2008-5-23 05:01:00
Good comments on the principle of vibration my friends. Here are a few of mine.
Quoting himself from a previous message, JJ writes:
"The greater principle governing affinity and complements is the law or principle or vibration.
"This is Principle 68.
"What does vibration have to do with like attracting like and complements attracting?"
JJ then comments:
The expected answer is that like attracts like because of similarity of vibration. While this is true this answer is not complete enough to provide a full picture.
For one thing all of us have a similarity of vibration on some level. As you know we live in three worlds of form: The physical, emotional/astral and mental. Each of our bodies co-existing in these spheres is governed by one of the seven rays. In addition the personality as a whole is governed by one of the rays as well as the soul and the monad.
If two people's mental bodies were both on ray four there would be a similarity of vibration in this sphere and both would be interested in applying the intellect toward creative expression and both would have a tendency toward some of the same tastes.
The point is that each of us has some similarity of vibration even with people we cannot stand. On the other hand, no two of us have a uniform similarity of vibration with each other.
Like attracts like applies on two major levels. The first is the personality. The vast majority of humanity experience their attractions on this level.
When two meet and sense a like vibration in one of the bodies, and they focus on this instead of differences, there will be an attraction resulting in friendship. If the two focus on similarities in their astral bodies then romantic love can result.
The second level of attraction is through the soul. If two people with soul contact have a relationship, it will be greatly enhanced if they have several of the rays in common, especially the soul ray. But the essence of the soul has a universal similarity of vibration that stimulates love, hope and faith. Those with soul focus will have a great attraction to others with such focus, especially in this world where soul infused personalities are a rarity.
It is interesting to observe how the principle of "like attracting like" works out when applied to those centered in the personality as they relate to those centered in the soul.
At first the personality centered individual may find some similar vibrations that attracts him to the soul infused person, but sooner or later differences will loom before his eyes. He will especially sense the difference in vibration between the soul and the personality and he will not understand it. Because he does not understand he will often hate the soul infused one -- sometimes becoming his mortal enemy.
On the other hand, the soul infused person will be mildly attracted to the personality person but will realize the vibration of the soul is missing. No relation can draw his full power of attraction unless the soul of the two is involved. Once the soul is touched, the personality relationships have little value or attraction to the seeker.
JJ again quotes himself and writes:
"What is the difference of vibration as it manifests as spirit, matter, light and sound?"
JJ then comments:
Yes, these all have different vibrations. Sound is generally seen as the lowest of vibration. Light is scientifically much higher and spirit, which is not recognized by science, is higher still. Matter, on the other hand, consists of many vibrations with many speeds going on all at once. On earth we have very slow vibrations such as the slow oscillations of the planet itself to movements approaching the speed of light within the atom.
When we think sound we think of sound that we can hear with the ear, but there are many sounds beyond our hearing. There are sounds that can be heard by children but not adults. There are sounds that can be heard by animals, but not humans. And there are sounds beyond the range of the physical hearing of any living entity on earth.
The same goes for light. When we think of light we think of light we can see with the eyes, but there are many grades of light in existence we cannot see. On one hand, we have the infrared which has too low of a wavelength or vibration to be seen with the human eye and then, on the other, we have ultra violet which is too high of a frequency to be seen.
These vibrations just relate to the physical, but in the higher worlds there is also sound and light with a vibration so high that it would stagger the imagination of the orthodox scientists.
Quoting himself from a previous message, JJ writes:
"What does it mean when it is said you respond to the vibration of another person? What are you really responding to?"
JJ then answers with the following comment:
The full meaning lies outside the idea of mere similarity of vibration, but more toward a focus on similarities. When an attraction occurs something usually happened first to stimulate the attention so the two focus on that which is similar rather than the differences. We respond to vibration, but first there must be focused attention on that vibration.
Again quoting himself, JJ writes:
"Contemplate comment on this seed thought:
"'In the beginning was the word, the sound, the vibration, the light and the form.'"
JJ responds with:
In the beginning the Purpose of God was projected as a wavelength which was a symbol of the Trinity of creation. All symbols are words, therefore, in the beginning was the Word.
This Word multiplied until the life of God was immersed in sound.
Frequency increased until many vibrations produced differentiation.
When differentiation reached a point of tension, light and form appeared simultaneously.
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
-- Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963), "Music at Night", 1931
Word of the Day
Canard: noun: a deliberately misleading fabrication
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