2008-10-15 08:54:00
by E. T. Tennyson
a "Harvest Publication"
circa 1956
While this subject of dead waste-matter in foods today is a hidden mystery to our civilization, it is quite easy to understand. It is well known that as soon as an animal or human dies the process of fermentation sets up, and this chemical reaction fills the dead body with rot, filth or dead waste-matter. Biochemists are now finding that it is no different with plant life or foods. Of course nature has arranged that the growing foods have a LIVING PERIOD of a few days or a few weeks after they are taken from the vine before they die, during which time they remain green and ALIVE. But as soon as this LIVING PERIOD is over, the very same process of fermentation or chemical reaction begins, filling the dead foods with rot, filth or dead waste-matter. In the pre-Flood atmospheric pressure there was very little fermentation, the LIVING PERIOD of foods was almost limitless -- fruits and vegetables remained green, ALIVE, and almost free of dead waste- matter indefinitely -- and man's life span of almost a thousand years was due largely to such a diet of LIVING, green foods almost free of dead waste-matter. For today few foods are taken green and ALIVE, during their LIVING PERIOD, and it is understandable that we smother our systems in less than a hundred years with dead waste-matter from over-eating DEAD, non-oxygenated foods!
In the proper atmospheric pressure we would get a greater amount of oxygen from deep breathing and we would need far less food than we eat today. While we have been taught that we live by food alone, and many honestly believe we would starve to death if we did not get our "three squares daily," this is not so at all. Living is breathing, and our muscles use pure OXYGEN in activating our body. Food is only a secondary method of supplying the blood with oxygen, and this is easily proved! Take away man's oxygen or breath and he will immediately die; but take away all food and he will live on for days, weeks, perhaps months. Some have gone without food for forty days or more with no ill effect to health, and it is not yet known just how long one can live without food even in our atmosphere. Under more favorable conditions -- greater atmospheric pressure -- perhaps the time would be almost limitless!
Certainly man can hardly be blamed today for his eating habits that lead him to an early grave; for while millions are spent yearly, searching for vaccines, wonder drugs and miracle cures, the most important health education on this earth, DIET, is almost completely neglected. Man is educated in etiquette, poise, posture, and good grooming, he is taught the importance of cleanliness on the outside, but not one thing about DIET -- cleanliness on the INSIDE! It is understandable that we have had little confidence in diet! And besides that, we are starving for life-giving oxygen and are always hungry. Mistaking this oxygen-hunger for food, we stuff ourselves daily, and in the brief space of ten or twelve hours we must have three square meals, and many times we spend the next five or six hours drinking, lunching and snacking!
The sad part of it is, with all of this eating we do not get the oxygen we need, and we are still left hungry. This is the greatest tragedy of our civilization; for our diet today consists principally of waste-foods that fill our body with poisonous waste-matter rather than the life-giving oxygen we need. And the crime of it is that we have not been taught that such gluttony is plain suicide! For the only education we have had on diet is "hearsay," and its advice is that we must have a balanced diet of sugar, starch, and cellulose daily to give us carbohydrates, that we must have milk, cream and eggs daily to give us calcium, ash and iron, and that we must eat meat daily to build up our body with fats and proteins!
Nature itself proves to us that this is plain stupidity! Must the hen eat eggs daily in order to get ash, iron, and proteins to produce the egg? Where does the hen get these elements? Must the cow drink milk daily in order to get the calcium necessary to produce milk? She drinks no milk from the day she is weaned, and yet she evidently gets an abundant supply of calcium. From whence does she get it? Does the hog or cow eat meat daily in order to get fats and proteins necessary to build up their body? If man must eat the meat of the hog and the cow in order to get protein, from whence does the hog or the cow get it? For they refuse to eat meat, and yet it is certain they get an abundant supply of protein! You can see the ridiculousness of dietetics today. For it does not tell you there is far more protein in plain oatmeal and whole wheat flour than in pork chops or fried chicken, and it does not tell you there are more heat-calories in natural rice, oatmeal or whole wheat flour than any meat on earth!
The simple truth is, man can get every one of these elements from the very same source the animal gets it, from the natural, growing foods. But what has been generally overlooked is that man today gets too much of all these elements, not too little, and what he needs is less diet, not a "balanced diet." While modern civilization thinks that it is well fed and healthy, actually it is sick, and there is not one well fed man of western civilization who knows what it is to have a clean body, clean blood and real health. Man is by far the sickest animal upon this earth, for he has no conception whatever of the principle of diet. Unlike the undomesticated animal, man will eat anything and any amount, and he breaks every law of nature throughout his brief lifetime. While he is not aware that he is sick, he knows that he must carry life insurance, and that he must prepare his will early in life, as he is so weak and sickly, even though "fat and well fed," that death may strike him down at any moment, and it usually does if he stays fat and well fed.
While no diet upon this earth can give man perfect and lasting health, it is a proven fact that one can improve his health and perhaps increase his life span by following a smaller diet of carefully chosen foods. And with our discovery of the magical, life-giving, Divine-like quality of OXYGEN, it should be clear to all by now that the logical diet for man are the foods that are impregnated with life-giving OXYGEN.
The first thing one must learn is that he NEEDS a cleansing diet. For while this may come as a shock to many, the average person of so-called normal weight carries in his body some ten to fifteen pounds of waste matter, toxemia or decayed mucus, and if he is overweight it could be as much as fifty or more pounds, with the inside walls of his intestines encrusted with hardened feces and his colon almost filled with foreign matter so decomposed that it could be infested with worms. The average person who has become fat and well fed on our modern diet is a walking "sewer" filled with rotten and poisonous waste-matter that he has carried since youth. His body can never eliminate it because every day he pours three square meals more of almost pure waste-matter into his "sewer." Finally his body becomes so saturated with waste that it can find no other place to store it, and he comes down "sick" with "disease."
Man has yet to learn that it is this excess waste matter stored in his body that causes almost every so-called disease known, and he has yet to learn that the excess waste matter comes from over eating and wrong diet. And without being cynical it can be said that very little progress is being made. While this fact is well known among dietitians, and many of them teach it, modern civilization refuses to believe that food has anything to do with health, and man continues to look to "wonder drugs" and "shots" to cure his body that is soaked up like a sponge with excess waste-matter that is so rotten that his breath is a stench and his skin reeks with body odor. The facts show that a clean body with clean blood has no odor. Before the baby becomes polluted with our modern diet it seldom has breath odor and it never has body odor.
While dissectors report that more than half of the colons examined in autopsy are half filled with decayed feces and even worms, the waste matter from dead foods does not stop in the colon, stomach and intestines. One, or even two, good stools a day mean nothing if one pours back into his system waste matter equal to several times the amount of his stools in three square meals daily. We are finally learning that so-called "fat" is pure waste matter -- excess matter that the body does not need. When one takes on so much waste food that the body cannot use it or eliminate it, it stores it throughout the body as fat. When this excess waste matter stretches the body all out of shape we say one is "fat and healthy," when actually he is a walking cesspool breeding every disease known and reeking with stench.
Perhaps Dr. Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller Foundation has given us the best example of the effect of waste matter on the body. Back in 1911, Dr. Carrel started the heart of an embryo chick pulsating in a solution of the necessary elements of life, but he was soon to learn that he could keep it alive, vigorous and free of stench only by thoroughly cleaning it every 48 hours of all impurities thrown off by its process of "living." If we could turn ourselves inside out and wash away all wastes and poisons daily, as Dr. Carrel cleans them out of the cells of the chicken heart, perhaps we would remain brisk, active and youthful forever; for scientists can find no other reason why we grow old and die. Under proper conditions, the organs of the body are relatively immortal, as Dr. Francis X. Loughran says in "20th Century Health Science" -- "There are many immediate reasons why people die, but there is no underlying NECESSARY reason that any scientist has yet discovered. In short, THERE IS NO PRINCIPLE LIMITING LIFE."
Our modern diet consists of a great amount of pure waste-matter that is not carried off with the roughage, and when this is mixed with digestive juices it is transformed into a uniform fluid mass of sugar, peptones or emulsified fat and absorbed by the blood. The blood then carries the fluid mass to every part of the body, but when we eat more than we need the body stores this excess fluid mass as "fat" throughout the tissues of the system. If we continue to overeat, the system can never throw off this fat, and it stays in our tissues for years in a decomposing state, germinating poison, filth and disease, and constipating our whole system. The whole system becomes a cesspool of stench, and soon aches and pains begin creeping through the body.
Other than the bone structure, the human body is constructed of elastic, sponge-like material called flesh and tissues, and somehow nature has endowed our sponge-like flesh with the ability to soak up the excess fluid mass -- the excess fluid mass that becomes pure waste or poison when we take into our body more than it can use or eliminate. As the body soaks up this excess fluid-mass waste it is said to be fat and healthy, when actually it is like a sponge that has been soaked in paste or glue. For the common cold is nothing more than the body throwing off some of this gluey fluid-mass or phlegm-mass through the respiratory passages of the lungs and the sinuses of the head, and the sticky, stringy substance one coughs up and blows from the nose is this gluey fluid-mass or phlegm-mass which the body has been storing up for months or perhaps years.
Think of one's clean flesh and tissues being literally soaked with greasy, sticky, slimy, gluey phlegm! The natural form of a healthy body is a slender, muscular frame of bone, tissue, and skin, and if one is ten, twenty, thirty, fifty or more pounds overweight, it simply means his tissues have become soaked with ten, twenty, thirty, fifty or more pounds of poisonous grease and sticky, slimy phlegm. Such a one is sick, deathly sick, whether aware of this fact or not, and perhaps he wonders why he has little vitality, why he never has a well day, and why he has colds continually and perhaps boils, stys, sores, poor vision, poor hearing, or the dozens of other things that afflict a body that is a breeding cesspool for every disease under the sun.
The common cold is the greatest blessing of this age, and it has saved more lives than all of the medicine in the world; for it is nothing more than the body throwing off this excess waste-matter as sticky phlegm. Trying to prevent or stop a cold is like trying to stop a sewer from flowing, and modern cold remedies and shots dangerously retard the body in its natural sewerage system. The common cold can be almost completely eliminated by following a diet of only oxygenated foods, but as long as man follows the modern diet of today he must expect to have colds, and he should thank heaven for every one of them; for they are life-savers! To try to retard the cold with shots, remedies, pills, or aspirin is merely to weaken the system and slow down elimination so that the greasy, slimy, sticky phlegm can not be expelled and it remains in the system. If this is done too rapidly the lungs may become congested with the sticky phlegm because the so-called cold remedy has prevented the body from throwing it off, and the common cold is then called "pneumonia."
The body uses every method at its command to expel this greasy, sticky waste-matter from the tissues. Boils, stys and body sores are great life-savers, for they are nature's sewers in expelling this excess fluid-mass as greasy pus. One who is well fed on our modern diet becomes so full of poisonous waste-matter that every puncture in the body becomes a sewer to expel the greasy pus. Every cut, bruise or scratch in the skin becomes an outlet for it, and it is now certain that the common "tooth ache" is merely nature throwing off more of this waste pus through a cavity she has found in the body.
While the nose was meant to be an organ of breathing and smelling, it too must be converted into another sewer when we follow our modern diet; for we would literally die in our own poison if we did not daily expel waste matter from our nose as greasy scabs and gluey phlegm. There is no cesspool on this earth as filthy as the nostrils of one who is well fed on our modern diet. One may be beautifully groomed with fresh haircut or hair-do, scrubbed clean on the outside and smelling of clean soap or perfume, but underneath on the inside a cesspool of rotten filth reeking with stench, with an odor of body and breath so sickening that it beggars description!
It is now almost certain that our so-called "sweat glands" which extend from the pores of our skin deep into our tissues and muscles were originally minute "breathing tubes" or oxygen tubes to assist in breathing or carrying oxygen to our tissues and muscles. For all plants have such oxygen tubes. But ours have now become "sweat tubes" or body sewers, and the salty, greasy sweat that oozes out, causing our bodies to reek with odor, is more of the poisonous waste matter. In the beginning man was a strict fruit-eater. He ate no meat, milk or eggs, not even vegetables. Fruit is the perfect and most ideal food for man, and it is certain his body did not sweat on a diet of fruit. For the very day he was cast out of the fruit-garden (of Eden) he was warned that his new diet of herbs (vegetables) and starchy BREAD would cause him to perspire. While we have always believed that it was to be the PRODUCING of vegetables and bread that would make man sweat, note that it was his "EATING herbs and bread" that would cause him to sweat, not producing them: "and thou shalt eat the herb (vegetable) of the field; in the sweat of thy face shalt thou EAT BREAD." (Genesis 3:18,19)
Even our ears become sewers for the dead waste-matter, for it is now certain that the gluey substance oozing from them daily is nature's way of saving our life, even if we lose our hearing early in life. And our eyes too must become body sewers, for it is now certain that the salty tears, or perhaps greasy pus oozing from them daily, is another way nature has of removing the dead waste-matter from our system, thus perhaps saving our life even if it impairs our vision. We can also see that the greasy dandruff from our head is not another "disease," as we have been taught, but is simply more of the dead waste-matter oozing from our cesspool-body, and this too may save our life even though it takes away our hair early in life.
All of these so-called afflictions are nature's way of saving life -- merely avenues of escape, or sewers, for the dead waste-matter -- without which man would be even sicker and his life would be even shorter than it is today. And you can see that we are finally learning that the direct cause of most so-called diseases is dead waste-matter from dead foods in the human body. While Medical Science has given names to hundreds of so-called diseases, it is now clear that in many cases these are only symptoms of the one cause -- too much dead waste-matter in the human system!
Actually, it is well known that there is no place in a clean body with clean blood for so-called diseases, and if a diet could be followed that could be assimilated by the body without one bit of excess waste- matter, it is certain that most of our so-called diseases would be unknown! Of course there is no such diet upon this earth today, as all foods grown in our atmospheric pressure contain more or less waste matter. We must then understand the importance of following a diet of foods containing the least amount of dead waste-matter, and we must understand that the body can remove the dead waste-matter only by a process called "body-cleaning." In the next chapter we will learn how this can be done, and we shall see the importance of allowing enough time between meals for this vital process of body-cleaning!
-- End Of Chapter Five --
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved