2008-9-24 18:03:00
Larry K. wrote:
"Are you perhaps suggesting Barack Obama as a candidate for the AC [Antichrist]?"
I am not saying yes or no on that but I posted the prophecy by Ruth Montgomery because it seemed to eerily fit the shoes of Barack Obama.
She says that the Antichrist will not become our next president but a seasoned politician will. Here is what she says:
"In January of 1994 the Guides were still reporting that the mysterious president-to-be had not completed the soul exchange. Referring to the body's present identity, they said: 'The future president is now prominent but has not yet become a Walk-in. That will occur when he suddenly awakens to the futility of politics and the power game and will surrender his soul to the spirit plane, making way for his own replacement. When this occurs, many will be amazed at the alteration in his personality and goals. Some will scoff that it is for political purposes, but it will actually be the Walk-in who has taken over and who plunges into the task of preparing people for dramatic alterations in Earth and weather patterns.'
"Another day they tantalized me by writing: 'His advent into body will occur shortly, so watch for hints of a rather radical change in a fairly prominent man.'
McCain seems to fit this description, and it is interesting that so many people are commenting that he is now an entirely different McCain. For one thing picking Sarah Palin did seem to be out of character for him.
If he did make an exchange with a "walk-in," it could have been when he was written off and seemed to have no chance of winning the nomination. At that time it would have been natural for him to see "the futility of politics and the power game," as Montgomery says.
Do I think Obama will represent antichrist forces and McCain will be a "walk-in president" that prepares us for things to come?
I go by the words and works of every person and both McCain and Obama (especially Obama) have words and works that trouble me. Like every psychic, Montgomery is not 100% accurate on her predictions but she has had enough light in her writings that I do pay enough attention to what she says, so I at least contemplate them.
Even some of her failed predictions are interesting. For instance, in the 70's she predicted World War III [Three] would occur in the mid 80's.
What is interesting about this is that in 1978 I received a revelation that unless there was a "containment" that the world would be devastated by 1985.
This concerned me greatly and for the next couple years I did everything possible to prepare for this. Then about a year after Reagan was elected the inner voice told me that the devastation had been contained and was not going to happen. I interpreted this to mean that Reagan did something to delay a great conflagration and bought us some more time.
I got the impression that in 1978 that neither the Brothers of Light or Dark had confidence that Reagan would be elected.
I also find it interesting that Sharon's predictions seem to coincide with Montgomery's, and I do strongly sense that we need to be awake and follow the words and works of our leaders and potential leaders as never before.
Sharon, however, indicates there is a good chance that the Antichrist could be elected president -- unless we awaken and defeat him though free will.
I think the timing of this economic crisis has been triggered by dark forces to influence the election.
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