2008-6-13 02:13:00
Larry W writes:
"I read your teaching in several places about the Sign of the Son of Man. I understand what you said and I even believe what you said but I also believe Joseph Smith Jr. who said very different.
"In several places JS said the Sign of the Son of Man comprised all the Saints and Christ and the City of Enoch and the City of Melchizedek and the Ten Lost Tribes all hurtling through space returning to Earth whence they were long since taken. He explained that God removed much of the Earth to far off places and it would all be restored in the beginning parts of the Millennium. Scientists would say it was an asteroid or a planet and would not understand it. Some Mormons think Planet X (see it on the Internet) that some people point out nowadays looks like it. JS said it would come up behind the Earth in it's orbit and merge with Earth and, when this is done right, it won't blow up the Earth.
"How does this fit in with your teachings? Could this be one of those dual fulfillments I heard about? I asked this once before but I never saw an answer."
One must keep in mind that most scriptures of any depth have at least three valid interpretations.
The scripture reads:
"And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:" (Matt 24:30)
As noted elsewhere in my writings on this, "heaven" comes from the Greek OURANOS. When we consider that uranium comes from this word, the scripture points toward the atomic bomb as the sign of the son of man.
But another interesting word comes from OURANOS and that is the planet Uranus.
Why is this significant? It is significant because Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius and of course this is the sign of the zodiac that we enter when the coming of Christ occurs.
Where is the city of Enoch and the ten tribes? Uranus is a sign that many righteous people from the past will be reborn here on earth and assist in creating the coming age -- one of peace and enlightenment.
Thus one of the interpretations of a planet representing "The Sign Of The Son Of Man" is fulfilled by the approaching Age of Aquarius.
Is it possible that a literal planet will show up containing the city of Enoch and the ten tribes?
It is possible, but I am not betting on it in the near future though I do believe that planets move in and out of orbit over cycles of time.
"The happiest people seem to be those who have no particular reason for being happy except that they are so."
-- William Inge
Word of the Day
Ad Hominem -- Adjective: appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason)
Recommend Reading:
Sign Of The Son Of Man Article Index
The Mystery Of Christ & His Coming
The Overshadowing Of Jesus
Gods Of The Bible Index
The Atonement Writings
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved