2008-6-6 04:55:00
Dan writes:
"In (re)reading your recent quotes for Woody from 'The Immortal,' I have been trying to make sense of something - If the Principle behind the Tree of Life is the Molecular Relationship (or vice versa) which you have now published, have you then gone ahead and now given the 'Dark Brothers' what they previously couldn't get even by rape, pillage, murder and torture in the past? If so, why? Why/how is it NOW benign for them to possess this knowledge?"
The Molecular Order is no secret among the Dark Brotherhood. Most of their members have been on the path at one time or another and have learned teachings passed down from various masters.
Disciples of the Dark Brothers may not understand it and to them it may be exciting knowledge, but the actual Dark Brothers have molecules of their own.
When the Dark Brothers use violence against disciples of light they do so more for the purpose of stopping them and discouraging their work rather than stealing their secrets. When they do interrogate them for knowledge it is often to find out what they know so they can assess the danger to themselves.
There is one more thing. All the principles known by the Dark Brothers came to them from the Brotherhood of Light and this brotherhood is always becoming and discovering and revealing new knowledge. The Dark Brothers always want to acquire this new knowledge as it is given out. Rarely is there a time that a spiritual teacher is not betrayed and his inner teachings revealed to dark circles.
Philo as Brother Phillippi wanted to stop the Molecular Order from taking hold and only using the knowledge for dark purposes.
The Molecular Order of the Brotherhood of Light taps into high spiritual energy and feeds it to disciples. The Order of the Dark Brotherhood taps into the energy of matter and feeds this to their group. We thus have the forces of matter and materialism arrayed against the forces of Spirit which encompasses both spirit and matter and represents wholeness, or holiness.
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved