1999-7-5 15:14:00
Let us itemize the discussed qualities so far:
(1) Soul contact
(2) Holding the mind steady in the light
(3) Detachment when necessary.
(4) The ability to either send or receive
(5) Reflection - contemplation
(6) Talent
(7) The power to initiate
(8) The ability to create and sense a point of tension
(9) Willingness to sacrifice
(10) Discernment
(11) Perseverance
(12) Inclusiveness
(13) Harmlessness
(14) Sensitivity
(15) Trust
(16) Balance
Question concerning number 15:
What are the areas where the disciple needs to demonstrate his trustworthiness as far as the inner teachers are concerned?
How much should he trust others?
How many times have each of us met someone in our lives who said something like this to us: "What's the matter, don't you trust me?" This then seems to play upon the person's guilt and he gives in thinking he is doing a virtuous act and trusts the person whom he does not know that well with valuables of some kind. Than a short time after the trust was given the person who trusted finds himself totally betrayed.
After this happens two or three times the trusting one often turns to the other extreme and then trusts no one and often becomes bitter. Both of these extremes are in bad judgment and not the way of the disciple.
The example of the Brotherhood of Light is a good light for us to follow here. As one approaches discipleship and gains a desire to serve he tackles the problems of maya, controls his physical body and passions. Once this is accomplished, does the Brotherhood the trust him?
Not yet.
Because he can still be led completely astray by glamour and wind up doing more harm than good for the work. Is he of no use then?
He can be of great use, but the Brotherhood does not trust him to always take the right path for they know he is going to do take wrong paths several times yet. They will use him as much as possible with this in mind, but cannot give him or her great responsibilities.
As the disciple progresses on the path he eventually overcomes glamour and is no longer deceived through wrong emotions, overblown ego and most guilt.
Does the Brotherhood now trust him?
Their trust in him is increased as well as his power to serve, but still he is not trusted to always follow the path of light and therefore is still limited in endowments trusted to him.
Because he is not yet free from the great problem of illusion which can trap a person with reasonable purity, ego under wraps and a strong desire to serve.
Then in the next round of progress the disciple slays this seemingly last dragon in the path and stands free of illusion, glamour and maya.
Is he now trusted?
Yes. He is now given a high degree of trust that he will not stray toward the left hand path and his responsibilities are increased according to his talents and abilities.
So is he trusted completely?
No one is trusted to never make mistakes. Even now the trust given to him will be with the realization that mistakes will be made, but the vision of the path will remain.
Is it not possible then that an adept can fall to the dark side?
No matter how high we go we always have free will. However while walking in the light after illusion is overcome the light is almost impossible to betray. Nevertheless, another round of temptation comes when one progresses to a higher level as illustrated by the fall of Lucifer in the Bible.
He was a highly evolved associate of the Ancient of Days and rebelled against the plan of the Great One and became a master of the dark path after his "fall from heaven."
The disciple follows the example of the Brotherhood of Light and makes others earn trust before he gives it to them unconditionally. He always tries to give others the "benefit of the doubt," but where great harm can result by a betrayal he becomes very cautious and will watch his associates carefully until he can ascertain which parts of their makeup can be trusted and which cannot, which circumstances they will handle correctly and which they will not.
Even though one who trusts too much may be a great guy and have a strong desire to serve such a one cannot yet be an accepted disciple for he may wind up trusting a part of the work to a con man who could destroy the whole.
Next we'll talk about balance and in the meantime give you the seventeenth quality.
Rick said something to the effect that if courage is not one of the qualities it should be. I agree, but many show significant courage before discipleship is reached. A certain type of courage is looked for that reaches past the physical to the astral and mental levels and beyond. Djwahl Khul teaching through Alice A. Bailey beautifully coined the phrase "Divine Carelessness," but said virtually nothing about it. Nevertheless, this quality of courage we shall call the art of being divinely careless is the characteristic looked for.
Contemplate this enigmatic phrase and tell us... Why in the world would this be a quality that is looked for? How do you suppose divine carelessness is different from the standard carelessness we see all about us?
Glenys just presented a great account of the dangers the signers of the Declaration faced. Were they divinely careless?
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved