2008-4-30 13:21:00
Woody writes:
"That which is right-handed tends towards order. That which is left-handed tends towards light. If you go too right- handed you get darkness, crystalization, book-burning, tyranical kings and total stagnation. If you go too left-handed you get chaos (over-light). If you understand this, then you will see through one of the great hidden illusions that 99 percent of all studiers of these things never see through. By seeing past the conventional interpretations to the heart of the matter of right and left- handedness, then you will see it."
You seem to be associating the right and left hand path with aspects or something like the left and right brain. Such is not the case.
The left-hand path is the path of selfishness that denies the soul and creates a reality devoid of soul so the soul is eventually as if it does not exist. These people can speak of love, light, the will of God and have order, but their reality is not linked to the soul causing a loss of life force holding their sheaths together and eventually they disintegrate and go back to "Not Being."
The right-hand disciple seeks the soul and higher realms and receives eternal life from them and thus can continue exploring and learning from the seven planes as long as he desires.
Suggested Reading:
Soul Contact
Got Soul?
Service & Sacrifice
Copyright © 2008 by JJ Dewey, All Rights Reserved