2008-6-26 05:59:00
Thanks, Jarek, for your nice post. Welcome to the group.
You ask:
"Can anyone give me an advice on how to find my 'calling'?"
If you just wait around to be called you will become pretty frustrated. The key is to find a service that you enjoy and will be helpful to others and plunge into it. If you are then headed the right direction your soul will increase your energy and peace and you will know it is right. If for some reason the choice is not good your soul will send you feelings that something is not right.
Notice in your dream you were told to find a girlfriend -- not a love interest. It is quite possible that you need female friendship more than love for the moment.
You say you felt a burning in your forehead during meditation. This is probably because your third eye center is being stimulated. Do not meditate with this burning if it becomes uncomfortable. A tingling is much better and safer to work with.
You say you spoke to the higher self of the ants and they obeyed and wonder if they have Solar Angels.
They do have a group life which is attached to an even higher spiritual life but this takes a different direction than a Solar Angel. It makes perfect sense to speak to the higher life of any living thing. Even if you talk to the wind, as you did, a spiritual essence can pick up your "sound" and respond.
You ask:
"Why would a higher force fulfill my request since there was no purpose in it? Or maybe it wasn't a higher force?"
You asked for help from this group (the Keys) and several responded even though the purpose is no more noble than desiring to get rid of ants. The principle is this:
When the seeker invokes an answer from another living essence and keeps attention on that request, an answer of some kind will come.
"Never confuse movement with action."
-- Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961)
Word of the Day
Perspicuity/Perspicuous: adjective: (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable (Example: "A perspicuous argument").
Suggested Reading:
Index Of Articles On Solar Angels
Index Of Articles On Soul Contact
Index Of Articles On Soul Contact
What & Where Is The Soul?
Study Guides
What Are You Deciding To Become?"
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved