2008-5-4 18:52:00
In message #34974, JJ previously posted the following:
Woody my Friend,
You have a strange view indeed of light and dark.
You seem to see the Dark and Light brothers and two kindly, but bumbling folks that are playing checkers with each other and the only difference is strategy. The truth is far away from this idea.
Anyone who looks for the two brotherhoods among average humanity will never find them. All but aspiring disciples and higher are moving along the left hand path -- the path of least resistance. It is only when soul contact is achieved that the movement to destruction is reversed. The good part is that almost all do reverse their direction and chose the path least traveled by when greater light comes. These eventually join with the Brotherhood of Light.
A handful resist the direction of the soul and these continue on the path to destruction until all their sheaths are destroyed and they start all over again.
Dan had it pegged well when he said the main difference between the two is their approach toward freedom. The Brotherhood of Light seek maximum freedom for all whereas the Dark Brothers seek freedom for themselves at the expense of others. They are happy to enslave those who do not support them.
Woody writes:
"Perhaps you could enlighten me on how the BoL has all this energy to give. Also, what would 'the multitudes' do with the energy? I thought they already had a lot to begin with. Perhaps the BoL has to stop giving energy and start collecting it from their membership, instead of giving it away. It almost sounds like Bush's tax rebates thing. I'm a bit wary of any organization that says that the top brass is into giving away stuff, when they don't say where they get the surplus from.
All life is interdependent and we all feed each other in one way or another. The difference between light and dark is this -- .
The Brotherhood of Light make an even exchange. They serve and give to their disciples and the disciples serve and give back to them.
The Dark Brothers seek to be served as the top priority and are only of service to anyone below them when it serves the selfish purposes of their lower nature. They take more than they give and thus create an imbalance.
Then in message #34987 JJ wrote the following:
I think that before I give my comments on the principle of time that I should comment on a few of your posts.
First let me say that it is great to hear from John K again. I have always enjoyed his posts and it is always good to see an old timer share wisdom with us.
Woody says:
"Well, JJ, then the world is basically 99 percent DB |Dark Brothers| then?"
Let me clarify here. A high percentage of humanity just drifts ignorantly along the left hand path. That does not make them Dark Brothers but it does make them useful to them. It also makes the job of the Brotherhood of Light very difficult because they can only use the few who have resisted the path of least resistance and chosen the path less traveled by. The job of the disciples is to present ideas that go against the grain of the majority in an attempt to lift them up to the light and away from the control of the Beast and the path of darkness. The disciples are like Galileo telling the ignorant masses that the earth is not the center of the universe. The masses under the influence of the deceived authorities reject this and fight against the light.
A traveler can only enter the ranks of one of the brotherhoods when he sees clearly the two paths and makes a conscious choice as to which one he wants to take.
The final result is opposite as in the beginning. For the first part of the journey all ignorantly follow the left-hand path, but on the last part of the journey all but a few switch over and knowingly follow the path of light. Only the most stubborn and selfish of souls become committed Dark Brothers. But even though their numbers are few their power is great because over 90 percent of humanity are flowing in their direction. Another thing that gives them power is they have many advanced selfish souls to work with through which they can manipulate humanity. Many of these eventuality return to the path of light and only the worst of them knowingly continue on the destructive left hand path. Think of Darth Vader who changed at the end even though he seemed past the point of no return. The Emperor, on the other hand, was too far gone to make the return.
Woody first quotes title of news article link found at JJ's website SynthesisNet.Com:
"'Will New Collider At CERN Create Black Holes That Destroy Us All?'"
And then Woody writes:
"Question to JJ: Hey, aren't protons monads? Could we be destroying living things and subuniverses with this darned thing?
The lives in the subatomic universes are asleep in that sphere and their past intelligence operates on automatic pilot like a great computer program. The lives of the sub-universes have transferred their active intelligence to this one and are seeking expression here in this time and space.
No, a proton is not a Monad. A Monad is a point in the space of the divine plane and expands to a sun called a human being in the physical.
Dean. I actually agree with most of what you have written lately. What's going on?
Bryan asked me to clarify this statement:
"After all some of us live here as much as 25 percent of the time. Creating a pleasant situation is also important for that other 75 percent of existence when we are out of the body."
The 25 percent refers to life on the physical plane and the 75 percent refers to life after death, or between lives.
There is no percentage that fits all as some people are out of incarnation for thousands of years and others hop right back in the physical.
The point is that since we spend more time out of incarnation than in it we do not want to ignore the necessity of making heaven for ourselves on both sides of the veil.
"Do you mean to imply that by using 'living in at least two planes now' -- that we are, at any point of time are able to consciously and specifically focus on, and 'access' these realms and/or all that is 'in/on them?' Or instead -- are you speaking of some kind of 'default' setting that we all have regardless of whether we are consciously aware of these three worlds?"
I mean that the average person is aware of both his physical and emotional feelings and is capable of understanding the difference between the two. For instance, almost all understand the difference between the pain of romantic rejection and the pain from dropping an anvil on your toe.
Now most believe they understand the thinking world, but for the majority this is merely the work of the physical brain at work in connection with the emotions.
True mind represented by the power of pure logic and reason independent of outer authority is only active in about 10 percent of humanity -- and even with many of these the state is embryonic.
Bryan just came out of back surgery so I am glad to see him posting as normal. His fingers finally got a richly deserved rest over the past couple days.
Anyway I'm sure I speak for the group when I express hope that your back serves you well for the rest of your life.
"And in that day when you drop an anvil on your toe, take no thought as to what ye shall say, for the words will be given unto you."
-- JJ Dewey
Word of the Day
Jackanapes: Someone who is unimportant but cheeky and presumptuous. A conceited, shameless or impudent person; a mischievous child.
Suggested Reading:
Principles Of Discovery
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved