2008-6-25 05:52:00
Around the age of sixteen I became interested in two subjects that was met with skepticism by religious and other authorities.
One day my sister brought home a book covering an assortment of subjects and I noticed that it had a section on handwriting analysis. I read it over and found it interesting. The next time I attended church I analyzed a couple friends. I'm sure I wasn't very good as my knowledge was elementary but it did set off a chain reaction. From that point on I had all kinds of people coming to me wanting to be analyzed. I then decided that I should learn more on the subject and started buying all the books available on the subject. Then later on I took a course from the International Graphoanalysis Society.
Most people in and out of the church enjoyed getting analyzed and didn't give me much grief. The only problem I had was a church publication had an article about handwriting analysis and pronounced it fraudulent. I had a number of people in the church give me a bad time over that, but most had not read the article.
Then about that same time period I became interested in hypnosis. I was always curious about it but there were not any books about the subject that I could find at the time.
Then one day my brother-in-law came to visit and he accidentally left a book on the subject. I studied it carefully and decided to give it a try. It wasn't long before I was hypnotizing kids at church and school and had them do some silly and crazy, but harmless stuff. My interest was roused and I managed to find some more books on the subject and became pretty knowledgeable about it.
I soon ran amiss of the authorities at school and the church.
When school authorities demanded that I cease from hypnotizing kids I asked them if there was any law that I was breaking.
They had to admit that there was not.
I also asked if there was any school policy prohibiting it and to this they admitted that there was not.
I then told them that since I was not breaking any rules I would continue to practice the art.
The authorities were frustrated at this answer and somewhat angered, but there was nothing they could do.
Some church authorities were also upset and I believe it was the Bishop who called me in again. He told me that hypnosis was evil and I should cease doing it.
I asked him if there was anything in the scriptures that spoke of it and he admitted there was not. I then asked him if the Prophet had said anything about it being evil or something we should not
do.He couldn't find anything from the Prophet on the subject.
I then replied that since I was not breaking any commandment of any kind that I would continue to do it.
The Bishop was flabbergasted but he had no response.
There was about a year that I did a lot of hypnosis. Sometimes during the lunch beak at school I had quite a crowd watching with interest as I put someone under and had them do something amazing or entertaining.
I had a friend who was a good subject and I hypnotized him regularly and noticed that he went under more deeply and quicker each time. Now all the books say that one cannot be hypnotized against his will but my friend was so sensitive that I decided to try it on him. To my surprise he went under even when I told him to try not to.
From this I concluded that repeated hypnosis interferes with the subject's will and immediately stopped doing it except for some past life regression that I later got into. Later I bypassed regular hypnosis entirely and used harmless guided meditation techniques where the subject maintains full self awareness.
-- End Of Part 6 --
"The saying 'Getting there is half the fun' became obsolete with the advent of commercial airlines."
-- Henry J. Tillman
Word of the Day
Abnegate: To refuse or deny oneself. Self denial. A giving up of rights.
Go To:
Youthful Recollections, Part One
Youthful Recollections, Part Two
Youthful Recollections, Part Three
Youthful Recollections, Part Four
Youthful Recollections, Part Five
Youthful Recollections, Part Seven
Suggested Reading & Listening (MP3):
New Jerusalem Meditation
Past & Present Lives
Handwriting Analysis Article Index
2007 Gathering
Past Life Regression
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved