2008-10-14 04:26:00
by E. T. Tennyson
a "Harvest Publication"
circa 1956
If you have been able to grasp the full significance of the relationship of OXYGEN to LIFE, you will have no difficulty understanding the scientific reason for the oxygenated foods which we call The Diet Of Oxygen. While it has been proved that these foods can cleanse the system and improve health, they can do more! They can give you a sense of awareness of full, vital "living," in contradistinction to a drab, monotonous "existence." A well person is usually a happy one, while a sick one is always sad! That we definitely ARE what we eat, there can be no doubt. "Even the gods love a good disposition," said the Greek philosopher Plato, and the great dietitian Hippocrates, who was the "father of medicine" it is claimed, said, "Your FOODS shall be your remedies and your remedies your FOODS."
While we have seen the very close relationship between OXYGEN and LIFE, we also now see that about the same relationship exists between the rot, poison and filth of FERMENTATION and DEATH! And since Louis Pasteur has proved that where there is an abundance of OXYGEN there can be no FERMENTATION, we can be sure that OXYGEN and LIFE are the very opposites of FERMENTATION and DEATH. The Ancients recognized this fact, and they used FERMENTATION or "leaven" as the very type or picture of sin, rot, filth, or anything that leads to DEATH, showing that "a little leaven (FERMENTATION) leaventh the whole lump." (1 Corinthians 5:6-8), just as we found that it is leaven or FERMENTATION that causes alcohol, narcotics, nicotine, rust, rot, decay, filth, poison, virus, disease and death.
And there is a scientific reason for it! For as soon as the breath of OXYGEN leaves the body, the filth, rot and decay of FERMENTATION sets in, and this process is not confined to the human or animal body, but is a process of all forms of life. For biochemists are finding that every form of food life actually "breathes," and it is only when this natural circulation of oxygen stops that the filth, rot or decay of FERMENTATION sets in -- exactly like the process in the human or animal body. This is unquestionably the long-lost secret of food, and it is the great tragedy of our civilization! For only a few foods today are taken while they are still ALIVE with their natural circulation of oxygen, and most of the foods today are eaten or processed after they are DEAD and the process of FERMENTATION has filled them with decay or the filth that -- for want of a better name -- we call "dead waste-matter." This dead waste-matter is the greatest menace of this age, as our civilization knows nothing about oxygenated LIVING-foods and non-oxygenated DEAD-foods! Few have ever even heard of dead waste-matter, and they know nothing about the process of body-cleaning or of any other method of removing the dead waste-matter from the system.
Since gas or ether breathed into the body renders us unconscious, and since air without oxygen would immediately kill us, it is quite certain that food without oxygen could not give us the life and energy we need. Moreover, it is FERMENTATION, you know, that makes alcohol from almost any food on earth, and since FERMENTATION sets up in every DEAD food the very minute the circulation of OXYGEN stops, we can be sure every non-oxygenated DEAD food is intoxicating or STIMULATING, and besides all of the dead waste-matter, it would give stimulation rather than vitality. And science now has definite proof that only part of our foods today are oxygenated, and of course all others would be more stimulating and waste-forming simply because they could not possibly be oxygenated. In recent experiments with cleansing "chlorophyll" science has found that there is a continuous circulation of oxygen through trees and plants, and that as long as they are alive and growing, their fruits, berries, melons, leaves and stalks are so impregnated with oxygen that they evolve it into the air. Says the American International Encyclopedia, Volume II:
"Trees and plants evolve oxygen . .. This is due to the action of the sun's rays, and (causing) the chlorophyll or green coloring matter of the leaves."
Every farmer or gardener knows the importance of cultivating growing plants and trees so that air can get to the roots, although many may not know the scientific reason for it. But we can now see that it is a process of nature for the roots to absorb life-giving oxygen from moisture and air, and that the warm rays of the sun draw the oxygen up through the stem of the plant and the trunk of the tree and thence to the fruit and leaves where it is again evolved into the air. This circulation of oxygen through living matter is the very process of life, impregnating the vines, stems, leaves, berries, melons and fruits with cleansing chlorophyll and life-giving oxygen. And we can now see that the living, growing vine, the stalk, the leaf, the berry, the melon, the grain and the fruit are bombshells of vitality, and the only real "vitamin pills" that exist upon this earth!
The source of vitality has long been a hidden mystery, and science has never been able to find a satisfactory reason for sleep. The former theory was that vitality was derived from so-called vitamins of food, and that the inactivity of sleep was necessary for the body to store up energy. But from what we have learned in this study it is now evident that sleep is nature's way of cleaning the system of its terrible wastes. Many functions of the body stop during the hours we sleep, we stop taking food so that little blood is needed in the stomach for digestion, and the whole system can be thrown into the reverse process of body-cleaning. The system is able to squeeze out of the tissues some of the terrible quantity of waste matter we have stored there, and of course we awaken with a cleaner system, and consequently with renewed energy.
The latest theory of the science of organic chemistry is that vitality comes from the change of matter in chemical transformation, not from vitamins or nourishing substances of food at all. By this change of matter in chemical transformation the energy becomes free and acts to give new vitality to the body, and since we have discovered that the source of vitality is oxygen, we can be sure that it is the chemical transformation of oxygen that produces the heat, power, electricity or whatever it is that develops vitality and energy. Thus we can see the scientific reason for the oxygenated foods which we choose to call The Diet Of Oxygen. For if it is the chemical transformation of oxygen to power or energy that gives life or vitality, surely this is a good reason for grasping the foods that are impregnated with oxygen like a drowning man grasping a straw, and stimulating and non-oxygenated foods should be eaten sparingly, even as the sensible person takes stimulating drinks.
This circulation of oxygen through growing plant life can be compared to the circulation of air through a heating plant. All of us know the importance of proper draft through a stove or furnace, and every heating engineer knows that a clean fire and intense heat can be produced only by the proper mixture or circulation of oxygen through the flame. As fire or heat is a power or energy that can be produced only by the proper circulation of oxygen, life also is a power or energy that can be produced only by the same method. The professional welder knows that he can increase the power of heat only with oxygen, and by using a tank of almost pure oxygen in his acetylene torch he can produce such superior heat that it will melt almost anything. Man has yet to learn that it is this same circulation of oxygen through his system that gives him the power or energy of life, and he may yet learn, like the professional welder, that the more pure oxygen he gets into his system, the greater will be his energy or vitality of life!
Since vitality or energy of life, exactly like that of heat, comes from the change of matter in chemical transformation, and since the vitality of heat is increased or decreased simply by the circulation of oxygen through the flame, we may be certain man can increase his vitality or energy of life only with increased circulation of oxygen! This can be done only by deep breathing, or mechanical breathing of pure oxygen and with a diet of foods that have this natural circulation of oxygen. Only the edible fruits, berries, melons and vegetables that grow above the ground have this natural circulation of oxygen, and you can now understand why we have chosen for them the name "The Diet Of Oxygen"; for all other foods would be more stimulating, constipating our system with more disease-forming waste matter.
The Diet of Oxygen then is not based on mere theory, but we have discovered that there is a genuine reason for it, and it is based on scientific facts! Science has found that oxygenated-chlorophyll is the most cleansing, purifying, filth-destroying and odor-destroying agency known to man, and that it is the natural circulation of life-giving oxygen through the growing fruits, berries, melons, and vegetables that impregnates them with green chlorophyll and the vitality needed to sustain life. And since we have found that filth, poison, virus and wastes in the human body are the greatest menaces of our civilization, it is apparent that our greatest need today is for a cleansing, purifying, filth-destroying, odor-destroying antidote exactly like green oxygenated-chlorophyll! The undomesticated animal who lives principally on such a diet is almost free of the diseases known to man, and few animals would eat the foods that comprise the modern diet of man today!
These facts substantially prove that the primary purpose of sleep is body-cleaning! For the old sow is one exception to this rule, as she comes nearest to following man's modern diet today, and she spends about half of her time eating and the other half sleeping! She will stuff herself with starch foods, sweets, eggs, fats, butter, cream, milk, or any other food she can get, and then she spends the other half of her time "sleeping it off"! She fills herself so full of pure waste matter from man's non-oxygenated foods that she would smother in her own filth if she did not spend a large part of her life in body-cleaning sleep.
On the other hand, a British scientist has just announced his discovery that healthy cows and sheep living on green pasture "SLEEP LITTLE, IF AT ALL"! Why? Simply because they live on a diet of oxygenated grass fully impregnated with cleansing and purifying chlorophyll, which leaves very little waste matter in their body. And with little waste matter in their body, they need very little sleep for body-cleaning. Change their diet to waste-forming corn and bran, and you can rest assured they will sleep, just as the horse sleeps on such a diet. The very fact that the more non-oxygenated and waste-forming food an animal eats, the more it must sleep, and that people who are fat and heavy eaters often fall asleep the minute they sit down, is proof that sleep is simply a process of body-cleaning. If we could produce an oxygenated diet today completely free of waste matter, there is every reason to believe we would sleep very little, if at all.
Of course there is no such a diet upon this earth today, although we have no idea yet what an improvement might be made on diet with pressurized and oxygenated food-producing greenhouses! Greenhouses pressurized even greater than the pre-Flood atmospheric pressure might produce food so impregnated with oxygen and purifying chlorophyll that it would be almost free of waste matter! Such a diet might give man such perfect health and such superior vitality that he would need little sleep, if any, and it is quite possible that such food might add many years to man's life span, even in our present atmospheric pressure; for this discovery of the effect of atmospheric pressure of oxygen on breathing and growing food is unquestionably the long hidden secret of health and life!
We can be certain now that the perfect diet -- "The Tree Of Life" -- was nothing more than fruit grown in an atmospheric pressure so heavy that its oxygen content and green, cleansing chlorophyll content gave man perfect health, inexhaustible vitality, and everlasting life as long as he had access' to it! But this perfect fruit grew only in the garden that was "planted eastward in Eden" (Genesis 2:8,9), not in other parts of the land of Eden, and man lost the benefit of this perfect fruit when he was "sent forth from the garden." (Genesis 3:22,23) This would indicate that the atmospheric pressure of the garden was even greater than the pre-Flood pressure of some 22 pounds to the square inch!
This is in complete agreement with the facts! For now we know that the land of Eden is covered by the waters of the Persian Gulf, and that the garden of Eden in the east is covered by the waters of the Strait of Hormouz (See booklet "The Three Worlds."). The Strait of Hormouz is connected to the Persian [Arabian] Gulf by the narrow Clarence Strait, which could well have been the "path" leading to the garden, and depth soundings show that this narrow path descends to much deeper water in the Strait of Hormouz than in the Persian Gulf, indicating that the garden of Eden was considerably lower down than the valley of Eden -- a "sunken garden," as it were, surrounded by mountain-like walls. Since the pre-Flood atmospheric pressure of Eden was about 22 pounds to the square inch, of course the lower altitude of the "sunken garden" -- where the perfect fruit of the Tree Of Life grew -- would make its atmospheric pressure even greater!
The famous "Tree Of Life" then was nothing more than plain fruit grown in the "sunken garden of Eden" in an atmospheric pressure so heavy with oxygen that it was completely free of waste matter! This oxygenated and chlorophyll-impregnated fruit is the long sought-after "fountain of youth," and if man still had access to such atmospheric pressure and food produced in it he would live for ever upon this earth! For note carefully that it was NOT the transgression that killed him; but his penalty of death for the transgression was executed in only one way -- says the prophet -- by sending him forth from the heavier atmospheric pressure of the sunken garden of Eden, "lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and EAT, AND LIVE FOR EVER." (Genesis 3:22-24)!
From this startling fact we know that shots, vaccines and wonder drugs are not the answer, and that so-called balanced diets of vitamins and food values have nothing to do with it! While the secret is in breathing and eating -- taking also of the tree of life, and EATING, to live for ever -- there is no food produced today that can give man lasting life! The teaching of balanced diets, food values, and vitamins is an admitted theory, and is a plain commercialized farce! No vaccine, wonder drug or diet today can give man perfect health and lasting life, and don't expect the Diet of Oxygen to do so! If man is ever again to have perfect health, perpetual youth and everlasting life upon this earth, the atmospheric pressure of oxygen must be increased, and if he would improve his health and increase his life span today, he must not only learn how to breathe more oxygen, but somehow he must learn how to produce food with less waste matter by growing it in an atmospheric pressure of oxygen far greater than our 14.73 pounds to the square inch today! For this discovery is unquestionably the long-hidden secret of health and life!
At any rate, this lays the groundwork! We are publishing this startling discovery of the long-lost secret of health and life, and perhaps someone or some organization with the means will carry on with the necessary experimentation! For we have actually discovered the "fountain of youth" -- although we have yet to learn how to produce it -- and it was nothing more than food grown in the atmospheric pressure of the sunken garden so heavy with oxygen that it was completely free of the waste matter found in all foods today -- the poisonous waste-matter that has brought disease and death to man and beast for almost six thousand years, and that at this very moment is gradually smothering the life out of you and every other person upon this earth!
For all foods grown on these mountain plateaus today contain more or less waste matter, and the best we can do today is follow a SMALLER diet of foods that give us the greatest amount of oxygen and chlorophyll with the least amount of waste matter, and lose every pound of overweight fat so that the supply of oxygen can be increased from deep breathing. While this upsets all past theories of man, the scientific facts show these foods to be the growing fruits and vegetables, and while this may be startling to some, we now find that this was the very diet given by the Maker of man! To the first man and woman upon this earth he said, You may eat "OF THE FRUIT OF THE TREES OF THE GARDEN." (Genesis 3:2), and on expulsion from the garden he added, "AND THOU SHALT EAT THE HERB (VEGETABLE) OF THE FIELD." (Genesis 3:18)! There it is -- The Diet Of Oxygen -- pure and simple! Of course in the garden only the perfect fruit was needed, but outside of the garden the fruit contained waste matter, and green vegetables with chlorophyll were added to dissolve the waste matter and carry it off with the roughage!
But don't fail to grasp the full significance of the diet -- the REAL scientific principle of it! For note carefully that it includes only the "LIVING" foods -- those still "ALIVE" with life-giving oxygen and cleansing chlorophyll! For the fruit "OF THE TREES" would be only the fresh, growing, LIVING fruits, and the vegetables "OF THE FIELD" would be only the fresh, growing, LIVING vegetables. Never forget this fact, for it is the real secret of the Diet Of Oxygen! For if only the fresh, green, growing foods have LIFE, all others would be lifeless, and therefore "DEAD FOODS"! And since the one purpose of food is to give LIFE, does it make sense to believe that foods that no longer have life -- DEAD FOODS -- could give life? And since millions today have almost excluded these LIVING fruits and vegetables from their diet, is there any wonder that we have very little real LIFE today, and that we suffocate in less than a hundred years on the dead waste-matter of the lifeless and completely DEAD FOODS?
While there are those among health-seekers today who advocate "raw food diets," we know that their theory is based on a mistaken principle of diet; for their claim is that cooking destroys "food values." But in this new principle of diet we can see that so-called food values have nothing to do with it. It is the chemical transformation of oxygen to energy that gives vitality, exactly as it is the transformation of oxygen to the flame of fire that produces heat! But remember that it is only the LIVING foods that have the oxygen -- the GROWING foods that are still ALIVE with the natural circulation of oxygen through their system! Cooking has little effect on the chemical value of these foods, and they are perhaps just as good cooked as raw, providing they are COOKED ALIVE -- cooked while they are still fresh, green growing and LIVING foods! As a matter of fact, it is now certain that processing has very little effect on the chemical value of these foods, and that they are almost as good cooked, canned, pickled, or frozen, providing they are processed while they are fresh, green, growing and still ALIVE! For this is the real secret of diet!
Of course an exclusive diet of only the LIVING foods would be such a radical change for this age, that few could be expected to follow it, regardless of its benefits! But the facts show that just a SMALLER diet of MOSTLY oxygenated and LIVING foods can almost perform miracles! At least we have found the real secret of health and life, and with it we have a new approach, and brand new principle from which to work! But before we list our foods of today and separate the LIVING FOODS from the DEAD ones, perhaps we should first understand the seriousness of dead waste-matter, and its killing effect on the human system! For there are untold millions today who could be saved from an early grave if they knew the simple truth about dead waste-matter from DEAD foods, and understood the importance of giving the system time enough between meals to remove the dead waste-matter by the simple process of body-cleaning.
-- End Of Chapter Four --
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved