2008-8-25 13:21:00
Martha writes:
"With the implementation of structure comes the ability to DELEGATE. This is something, JJ, both you and Artie need to do."
It's not quite that easy. First, there has to be something to delegate. In the past ten years all I have had time to put my attention is on writing some foundational principles. This is something I must do myself and cannot be delegated.
We have created a secondary group called the Triads which was to concentrate on service and hopefully some delegation but very little real work has gotten done because of it. This is largely my fault because I have had very little time to focus my attention there. It has been most useful in using as a sounding board for different projects and ideas.
I have found it takes more attention to work with people online in getting work done than in working with people in person.
Just delegating something I want done online does not get it done and often require more of my time than if I did it myself. Instead we must work through the principle of initiation. If someone is attracted to promoting an aspect of the work they can volunteer and initiate on their own. This is what Bryan and Melva did with the Archives, and Larry Kennon before them.
Anni West volunteered to translate and publish the Books in Denmark. Mindy volunteered to transcribe many of the gatherings. There are others but the point is the useful work does not get done by me delegating because I do not have time to follow through to make sure the person delegated has all the tools and time he needs.
I have said many times the second step in the work as far as I am concerned is the freeing up of my time so I can do more to promote and work. This day has finally arrived -- at least partially so. At the end of this week we are closing down the sign shop and this will free up significant time (hopefully) We are still going to service current customers so I will still be spending part time on our sign business, but hopefully I can free up time to concentrate more on the essential work.
The first thing we will do is to get "The Unveiling" ready for publication and work on finishing my new book "Fixing America." This is crucial because this is the type of book that can get me on the talk shows where my metaphysical teachings cannot.
The third major step is to get some of my writings out there before the public consciousness as best sellers. Then we can move to the fourth step of creating local groups.
Right now creating local groups is difficult for members but I still encourage it. Anyone who is willing to put in the effort can make it happen. I have given numerous instructions on this in the archives. Just do a search for "synthesis groups."
"I think JJ, you could pick the people you trust the most and let them do what they can for you, your family, and the rest of us."
It's not that easy. When I try this it usually takes more time than I have to follow through. For now I must rely on those who want to initiate. The things I really want done is not fun work and few are willing to do them. When people initiate they pick what they want to do and are more enthused.
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved