To Zia With Love Part II

1999-6-28 20:45:00

I just wanted to make a short comment now and will give an expanded treatise later, hoping to bring more clarification.

You say you did not have a criticism of the Song. I beg to differ. You did have a criticism, but that is not a bad thing in itself and no feelings are hurt and love is still here.

We must always be free to think for ourselves and critically examine all teachings and circumstance. If criticism is presented through sincerity, it can be a good thing if accepted without hurt feelings.

You point out that the words "destructive forces" and destructive thoughts and feelings," represent an undesirable side of the polarities which should be avoided. Now you may be right or wrong, but we are dealing with a criticism of the wording, even though your criticism is sincere and comes from your experiences.

The only way to solve differences in the world of words is to accept words for what they are so we can have a starting point.

When I say the Song I see no destructive forces, but in the first verse, for instance, I see the light manifesting from God until there is no darkness or illusion. I see the light as an energy that destructive force has no desire to approach and does not approach. So in this way I am probably in harmony with you. But actually saying the words "destructive forces" with no fear of destructive forces concretizes the positive thought in the physical brain that you and the group are in a place that evil cannot touch or harm.