Importance Of Hierarchy

2008-6-9 05:23:00

One of Mindy's readers asks:

"What difference does it make if I BELIEVE in your cosmology?"


First, let me say this. Everything we think, everything we believe and everything we do makes a difference. Any expenditure of energy or thought makes a difference that ripples forward in the world of causes.

If you believe any teaching of mine just because I say it, then the effect will mainly be to enhance illusion within yourself, even if what I teach is correct.

If you believe what I teach, and that teaching is based on illusion, then illusion is building upon illusion in yourself and will spread to others.

If you believe what I teach because you see a truth through the eyes of your understanding then the effects will be many for truth is a sharp two-edged sword that cuts asunder the veil of spirit and matter and stands forever on eternal principles.

The true disciple seeks to see through the eyes of any teacher and understand principles as he and the highest parts of consciousness available can comprehend.

The key is to always "follow the highest you know." If the highest you know harmonizes with my teachings, fine. If not that is fine also. If you and I both follow the highest we know then eventually we will both meet at the point of truth and be united through the Oneness Principle. Eventually all will see the same cosmology, the way things really are, have been and will be. Until that time one must follow the highest he can perceive and when he discovers error he must make corrections or fall deeper into Illusion.


"My point is that humans have the responsibility to use whatever their capacities are in the NOW to make a difference. Many, in fact, are so inclined, but the human tendency to drift off into etheric cosmological hierarchies is not necessarily all that helpful. UNLESS your purpose is to be 'a JJ'?"


Nothing in any of my teachings lead students to not work in "the Now" to make a difference. The fact that hierarchies exist does not undermine this effort in any way, but enhances it.

If one is a student of DK [Djwhal Khul] then he should accept the fact of the existence of ubiquitous hierarchies for the hierarchy is the main theme of his writings and if the principle behind hierarchy is not accepted one should move to other teachers. There are many fuzzy new age gurus who do not like the idea of hierarchy -- except for them being in charge of course.

Here are some quotes from DK on Hierarchy:

"The chain of Hierarchy is great and immutable and the sequences unalterable." (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pg 758 by Alice. A. Bailey)

"You need to learn the art of reverence, my chela. The chain of Hierarchy is a fit subject for reflection." (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Pg 738 by A. A. Bailey)

"The 'chain of Hierarchy' is a good subject for your constant reflection, and I want you to pay close attention to my recommendation that this concept form the background of your daily thinking." (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Pg 739 by A. A. Bailey)

"In this way, if you will note carefully, there is established a direct linked chain from humanity, via the Hierarchy, to Shamballa. The Hierarchy is working at the establishing of this chain, aided by Their disciples. The demand for the cooperation of all aspirants is now going forth, because the times are urgent. If this relationship can be established (and it will be a sad day for humanity if it cannot), then the third method of avataric expression becomes possible." (Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pg 308 by A. A. Bailey)

"The Hierarchy is a great energy centre and, through the Christ, its energy reaches humanity; this is the significance of His words 'I am come that they might have life.' Life and energy are synonymous terms." (Reappearance Of The Christ, Pg 90 by A. A. Bailey)

"There are other types of consciousness of deep and real importance in the great chain of Hierarchy stretching from below to far above the human kingdom. This is a point apt to be forgotten." (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol , Pg 609 by A. A. Bailey)

"The chain of Hierarchy reaches from heaven to earth and in that chain I am a part. Above me stand the Ones I seek to serve; below me stand brothers demanding help." (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Pg 717 by A. A. Bailey)

This last quote perhaps says it best. A recognition and understanding of the Hierarchy does not cause one to drift off into some useless dreamland, but it fixes him on the path of service and true usefulness. He who severs himself from hierarchy severs himself from life and is as a severed branch that lives for a short time then withers and disintegrates.

The chain of Hierarchy is a chain of life linking the highest cooperating life in the universe to the lowest.