2008-8-22 19:17:00
John K. writes:
"So if we are to move into a new age of service and freewill, what are we to do with the 'true authorities' such as the Christ? ('If you love me keep my commandments.') Are they just relegated to the past?"
It is important to remember that the keynotes of the past are not to be discarded, but properly understood. The difference between the Piscean and Aquarian Age as far as sacrifice and authority go, is that during the Piscean age these two qualities were not understood and disciples were often quite blind in how to use them.Consequently, they did not adequately examine the results of their sacrifice, but only asked if God required it.
They did not discern between a real or earned authority and one that was illusionary; instead they only asked if the authority was from God, the king, the prophet, the master, etc.
During the over 2000 years of the Piscean Age humanity has learned many lessons of misplaced sacrifice and authority. Consequently, they are now ready to drop useless or even harmful applications of these aspects and use them in a constructive way.
The point is that sacrifice and authority are not abandoned, but used constructively in the coming age, where lessons of the past are incorporated.
As we enter the Aquarian Age we will experiment with free will and service and make many mistakes concerning their true application, just as did the early disciples in the Piscean Age did with the qualities they were working with.
People will often serve self and think they are serving others. Then seekers will enhance their free will while depriving others of theirs. It will take a long time to get it right, but we must begin even though mistakes will be made. We must make mistakes to advance toward true learning.
Today true seers can see the true authority of Christ as compared to false messiahs. If your teacher walked on water, changed water to wine, raised the dead, made the blind to see and spoke the greatest words ever heard would not any right-thinking person assume he has true spiritual authority of some kind?
In any age one like Christ would gain some earned authority from true seekers and this is a good thing and the correct use of such authority.
But -- because authority is not the keynote of this age, in His next appearance, He is not likely to perform such great miracles to emphasize such authority. Instead watch for Him to do and initiate works of service that enhances freewill.
Copyright © 2008 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved