Diet Of Oxygen -- Chapter 1

2008-10-8 04:19:00

I will now post another treatise by E. T. Tennyson called "The Diet of Oxygen." I think you will find it interesting.


The Diet Of Oxygen

by E. T. Tennyson
a "Harvest Publication"
circa 1956


"Your foods shall be your remedies and your remedies your foods."
  -- Hippocrates

"And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
  -- The Bible, Revelation 22:2


Chapter One

The Discovery

So much has been written about calories, carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamin-enriched foods that the mere mention of diet is to raise dispute, debate, argument and contention. While it is not the purpose here to claim any great knowledge of diet, and while we have not used telescopic or X-ray apparatuses to peer into the human body, nor microscopes to examine and analyze the minute properties that make up the various kinds of food we call diet, we do believe we have discovered the scientific, fundamental principle of diet, and we believe this fact should be made known. We do not say this boastfully, however, but rather quite humbly; for this discovery was made by sheer accident, it seems, and not because of any wisdom on our part. And if those of the past who discovered facts had refused to publish them because of their controversial nature, the world would be the worse off for truth -- if that be possible -- than it is today.

While it is true we have been hesitant about publishing this book, as this discovery was made sometime ago, this was not due to fear of criticism, but rather we refused to publish this discovery until the diet had been thoroughly and completely tested and until we were absolutely positive of its merits. For while no one dislikes contention and controversy more than this writer, the desire to help those of mankind who wish to be helped far outweighs any fear of criticism that might come from publishing this book.

But we are not looking for miracles from this book. For while this discovery has tremendous merits, as has been proved by experience and actual tests, there is little likelihood that it will have much effect on the world. While the nature of this discovery is such that it could, we believe, revolutionize diet knowledge and bring untold benefits to mankind, it is quite unlikely that it will do so. Men do not change easily, and few turn to a diet before the state of their health is such that nothing can help them. But the beneficial results of this discovery to this writer's own health would make him ungrateful if he did not share it with others, and we send it forth now for what it is worth to a sick and suffering world.

But be that as it may, we cannot expect our readers to have confidence in this discovery of the fundamental principle of diet until we point out several facts that led to its discovery. This will necessitate quite a lengthy discussion of the discovery and the principle involved, before we can understand and study the diet which we choose to call the "Diet of Oxygen." For down through the centuries men have tried fruit diets, raw food diets, balanced diets, vitamin-enriched diets, and many others, all with little success. We must first prove then that this diet is based on a brand new principle, and we can do this only by studying the principle and its discovery. This will give us a scientific reason for the Diet of Oxygen.

We will call upon many authorities during the course of this study, not the least of which are the words of the prophets; for the thing that led to this discovery was the fact that prior to the Flood of Noah's day men lived almost a thousand years. Adam lived 930 years, the record tells us, Noah 950 years, and Methuselah actually lived 969 years (Genesis 5:5; 9:29; 5:27). While many will tell you these years were shorter than our years, this is not so at all. The solar year is measured by the earth's course in relation to the sun, and the solar year is ALWAYS a little more than 365 days in length. Regardless of how the calendar is divided into months and weeks, the solar year is a set and fixed time of 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.51 seconds, and it is the same in all ages and in all lands. While some calendars divide the year into 12 months of 30 days each or 360 days, allowances are always made for the other 5 days as holidays or "leap year" days, completing the solar year of 365 days. Thus, men actually lived to an age of almost a thousand years prior to the Flood; but why?

A Greenhouse Earth

There had to be a reason for this longevity prior to the Flood, for immediately after the Flood the life span dropped to 120 years (Genesis 6:3) and today it is even far less. But what was it? If we could find the answer to this question, we reasoned, we might be led to some startling facts. It was not difficult to find the answer, and it did lead to startling facts; for prior to the Flood, conditions upon the earth were totally unlike anything we know today. The whole earth was like a great greenhouse, and both scientists and the prophets tell us that prior to the Flood a mighty canopy of water spread completely around the earth in outer space far above the atmosphere, enveloping the earth like glass over a greenhouse.

Both Jupiter and Saturn have annular rings of water today, and as far back as 1874 Professor Isaac N. Vail proved this was a law of creation and that the earth at one time was surrounded by such watery rings. He also proved that the last canopy of water did not fall until after man was created upon the globe, thus agreeing with Moses that it was this canopy of water that caused the great Flood of Noah's day. Note the agreement of the following quotations, first from Professor Vail's "The Earth's Annular System" and next from the words of Moses:

"This suspended ocean of vapors rotated as part and parcel of the earth, a primeval atmosphere of great complexity of material, in the same time that the earth rotated, just as our present atmosphere now does. The bands and belts of earth's annular system necessarily presented the same general aspect that Jupiter's and Saturn's do today. Hence it is evident that during the Silurian age there was an annular system about the earth, and it is evident that all of the primeval waters did not fall before the dawn of life on the globe." (The Earth's Annular System, Pages 72-74.)

"And God said, let there be a firmament (atmosphere) in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters (above the atmosphere) from the waters (lakes and streams on earth). And God made the firmament (the 'expanse' -- air or atmosphere -- Ferrar Fenton Version), and divided the waters which were under the firmament (lakes and streams on earth) from the waters (of the great watery canopy or aqueous ring) which were above the firmament (atmosphere) . . . And God called the firmament (atmosphere) Heaven . . . and God called the dry land Earth." (Genesis 1:6-11)

This watery ring was evidently several miles high, held above the atmosphere by centrifugal energy, and the warm rays of the sun would penetrate the water in just the right proportion to make the sky a beautiful blue at all times, giving perfect light and an ideal climate, where extreme heat, extreme cold, and the great upheavals of nature were unknown. Under such perfect greenhouse-conditions both plant and animal life thrived and attained such length of life that they grew to enormous sizes. Animals grew to as much as ninety feet in length, and the soil produced such nearly perfect food that men lived almost a thousand years.

Atmospheric Pressures

It was the falling of this mighty canopy in Noah's day that caused the great Flood, and this caused many strange changes to take place upon the earth. The millions of tons of water filled the great valleys, covering about 71% of the surface of the earth, and leaving only the tops of mountain plateaus protruding out of the seas. For while we have given little thought to the matter, the six continents on which we live today were only high, mountain plateaus before the Flood, as authorities now know that the waters of the Flood raised the sea level about three miles. Prior to the Flood then, men lived down in the valleys some three miles lower than we live today, where the atmospheric pressure was evidently about 22 pounds to the square inch. The present atmospheric pressure, on these mountain plateaus where we now live, is only 14.73 pounds to the square inch at our present sea level. Since the atmospheric pressure decreases about 2.5 pounds at each mile above our present sea level and increases about the same each mile below, we can be sure that before the Flood men lived down in the valleys that are now covered by the waters of the seas in an atmospheric pressure of about 22 pounds to the inch.

It was these facts that led to the discovery of the two primary reasons for the long life span prior to the Flood, and both of these reasons can be summed up in the one word OXYGEN! For under such atmospheric pressure the air would be so heavily laden with oxygen that the broad valleys were evidently almost like great oxygen tents! Of course this made man a deep breather, using all of his lungs for breathing, not just the top part of them as we use today! And not only would this deeper breathing contribute to his long life span, but the food that grew in that heavily oxygenated air would be so superior to that grown today that there is little wonder man lived almost a thousand years!


But that heavily oxygenated air would do more than that; it would completely prevent any such thing as rust, rot, decay or fermentation. To destroy anything under such atmospheric pressure it would be necessary to burn it or bury it in the ground so that the chemicals of the earth would decompose it; for vegetables, meats, fruits, fruit juices, etc., left in the open oxygenated air would remain fresh perhaps forever, and there would be absolutely no such thing as fermentation in any form. Louis Pasteur was the first to discover that the very cause of fermentation was the LACK OF OXYGEN. His theory was that any organism deprived of the free oxygen of the atmosphere would set up fermentation in its effort to obtain oxygen from other substances. Note Pasteur's experiments which led to his amazing discovery, quoted from Britannica Encyclopedia:

"In the presence of air the growth (of yeast) was very vigorous, much more so than in the absence of air, but on the other hand fermentation as measured by production of alcohol was much in abeyance, while conversely, WHEN THE YEAST WAS DEPRIVED OF AIR (OXYGEN), growth was not so abundant, BUT FERMENTATION WAS VERY MUCH MORE VIGOROUS. Here, thought Pasteur, is the long-sought secret of fermentation; the yeast, and in fact any organism, deprived of the free oxygen of the atmosphere, will react (ferment) with substances such as sugar dissolved in the medium, in their effort to obtain from them their oxygen of combination." (Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th Edition, Volume 9, Page 176.)


It was these scientific facts that led to the discovery of the fundamental principle of diet! But what does it all mean? It simply means that everything upon this earth is oxygen-starved. It means that every man upon this earth is gradually starving for the want of life-giving oxygen. It means that every beast, every insect, every tree, every plant, and every living thing upon this earth is oxygen-starved and will eventually die for the want of this life-giving gas called oxygen.

The discovery was quite simple! If man lived almost a thousand years in the pre-Flood atmospheric pressure with its heavily oxygenated air, and immediately after the Flood his life span dropped to 120 years or less in our low oxygenated air, surely even a layman can understand that there is only one reason -- OXYGEN! Moreover, Pasteur proved that the very cause of fermentation is the LACK OF OXYGEN; and since there was no fermentation prior to the Flood, but man's whole life since has been a constant fight against rust, rot, decay and fermentation, we can be doubly certain that the primary difference between that atmosphere -- in which man lived almost a thousand years -- and our atmosphere -- in which man seldom lives a hundred years -- can be summed up in the one word - OXYGEN!

While the discovery now appears quite simple, it is in fact perhaps the most revolutionary health discovery that has yet been made! For not only does it upset all past theories of men, but it wipes out completely all of the so-called knowledge of diet, food value, health, disease, and even our former knowledge of life itself! It shows our rank ignorance in wondering why we get sick; for the wonder is that man lives at all in his unnatural environment. For these facts prove that man was originally created to live under greater atmospheric pressure than our 14.7 pounds to the square inch; that his lungs were constructed to breathe heavily oxygenated air, and to breathe deeply, using all of his lungs in taking in the greater quantity of oxygen needed to sustain longer life. For today, under our atmospheric pressure, man uses only the top portion of his lungs, and he gets only part of the oxygen he needs. Is there any wonder then that every man upon this earth is half starved for life-giving oxygen, and that his life span is less than a hundred years?

Moreover, this discovery proves that man's body was originally made to consume food grown in heavily oxygenated air to supply additional oxygen to the blood. For since it is definitely true that our shorter life span of today is due to the lack of oxygen, we can be certain that we are starving for life-giving oxygen in both our air and our food. And this discovery gives us a reason for the Diet of Oxygen; for today our system needs oxygen -- more than anything else in this world it needs life-giving oxygen - and while all foods today are inferior to those grown in the pre-Flood atmospheric pressure, we need to search out those having the greater oxygen content, and we need to hold on to them like a drowning man grasping a straw! For today we are drowning, dying, starving -- starving for the life-giving gas called OXYGEN!

Later in this book we will take up the study of these oxygenated foods, and you will understand why we call them the Diet of Oxygen, and why they comprise the only logical diet for man today. For if we are starving for life-giving oxygen, the only foods that can help us are those that are impregnated and infused with life-giving oxygen! And you will see that our diet today is chiefly non-oxygenated food, food that has become almost pure waste by our modern food-processing, and the wonder is not that we get sick and die, but the greatest wonder of this world is that we live at all in our unnatural environment and on non-oxygenated foods. For today we are much like a starving fish that has been placed in water so shallow that it can only partially breathe.

To learn how to apply this diet, however, and to understand why and how it works, it will be necessary to free our minds of many past errors. We must learn a completely new physiology, and we must correct all of the fundamental errors we have been taught about diet. We must understand that we need oxygen in our diet; that we are starved for life-giving oxygen, NOT vitamins, calories, carbohydrates, proteins, or so-called "balanced diets." The Diet of Oxygen is a completely new concept of diet, and it will be necessary for us to eradicate from our minds all of the complicated errors we have been taught about vitamin-enriched foods and so-called "food values."

First, it should be said that the Diet of Oxygen is not a "cure all," and that no such claims are made for it. It is a CLEANSING diet -- a diet of the only cleansing foods available today -- and while it will definitely cleanse our body and recharge our whole system with a new spark of life-giving oxygen so that nature can heal, it is not a "cure all" in itself. It is just as foolish to believe that diseases can be cured by dieting or by eating certain foods as it is to believe that they can be cured with pills, shots or "wonder drugs." Only nature cures or heals, and we must learn that nature can cure or heal only after our bodies have been thoroughly cleansed of all waste. We must keep in mind that we live in an unnatural environment, that we are all oxygen-starved, and that nature works under great handicap.

If she cures at all, she will do it in her own way, slowly, and then only in a body that is CLEAN.

Of course you are anxious to know which foods are oxygenated, cleansing, and thus healthful, and later in this book we will study them carefully, and group them as to their oxygen content; but first we should learn more about this magical, life-giving gas called oxygen, so that we can understand its importance in diet. And in the following chapter of this book we shall see what a tremendous part it plays in our very life; for this strange, invisible substance called OXYGEN is more than a gas! It is the very source of life itself! It is Divine power, God-given, and the very BREATH OF LIFE!


-- End Of Chapter One --