2008-9-1 03:55:00
SH writes:
"Interesing choice McCain made/ certainly 'outside the box.' So we'll either wind up with our first black president, or our first female vice-president. Either way, it seems to suggest laying aside old paradigms."
"If all goes well, at this link is Sarah Palin's signature. Any comments from a handwiting analysis perspective, JJ?
" http://gov.state.ak.us/ "
Thanks for supplying a link to Sarah's signature. I was thinking of running it down and checking it out.
On first glance, I must say that she is quite an impressive person. Her intelligence and administrative ability is much higher than anyone else I have analyzed who has been running for president.
She has amazing rhythm, coordination, balance and poise. Since she knows how to handle a gun one may assume here that she is a good shot. She loves the outdoors, physical activity and is most likely a great dancer and would love sports -- something we already know here -- since we know she was a female basketball star.
She has a stronger than average desire for attention on herself, but about average for a politician.
She has a tremendous ability to seize an opportunity when it presents itself. Think preparation meets opportunity when you think of her. She loves to assume responsibility and will not shy away from it.
Her mind is very synthetic, processes much diverse information simultaneously, she is very quick on her feet and a good public speaker. Joe Biden will meet his match when he debates this gal. Also look for her to put the press in their place when they try and spring traps for her.
She has charm and can get other people to cooperate that even believe differently than herself.
Her intelligence resides in the ability to manage, synthesize and the quickness of her thought and her good memory. She is a great team player and works with what is. She places her intelligence in these areas rather than finding new areas to explore and learn. This lack of exploratory thinking is the only flaw I see in her -- if one could call it that for our intelligence can only be spread so far. She's a good conservative in that she will gather the best of conservative thought and synthesize it. She is intelligent enough to avoid many of the mistakes of the right wing.
She is aggressive, but seeks to not harm. She may suppress some to avoid hurt feelings, but I need a larger sample to verify this.
She is very honest, but doesn't reveal all she thinks. What she does say will be true unless she is backed into a corner.
She is in great health and has good vital energy and is probably the best choice McCain could have made whether it be male or female.
She is likely to give Obama a run for the money in the area of charisma and is likely to become the first female president.
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved