2008-10-12 16:28:00
John K wrote:
"Thanks JJ for posting this writing. I thas me wanting to read more, so on searching, I found this essary from Tennyson:
" http://www.associationcovenantpeople.org/articles/pdf/ttw.pdf
"This one is called 'The Three Worlds.'"
Thanks John. I used to have most of Tennyson's writings but when I decided to dig them out and look at them again most of them were gone. I had to order "Deliverance in the Whirlwind" and "Diet of Oxygen" from Alibris who specializes in finding used books.
I searched the Web for any of his writings and only found a short article but I did not at present have this one so I am happy to add it to my collection.
The most intriguing thing about the Diet of Oxygen is the idea that pressurized air can increase our longevity. I find it interesting that some whales and sea tortoises live to around 200 years old.
A question to consider is this: Which would offer the greater benefit? Pressurized air or more oxygen?
In a separate message posted at The Keys Of Knowledge spiritual discussion group Larry K wrote:
"If you are not familiar SCUBA diving and/or deep sea diving you might not know that nearly pure oxygen at 2 atmospheres of pressure is absolutely lethal. It will kill you. This is why Navy divers cannot use oxygen rebreather equipment safely at depths greater than a little over 20 feet or so -- a little over 30 feet underwater and the pressure is at two atmospheres and you will be dead if you go there breathing pure oxygen."
In Message #37401 posted on October 15th, 2008, JJ Dewey responded to the above with:
I guess there's a principle here that we could call "too much of a good thing."
Actually his theory of optimum oxygen would be much less than two atmospheric pressures of pure oxygen. He thinks that the ideal atmospheric pressure is about 22 lbs/sq inch. This is approximately 1.5 times regular pressure at sea level.
The atmosphere is not pure oxygen, but 21% oxygen. Thus an increase of pressure of an additional 50% with 21% oxygen would not force nearly as much oxygen into the system double pressure with pure oxygen.
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