2008-7-15 05:30:00
I usually reject a post when we receive one promoting some website by someone who has never posted before as it is usually just "spam" sent out to many websites to get free advertising.
However, I decided to let this one through promoting a supposed prophet named Vince Diehl. You might recall this as being predictions of doom for the U.S.A.
I always find predictions interesting. I used to clip them out of the "National Enquirer" years ago when they were into space aliens and sensationalism and then look at them a few years later. It was almost amusing to read them later to see how far off they were.
I found it interesting that Maria indicated that Vince had accurate predictions of the Iraq wars back in 1990, so I thought I would check it out. Always when I read the original predictions by these prophets, I find that they were not accurate at all. Unfortunately, the original predictions here do not seem to be available as these are copyright in 2007 -- not 1990.
If it was copyrighted in 1990, then we could be somewhat impressed as it accurately tells of the two Iraq wars, and names Clinton and Bush Jr. as the next presidents.
What this guy did was take some scriptures from Daniel and then add his interpretations in parenthesis. The claim seems to be that the comments in parenthesis were written in 1990, but I don't think so.
I'm sure Diehl wrote something in 1990 but without specific things such as the names of the next two presidents -- names like "Desert Storm," "Desert Shield," "2003 Iraq War," etc.
Then to make his predictions fit into the verses in Daniel, he jumps back and forth in time that makes it look as if Daniel must have been on LSD.
Then, even after writing this prophesy on hindsight (which seems to be the case) still there are many errors and contradictions.
Here are just a few things:
"Then [after the Iraq War] shall he (Bush Jr.) return into his land (USA) with great riches;" [...]
The opposite occurred. He has spent and given Iraq great riches, not returned with them.
"And his heart shall be against the holy covenant (Bush will openly turn on Christianity)."
This is silly. Bush has been very supportive of Christianity to the extent of putting his money where his mouth is. He gives about 15% of his income to mostly Christian causes and is unwavering in supporting Christianity as he believes it.
"And the king (George W. Bush) shall do according to his will; And he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, And shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods (The Lord of Hosts), and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished (until The Lord decides He has had enough). [...]"
Silly again. Bush has his faults but he doesn't play God any more than other presidents.
"Neither shall he (George W. Bush) regard the God of his fathers...."
Bush worships the Christian God, which is the God his fathers worshipped.
"Nor the desires of women (abortion issues)...."
The prediction of Daniel had nothing to do with abortion and even if it did women are split on abortion rights so one cannot apply either side of the issue to the desire of women as a whole.
"Nor regard any god: For he shall magnify himself above all."
Bush regards his version of God. I see a healthy ego in him, but surely not "above all."
"But in his estate (George W. Bush's office) shall he honour the God of forces (military forces): and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things."
His father also used military force in Iraq so one could say they both, as well as FDR, Truman and others, honored the God of forces. And where is all this wealth that Bush is accumulating? Contrary to the prediction, he's giving it away rather than accumulating it.
I could go on and on but this should suffice to make the point.
All these false predictions just verify my teaching that it is impossible to know all the details of the future even though certain cycles and events can be seen through comtemplation on cause and effect.
"When I was a kid my parents moved a lot, but I always found them."
-- Rodney Dangerfield (1921 - 2004)
Word of the Day
Antipathy -- A basic or habitual repugnance; aversion; an object of repugnance.
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