A Few Good Initiates

2008-7-3 10:48:00

Ruth asks if there will only be a small number of fourth degree initiates or higher on the earth at a time. Will only a very limited number ever get the chance at this achievement.

The evolution of initiates progresses in geometrical progression just as does a nuclear explosion. One neutron produces two, which produces four and so on.

As far as higher initiates go we are still at the beginning of the explosion. When DK [Djwhal Khul] was working through Alice A. Bailey he said that there were about 300 disciples on the earth. This means that 300 had passed the third initiation. He never said how many fourth degrees there were but the number would have been much smaller -- like a dozen or less.

So what happens when we have hundreds of fourth degree initiates? How can we have hundreds initiating revelations with worldwide repercussions?

The answer is simple. When the number gets substantial enough the initiates will receive similar revelations and participate together in group endeavors.

Imagine a dozen Abraham Lincolns working together rather than just one. Imagine how potent that would be.

Now Larry also makes a good point when he says:

"Or perhaps the vast majority of humanity will never reach this point on their own and the whole purpose is really only to separate out those few who can. Think of the process of separating out the Uranium isotope U235 from U238. In the end you separate out a sufficient concentration of U235 which is useful from the U238 which is not nearly so useful."


This principle does apply in cycles. Within a cycle a few will attain initiation, but even U238 will not remain as it is forever. It will eventually change its composition.

Even so many humans will not attain initiation in this cycle on planet earth, but such achievement may be millions of years away on another globe.

Through the justice of God all will eventually have the chance to achieve that which Christ has prepared for us.


"Look at all the sentences which seem true and question them."
  -- David Reisman


Word of the Day

Afflatus -- noun: inspiration or powerful impulse, as of an artist or poet; divine communication of knowledge.


Suggested Reading:

Who & What Is An Initiate?