2008-9-3 05:48:00
It is interesting that in just a couple days since McCain announced Sarah Palin as the vice president candidate that her life has been researched, with warts revealed, more than has been done by the orthodox media on Obama since he has been a politician.
If the same effort had been made with Obama then maybe we would know more details of his relationship with the terrorist William Aires and other undesirables.
And what did they find out about Sarah?
That her husband (who's not running for office) received a DUI a whopping 23 years ago. I'd say that anyone living in Alaska who can go 23 years without a DUI has accomplished something positive.
The worst piece of supposed dirt is that she has a daughter who is pregnant and yet (gasp!) unmarried.
The important thing to realize is that all kids make mistakes and no parent can prevent them all. I have two grandkids myself born out of wedlock and even my super religious family did not look on that as a scandal.
If the press is going to conjure up a scandal it should come up with a good one like Joe Biden's plagiarism or Obama suppressing free speech that attempts to expose his background.
Some say that she deserves to be attacked because her party has condemned unmarried mothers. This is ridiculous. Neither party (until maybe now) has done this. Except for the current condemnation by Democrats, members of both parties have been pretty sympathetic to pregnant unmarried mothers.
Larry Woods writes:
"After hearing JJ's handwriting analysis of Palin, I will vote for McCain, whom I do not like, just to cast a vote for this woman. JJ gave the most glowing character reference I think I ever heard for any public servant and I will hold him personally accountable for everything she ever does."
That's more responsibility than I want Larry. After all, according to the press, she never stopped her husband from getting a DUI 23 years ago. She's intelligent, good at thinking on her feet and a good administrator, but that doesn't mean she couldn't start World War III. Any politician could do something horrific like this. We just want to elect the ones who are least likely to create a major problem.
On the plus side for her she used to live in Idaho and attended my alma mater, The University of Idaho and majored in Journalism. I also studied journalism there, but as my minor.
They key question to ask in voting in the coming years is who will best work toward enhancing our freedoms? I say this because we are losing our freedoms to socialist/communistic agendas and unless something turns the trend around we will wind up like the old Hebrew slaves working for the lazy Egyptians. Sarah's a free spirit, and it looks like she will be much better than most in this area.
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