2008-7-7 14:51:00
Larry writes:
"I would agree with you on that. JJ often simply repeats AAB/DK [Alice A. Bailey and/or Djwhal Khul] as if it were gospel. I presume that works for those who similarly accept AAB/DK.
"Since some of you agree so much on that then I suppose you have nothing much left to talk about other than what level each of you are on (i.e., who is a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., initiate). How interesting."
And Larry simply repeats the supposed words of Jesus and most of the Bible as if they were infallible.
I presume that works for those "born-againers" who similarly accept the infallible word of God.
Since some of these agree so much on that then I suppose they have nothing much left to talk about other than whether you are born again through the blood of Jesus. How interesting.
Sounds kind of silly when your words are thrown back at you substituting your own earned authority.
You have examined the words of Jesus and many of the scriptures and they feel right with your soul so you accept them as an authority.
Why then do you mock us for doing the same thing with an individual who speaks to our souls with as much or more authority than the Bible? Either DK is a Master or he is not. If he is perceived as a Master then it is logical to assume he sees from a higher angle of vision from ourselves just as you acknowledge that Jesus knows more than you do.
We could also say that you simply repeat Ayn Rand as if she were gospel, but that accomplishes nothing. It's much better to just take the subject at hand and do your best to make your case rather than attempting to diminish an argument through association or insinuating mindless following.
"Personally I think it makes more sense for there to be periodic points in human evolution where those who will go forward are separated from those who must go back. If you are working to separate U235 from U238 it doesn't make sense to take the 'waste' from one cycle and then re-mix it back with the more purified batch later on. It just doesn't work that way, so I remain skeptical of your (or is it AAB/DK's) claim?"
The first point to consider is that correspondences are not exact, but only similar. If you try and use a correspondence as a black and white projection then illusion can be the result.
Secondly uranium represents the end of the natural evolution of the elements and would correspond to the end of evolution of man. We are far from the end of our evolution in this system which end is yet millions of years away. When the end of our evolution comes then there will be a permanent separation just as there is a permanent separation with uranium.
One more thing to consider is that the separation of U235 and U238 is not a natural occurrence but accomplished by an outside hand.
At the end of our evolution perhaps sources even outside of our solar system will assist in the final separation.
You seem to think that after millions of years of human evolution to date of the good and the bad incarnating in various cycles that the bad will suddenly cease to incarnate and will never again be able to mingle with the righteous. This makes no sense. Why after millions of years when we are yet far from learning all our lessons would such a drastic shift occur? Why would God or anyone else want to make this unnatural thing happen before needed lessons are learned?
The future will be like the past but on a higher turn. In the past the good and the bad incarnated together but there have always been variations.
In the days of Moses those who were close to Spirit were together with and then separated from the Egyptians and many Egyptians were destroyed. The Israelites were far from perfect, but they were a step up from their enemies, and souls on the other side who belonged to this group incarnated with them.
After the days of Jesus higher minded souls incarnated into the Christian groups and the lower into those of the Roman Empire. There was a natural separation.
There is even a separation of types of souls from one generation to the next. For instance the "Baby Boomers" were a very different group than was "Generation X." From the other side souls gravitated to their appropriate generation. This natural gravitation and separation occurs with races, nations, associations, families, tribes, etc.
There will not be a permanent separation when Christ comes. After future cataclysms and plagues it is quite probable that a large portion of those of lower vibration will be swept off the earth and a government of light will be the norm. In that situation karma will dictate that only the deserving will be able to incarnate to take advantage of such good times.
But no matter how hard the people of light try there is always the temptation to return to tyranny to insure equality and sooner or later the door opens for illusion to return.
Ages hence that door will be permanently closed but we have many lessons to learn yet that will be far from being accomplished when Christ returns.
Note: Since this seems to be an interesting subject group members can post more than three posts on it today.
"Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think; whatever you want, be sure that is what you want; whatever you feel, be sure that is what you feel."
-- T. S. Eliot (1888 - 1965)
Word Of The Day
Redact or Redacted -- (1) noun: someone who puts text into appropriate form for publication (2) verb: formulate in a particular style or language (3) prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting.
Example of Use: "But his statements on torture were redacted by the Pentagon in their publicly released transcript."
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