2008-7-5 08:06:00
Dan writes:
"Neglecting, for the moment, the fact that even 3rd degree initiates pull down great revelations -- albeit with less wide-spread impact -- call them 'regional' revelations as opposed to 'global,' this means that even in the 1930's there would have been 12 great revelators on the earth."
The number 12 was just a guess. There could have been less and not likely more. Revelation is the fifth initiation and how successful a fourth initiate is in bringing down and presenting revelation depends on his progress. Some fourth degree initiates help those farther upon the path of revelation.
"Meaning, assuming JJ is correct about the geometric progression, that there cannot be any less than twelve 4th degree initiates and therefore at least twelve great revelatory teachings (teachers) on earth right now for our perusal! (and given geometric progression, likely a lot more than that)."
The time period for the geometric doubling is not given, but it could be an entire age of 2260 years. Therefore in a period of 100 years we may not presently see a great increase of high initiates.
Also cataclysms where a large percentage of the population is lost could interfere with that progression.
DK [Djwhal Khul] tells us that at the end of our evolution on earth 60% of humanity will achieve a degree of enlightenment necessary to move on and 40% will have to return to another earth like this for more schooling.
I would guess the third degree of initiation will be the goal for that 60%, but that will be millions of years hence.
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