More Unfinished Stuff

2008-6-10 05:49:00

Dean wrote:

"I realized why I am at this group. I think I have negative karma that I need to balance. Not just from this life but something is unbalanced. This is the only way to get rid of it. I need to request that the group JJ especially defines acts or an act of service that I must complete. Which must be a definite decision by either JJ or the group. If it is decided that I make up my own rules. I will simply treat that as being forgiven and do nothing out of the ordinary. If any other set of task is assigned I will have to complete them. I must receive some decision which feels correct that I should do and it must be made by the group directed at me as a way to pay back. No need to ask why this is just how it is."


Great to have you seeking harmony with us once again.

Ruth's DK [Djwhal Khul] quote on criticism was good advice that we should all take to heart, for who among us has not unjustly criticized at times?

It's not our position to assign you any task. I would simply advise you to ask forgiveness for any grievances created and move ahead on the path in a positive way following the highest you know and giving any assistance possible on the way.

When you follow the highest you know the knowledge of how you can best serve will come to you. It may not come immediately, but it will come -- line upon line and precept upon precept.

As for me I am just happy to see you let go of grievances and move ahead.


"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit."
  -- Peter Ustinov (1921 - 2004)


Word of the Day

Flapdoodle:  Nonsense. Silly talk or nonsense (slang)