2008-10-1 13:23:00
by Ted Dewey
Another week slipped by in the Valley of Hope. Henry's appetite had returned. Solving the mystery of the man they had sent down that runway had taken care of that.
But there was still those sleepless nights. The man had wormed his way right in to their camp: waiting, watching.
According to the pin on his shirt his name was Frank Chapin, and had gone to work for the flying service shortly after the big blowup in Prescott.
He had grown a small moustache. Got himself a pair of tinted eye glasses that covered most of his face, and these he wore rain or shine. This simple disguise had sure fooled Henry all right. It was the charge he had made after that bill of lading that had given him away.
There was now no doubt in Henry's mind as to the identity of the fellow but just what his plans were he had no way of knowing. Common sense told him that they were evil.
He tried to put the puzzle together. This man had joined forces or was working for Frank Poletti, alias Henry Baker. Their plans to take over Ventures Unlimited had failed, not once but twice. Chapin didn't appear to be stupid enough to try that again.
And another thing. He was now a loner. No longer did he have Poletti, an arsenal, and a house full of gangsters to back him up. At least Henry hoped he didn't.
And if there had been just one little spark of decency in the man he would have kept right on running. He would have left this part of the country and never come back. At least that was Henry's opinion.
But Chapin did not go. He put on a disguise then came right back, right into their camp. There was something here that he was after; something that he was determined to get away with.
What could it be? There seemed to be only one answer. Money, of course.
And how would one fellow alone expect to get money out of this crowd? Henry could think of only one answer. Kidnap someone and hold then for ransom, or grab two or three and keep them as hostages, then demand millions for their safe return. That seemed to be the going thing these days.
There was one thing for sure. This man, Chapin, was no good, and he must go.
It was mid morning and Henry was seated in his favorite chair on the front porch. From here he could keep an eye on those gray-colored machines on the ridge.
The house door opened and Julie came walking out. She pulled a chair over close to Henry then sat down.
"Got your morning chores done?" Henry asked.
Julie nodded, "Got the dishes done and the house straightened up."
"What are we having for dinner?"
"I was going to put something on to cook but couldn't think of anything that sounded good. I guess I have lost my appetite."
Henry grinned. "Well put on something and lots of it. I am as hungry as a bear."
Julie laughed, "You are sure eating like a horse since you solved that riddle and put your mind at ease. Now if we can figure out a way to make you sleep nights."
"I am working on it."
"Well don't give up. "I have lost four pounds this last week. My appetite is gone and I can't sleep. We must do something!"
Henry nodded, "Darling, I have been sitting here doing a lot of thinking and I have come to the conclusion that this man Chapin has got to go."
"I know, and I am worried sick..."
"We will go see Oran and Rodney and tell them everything. Together we will figure out something."
"Let's not bother them. We can do this all by ourselves."
Henry stared at her for a moment. Was he hearing correctly? "But Darling..."
"Henry, let's give it a try!"
"But sweetheart, I don't have anything planned."
"But I do!"
"All week I have been lying awake thinking. Some nights I haven't slept a wink. That man is dangerous darling, and we must get rid of him before he hurts somebody!"
"Just the two of us?"
"Right. And I know exactly how to get the job done."
Henry was amazed to say the least. He found his voice. "Keep talking..."
Julie was on her feet pacing up and down the floor. "So far," she said, "You Oran and Rodney have seen all the action, have blown up the arsenals, and did all the planning. Now I think it is my turn!"
"No buts. You have heard of women's lib haven't you?" "Yes darling, but..."
"Don't darling me until you hear the rest of what I have to say!"
"Yes dear."
Julie laughed, "You are sweet Henry, but will you please listen?"
Henry nodded, "Go ahead I am all ears."
"Alright, now listen carefully. If you find any flaws in this scheme speak up!"
"That I will do."
"Tomorrow," Julie began, "the big chopper is bringing in a load of freight. When it leaves here we will be on it. We will tell everyone that we are going to Phoenix to do our Christmas shopping. It's not too far away you know."
"We will get us a room and rent a car. Buy the way do you know where the office of the flying service is located?"
"Yes, and also I have their phone number."
"Good. Then it shouldn't be too big of a job to find out where Chapin hangs out, and where he eats, sleeps, and drinks, right?"
"After we get this located you will stay in the background, and out of sight. I will give him the works!"
"What will you do?"
Julie got up and walked over to Henry's chair. Her eyes were misty.
"Darling," she whispered, "when I was young and pretty I dreamed of becoming an actress. I used to stand in front of the mirror and practice. Dreaming of the day that I would take some big dramatic part." She kissed him gently on the cheek. "All my life I have waited for that day to come.... And now I think it is finally here!"
"I understand -- I think."
"We will have a dress rehearsal right here. This will be the stage. We will pretend that this is a restaurant where Chapin hangs out. He has just finished eating."
"Where is he now?"
Julie laughed. "You just pretend that you are him. I will do the rest."
Henry grinned. "Okay. Do your stuff.
"Now you just sit here and I will go in the house for a moment. When I come out I will go into my act. Ready?"
"Get going."
Henry wondered what this woman of his had in mind, but he would soon find out.
Then Julie came walking through the doorway. She stopped for a moment then let her eyes wander around the room. She spotted Henry and came walking over to his chair. She leaned over then whispered. "Mister Chapin?"
Henry nodded.
Julie's voice was low. "Mister, I am putting my life on the line to tell you this. But I must stop these killings. There is a million dollars offered for your scalp, and if you don't get going you won't live until sundown. They want you dead mister. D.E.A.D. Dead! You should have kept going that night when they sent you down that runway. Now I must go. I hope and pray that no one sees me talking to you." Quickly she turned around and vanished through the open doorway.
Henry sat there for a moment with his mouth hanging open.
Then Julie came walking back. Her face was flushed and she was smiling. "Well what do you think?"
Henry grinned. "That kind of acting would win an academy award. It sure as hell won't hurt to give it a try!"
-- End Of Chapter 37 --
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved