
2008-6-24 10:35:00

Jody writes:

"One, judge not lest you be judged by the same standard. Or, if you live by the sword, you will die by the sword. So, if you condone war, will you not suffer the effects of Karma and end up being in a war in a future life?"


First let me state this. It is illusion to believe that Christ and his Hierarchy will never support war. Of Christ it is written:

"In righteousness he doth judge and make war." (Rev 19:11)

This scripture dispels two illusions.

First that it is wrong to judge. But on the contrary Christ judges in righteousness. This tells us that good judgement is a positive thing.

Secondly the illusion that war is always wrong. On the contrary we are told here that Christ will actually "make war" in righteousness.

DK [Djwhal Khul] gives several examples of this. In a past life he says that Christ was Krishna and he made war in righteousness.

Then during World War II he says that Christ and the Masters supported the war against Hitler and communicated telepathically with allied leaders in an attempt to assist.

The interesting thing about karma and War is that DK tells us that the nations that will suffer the results of the karma of war more than the Allies who fought evil are those who remained neutral. He said that the neutral nations did incur a debt for not assisting the forces of freedom when they could and will have to correct their errors of judgement in the future.

In any choice the whole effect must be considered. War is indeed terrible, but a loss of freedom that extinguishes the human spirit is much worse. We must always do what is necessary to insure that freedom reigns or we will suffer a karmic effect worse than a war can produce.

People who are against war in any circumstance must realize that there are worse things than physical injury and death. If you die you merely go to the next sphere and prepare for your next life.

BUT if you loose freedom and yield to tyranny you can suffer an effect that can have a negative effect for many lifetimes.


"So in effect two factions are created working towards the same goal whether they know it or not and we end up in a vicious circle which will repeat itself over and over."


Good and evil are not working toward the same goal any more that Churchill and Hitler were. The Good (Churchill) was working to insure freedom of the human spirit and Hitler (the evil) was working in subjugate human freedom in the hands of selfish authority.

These are two very different directions of the light and the dark.


"I think the 1000 years of peace is just going to be a vacation for all of us."


During the age of peace the pure in heart will incarnate and have a rest but those who support tyranny will not be able to incarnate until tyrants arise again.


"To me, if you condone war, you condone killing."


If you do not support a war to prevent tyranny then you support tyranny. To have your loved ones suffer under a tyrant is worse than being killed.


"I do kind of like the ideal that if you love your neighbor as you would yourself and the commandment thou shall not kill."


The same God who gave the commandment to not kill also commanded his people to go to war. To kill in a just war was not considered a violation of the commandment by Jehovah who gave the commandment.


"So, does the person who kills have no soul-infusion?"


Churchill and FDR had millions killed to preserve freedom but they were in contact with Christ and his Hierarchy according to DK. Killing in a war to preserve freedom is a much different thing than killing your spouse to get insurance money.


"More tough questions: If consciousness lives on after we die, why is it we don't make the decision then to expand our consciousness and choose then not to re-incarnate but to stay as spirit?"


We are here because we are attracted to form and the experience is gives us. That attraction cannot be just ended in a moment. It takes many lifetimes to free ourselves from it.

Think about it. Are there goals and desires that you still want fulfilled? If the answer is yes, then you will come back.


"Do you think those of the dark brotherhood are deserving of heaven?"


Heaven is the great peace that comes from the soul. Since the dark brothers hate the soul they cannot obtain that which they push away.


"So in all reality "Truth" is simply in the eye of the beholder."


I don't think so. If you think 2+2=5 then it is false for all beholders.


"Now, if there was no one to blame, what is the purpose of Karmic Law?"


It sounds like you are saying we are not responsible for our actions or our actions have no consequence. We are responsible and karma carries out that responsibility.


"And how am I supposed to turn to Christ when all I see is the "Works" which follow him and his works have done nothing but created hatred and animosity towards each other creating sect after sect after sect of religions which does nothing more than further the hatred and animosity and the belief that this person is right and this person is wrong?"


You're looking at the glass half empty when there is a part that is half full.

If you read history about how people treated each other 2000 years ago and how they are today you will see a great improvement and much of that improvement is due to the teachings of Christ. There are always bad apples if you want to look that direction.


"So I'm back to square one...hope... I hope there is a one God, one that all of creation came from and I hope he knows what the hell he/she is doing because I don't know what the hell is going on anymore. All you people have given me is mass confusion.

"Really, don't bother answering this post because none of you are going to give me a satisfactory answer -- just let me vent."


Your problem as I see it is you are an idealist who thinks that there should be no pain, hate or discomfort in the world, yet such things abound.

How could there be an all-powerful God if such things exist around us?

The truth is that God is not what the religious world sees but his body is composed of evolving lives such as ourselves and as we progress -- God progresses.


Obama claims he doesn't take money from big oil.

Fact: as of 4/24/08 he has taken $263,000 from oil company executives, family members and employees since announcing his run for the White House.



Word of the Day

Pellucid -- adjective: (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable (Example: "Pellucid prose") adjective: transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity (Example: "A pellucid brook")