2008-9-26 10:24:00
Keith writes:
"A question for J.J.
"What do you think of Ruth's Montgomery's prediction of a pole shift around 2012?
"I recall Edgar Cayce made a similar prediction for the early 21st century."
Good to hear from you again Keith and also I never took time to welcome John C. back on board. I am always glad to see old-timers posting again.
I first became concerned about "the shift" not because of psychic predictions, but from reading the scriptures. The scriptures warn of a great destruction to come caused by the "whirlwind of the Lord." It appeared that this great whirlwind would be the cause of great destruction before the coming of Christ as well as drying up much of the sea uncovering new land masses. The most logical cause of such a great wind would be a shift of the axis. Then I read Ruth Montgomery and others who predicted a shift, and these predictions fit nicely within my conclusions.
Ruth [Montgomery] made it sound like "the shift" was immanent -- surely before the end of the century -- and now she says it is delayed until around 2012.
In the late seventies I became convinced that great destruction through war was a strong possibility which would be followed by a shift in the axis.
Then around 1982-83, as I mentioned earlier, the inner voice told me to relax, that the great destruction had been "contained." I also felt within myself that there would be no destructive shift for some time to come. I then began to live my life as if I were going to live to old age within a fairly stable environment, and even grew comfortable enough to promote plans to build a city on the seas, which would not be wise if a shift followed by 1000 MPH winds were on the horizon.
The bottom line is this: If great destruction is on the horizon, then the Brotherhood of Light will give visions and dreams to disciples in a great effort to gather a remnant to prepare for survival of the lights.
That doesn't mean that we will not face famine, wars and depression for we can survive such things intact, as we have many times before.
But if there is something coming such as a great earth change or something that destroys a large percentage of the earth's population, the lights can expect to have some type of deliverance offered.
The gathering principle is always behind such a deliverance and few understand it at this time. Let us hope that enough people can comprehend it so preparations for the troubles to come can be made. Even if a plan is presented, it still depends on the free will of the people to implement.
Ruth J. writes:
"JJ, Am I correct in saying that the sixth root race, (or the last of the fifth sub-root race), has its fertile seed establishment in the Nation of Zion?"
Any gathering of lights stimulates evolution and speeds the development of the next race. Even so evolution always moves forward, even in normal times -- just at a slower pace.
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved