal, and it continues during the night while we sleep. This REVERSE process is still in progress when we arise in the morning and usually we have a bad taste, a coated tongue, and feel terrible.
But just as soon as we eat a big breakfast, body-cleaning stops, our system goes FORWARD again in bowel elimination to digest the breakfast we have eaten, we feel wonderful again, and of course we give all credit to the nourishing "square meal"!
The great unknown "mystery" of civilization then, is that in bowel elimination (digestion) we feel good because it is natural, and our system is going FORWARD, and that in body-cleaning we feel bad because it is our system in REVERSE, unnatural and should never be necessary. And of course when one process starts the other must stop, as no machine can go forward while it is running in reverse. Whenever we feel bad then, or whenever we are sick, we can understand that it is body-cleaning -- our system trying to loosen and throw off the great amount of waste matter stored in our body. For whatever name the doctor gives the disease-symptom, the direct cause is usually poison and waste matter in the body, and the symptom is body-cleaning and the discomforts that go with body-cleaning!
This explains why food taken into the stomach sometimes makes us feel better when we are sick; for it simply stops the body-cleaning which caused the sickness in the first place. It also explains why medicines, wonder drugs and vaccines sometime stop the sickness; for when drugs or vaccines are taken into the stomach or blood stream, bowel elimination immediately starts to remove the foreign matter in the drugs and vaccines, and of course body-cleaning stops immediately, and soon the sickness that was caused from body-cleaning clears up! While the treatment appears to have cured the disease, actually it has only arrested the symptom and retarded nature in the real cure, body-cleaning, and it is only a matter of opportunity that nature again starts body-cleaning, causing the dis-ease to reappear!
Now we can understand why a diet leaves us weak, dizzy and upset; for when our system is revitalized with oxygen, every fiber is alerted and bristles with excitement at the opportunity of throwing off the terrible quantity of poison, waste and acid we have accumulated over the years! The whole system is shocked, and we must understand that it actually goes into REVERSE! For all of the pounds of fat, poison, waste matter and acid that are soaked up like glue in our tissues must be RETURNED to the blood stream so that it can be carried to the sewers of the body. This is indeed a REVERSE process; for down through the years the blood stream has deposited this waste matter in our tissues simply because we poured in such quantities that it could not eliminate it and it had no other place to store it! Now it must be REVERSED and returned to the blood stream and thence to the outlets of the body!
There is little wonder then that we get sick during a diet, with all of this poison thrown back into our blood stream, and we can understand why a long fast and too much body-cleaning might be very dangerous! For if we have accumulated great quantities of overweight-fat in our system, too much body-cleaning might throw so much poisonous waste-matter back into the blood stream that it could make us deathly sick, actually poison us with our own filth! Some who advocate radical fasts claim "the longer the fast the better the cure"; but we can readily understand why this could lead to tragedy! No other animal on earth has violated the laws of eating like man, and if we have wronged our body for a lifetime we cannot expect to compensate for this wrong in a few weeks. It is far safer to be temperate, diet intelligently, even if it takes a year, two years or three years to cleanse the body and re-build the blood!
We can see then that the more miserable and weak one is when he starts a diet, the more waste matter he has stored in his body, as his system squeezes this poisonous waste matter from the tissues much as you would wring out dirty water from a sponge. This waste matter of greasy fat, sticky phlegm, and in some cases pus and drugs, is thrown into the blood stream, and that which cannot be eliminated by the body sewers must pass through the kidneys. For if one has taken drugs any time in his life they might still be stored as foreign matter in his tissues; for dieters have been known to eliminate drugs they had taken as long as forty years before! Think of waste food and drugs taken years ago stored in our clean tissues for as long as forty years! Can we wonder that we get sick, weak, nervous and upset when we start a diet and all of this poison is thrown back into our blood stream? Our own filth thrown right back in our face, as it were! But this is the price we must pay for breaking nature's laws! If we have filled our clean body with waste foods and poisonous drugs throughout our lifetime, we have broken the laws of nature, and we will either pay with the discomforts of a diet or we will pay with our very life!
This explains why we experience such craving when we start a diet and why we crave the very food that has built up the poisonous waste in our tissues! It is characteristic of the body to crave any substance that is circulating in the blood stream, and it is this fact that causes us to form habits. Alcohol in our blood stream causes us to crave alcohol, nicotine causes us to crave tobacco, caffeine causes us to crave coffee, and any food substance in the circulation causes us to crave that food! And when we start a diet we naturally crave the very wrong foods that we have stored in our body for a lifetime; for the very substance that is squeezed out of our sponge-like tissues and thrown back into the blood stream is the very substance we crave! If the waste matter in our body is caused from the acids and fats of too much meat, then it is these that are thrown into our blood stream when we go on a diet, and of course we feel a terrible craving for meat! If we have built up our waste matter fat on mostly starchy foods, or on sweets, then our craving will be for them when they are thrown into the circulation for elimination!
We can understand why we have become a nation of gluttons! Eating has become a habit! We no longer eat oxygenated foods for the NEED of supplying additional life-giving oxygen to the blood, as nature intended, but we eat from sheer habit! We eat anything we crave, and fill our systems with acid-forming and waste-forming foods. When nature tries to eliminate the waste by way of the circulation, the craving for it returns like alcohol to an alcoholic, we then stuff ourselves with the same waste foods, and on and on goes the vicious circle! In fact, all high-protein foods like meat, eggs, cheese, butter, cream, and all starchy foods, as well as unnatural sweets, are more "stimulating" than nourishing. These stimulating foods could kill a tiny baby, as it could no more stand them than it could stand the stimulates of alcohol, and we would not dare feed such foods to the baby until it is gradually taught the "habit" of eating them! But once we get the habit -- get these stimulating foods in our blood stream -- we become addicts, craving them like an alcoholic craves alcohol! And it is not easy to break the habit, for as long as we keep going on stimulating foods we will continue to crave them for the rest of our life!
We have become a nation of food-drunkards and we exist from day to day on stimulating foods rather than the natural, oxygenated foods that recharge our systems with life-giving oxygen. We keep going by stimulation rather than by natural health and vitality, and we actually stay so drunk on a stimulating diet that we are always at high tension, nervous, fearful, apprehensive, and we can neither think clearly nor relax! And exactly like the alcoholic or drug addict, we are stuck with the food habit, and we must pay the same terrible price in giving up the stimulates!
This discovery of the killing effect of dead waste-matter on the human body, and the long-hidden secret of removing it by body-cleaning, must be made known if our civilization is to survive. For all foods today contain more or less dead waste-matter, and not only must we learn to take LESS food -- and allow enough time between meals for our system to remove the dead waste-matter by the process of body-cleaning -- but we must learn to take foods that give us the greatest amount of oxygen with the least amount of dead waste-matter. Not many of our Western civilization have ever heard of such a thing as body-cleaning, and they don't even suspect that there is dead waste-matter in our foods. They are actually dying daily from dead waste-matter in their system, and yet they know nothing about its killing effects on the human body! In the next chapter we shall see that the reason for dead waste-matter is simply non-oxygenated, DEAD foods! OXYGEN means LIFE -- to be oxygenated is to be ALIVE -- and we shall see that oxygenated foods contain less dead waste-matter simply because they are LIVING foods, still ALIVE!
-- End Of Chapter Six --
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved